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Neutrinoless double-beta decay is a hypothesized process where in some even-even nuclei it might be possible for two neutrons to simultaneously decay into two protons and two electrons without emitting neutrinos. This is possible only if neutrinos ar e Majorana particles, i.e. fermions that are their own antiparticles. Neutrinos being Majorana particles would explicitly violate lepton number conservation, and might play a role in the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay would also provide complementary information related to neutrino masses. The Majorana Collaboration is constructing the Majorana Demonstrator, a 40-kg modular germanium detector array, to search for the Neutrinoless double-beta decay of 76Ge and to demonstrate a background rate at or below 3 counts/(ROI-t-y) in the 4 keV region of interest (ROI) around the 2039 keV Q-value for 76Ge Neutrinoless double-beta decay. In this paper, we discuss the physics of neutrinoless double beta decay and then focus on the Majorana Demonstrator, including its design and approach to achieve ultra-low backgrounds and the status of the experiment.
67 - Elvis H. W. Xu , Wei Wang , C. Xu 2014
A two-state epidemic model in networks with links mimicking two kinds of relationships between connected nodes is introduced. Links of weights w1 and w0 occur with probabilities p and 1-p, respectively. The fraction of infected nodes rho(p) shows a n on-monotonic behavior, with rho drops with p for small p and increases for large p. For small to moderate w1/w0 ratios, rho(p) exhibits a minimum that signifies an optimal suppression. For large w1/w0 ratios, the suppression leads to an absorbing phase consisting only of healthy nodes within a range p_L =< p =< p_R, and an active phase with mixed infected and healthy nodes for p < p_L and p>p_R. A mean field theory that ignores spatial correlation is shown to give qualitative agreement and capture all the key features. A physical picture that emphasizes the intricate interplay between infections via w0 links and within clusters formed by nodes carrying the w1 links is presented. The absorbing state at large w1/w0 ratios results when the clusters are big enough to disrupt the spread via w0 links and yet small enough to avoid an epidemic within the clusters. A theory that uses the possible local environments of a node as variables is formulated. The theory gives results in good agreement with simulation results, thereby showing the necessity of including longer spatial correlations.
132 - W. Xu , N. Abgrall , E. Aguayo 2014
High purity germanium (HPGe) crystals will be used for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR, where they serve as both the source and the detector for neutrinoless double beta decay. It is crucial for the experiment to understand the performance of the HPGe crys tals. A variety of crystal properties are being investigated, including basic properties such as energy resolution, efficiency, uniformity, capacitance, leakage current and crystal axis orientation, as well as more sophisticated properties, e.g. pulse shapes and dead layer and transition layer distributions. In this paper, we will present our measurements that characterize the HPGe crystals. We will also discuss our simulation package for the detector characterization setup, and show that additional information can be extracted from data-simulation comparisons.
We report on the impact of variable-scale disorder on 3D Anderson localization of a non-interacting ultracold atomic gas. A spin-polarized gas of fermionic atoms is localized by allowing it to expand in an optical speckle potential. Using a sudden qu ench of the localized density distribution, we verify that the density profile is representative of the underlying single-particle localized states. The geometric mean of the disordering potential correlation lengths is varied by a factor of four via adjusting the aperture of the speckle focusing lens. We observe that the root-mean-square size of the localized gas increases approximately linearly with the speckle correlation length, in qualitative agreement with the scaling predicted by weak scattering theory.
We observe the emergence of a disorder-induced insulating state in a strongly interacting atomic Fermi gas trapped in an optical lattice. This closed quantum system free of a thermal reservoir realizes the disordered Fermi-Hubbard model, which is a m inimal model for strongly correlated electronic solids. In measurements of disorder-induced localization obtained via mass transport, we detect interaction-driven delocalization and localization that persists as the temperature of the gas is raised. These behaviors are consistent with many-body localization, which is a novel paradigm for understanding localization in interacting quantum systems at non-zero temperature.
89 - H.M. Dong , S.H. Zhang , W. Xu 2011
Plasmon and coupled plasmon-phonon modes in graphene are investigated the-oretically within the diagrammatic self-consistent field theory. It shows that two plasmon modes and four coupled plasmon-phonon modes can be excited via intra-and inter-band t ransition channels. It is found that with increasing q and carrier density, the plasmon modes couple strongly with the optic-phonon modes in graphene. The coupled plasmon-phonon modes exhibit some interesting features which can be utilized to realize the plasmonic devices. Our results suggest that the carrier-phonon interaction should be considered to understand and explain the properties of elementary electronic excitations in graphene.

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