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We present black hole mass measurements from kinematic modeling of high-spatial resolution integral field spectroscopy of the inner regions of 9 nearby (ultra-)luminous infrared galaxies in a variety of merger stages. These observations were taken wi th OSIRIS and laser guide star adaptive optics on the Keck I and Keck II telescopes, and reveal gas and stellar kinematics inside the spheres of influence of these supermassive black holes. We find that this sample of black holes are overmassive ($sim10^{7-9}$ M$_{Sun}$) compared to the expected values based on black hole scaling relations, and suggest that the major epoch of black hole growth occurs in early stages of a merger, as opposed to during a final episode of quasar-mode feedback. The black hole masses presented are the dynamical masses enclosed in $sim$25pc, and could include gas which is gravitationally bound to the black hole but has not yet lost sufficient angular momentum to be accreted. If present, this gas could in principle eventually fuel AGN feedback or be itself blown out from the system.
401 - Vivian U 2013
There is X-ray, optical, and mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopic evidence that the late-stage ultraluminous infrared galaxy merger Mrk 273 hosts a powerful active galactic nucleus (AGN). However, the exact location of the AGN and the nature of the nuclei have been difficult to determine due to dust obscuration and the limited wavelength coverage of available high-resolution data. Here we present near-infrared integral-field spectra and images of the nuclear region of Mrk 273 taken with OSIRIS and NIRC2 on the Keck II Telescope with laser guide star adaptive optics. We observe three spatially resolved components, and analyze the local molecular and ionized gas emission lines and their kinematics. We confirm the presence of the hard X-ray AGN in the southwest nucleus. In the north nucleus, we find a strongly rotating gas disk whose kinematics indicate a central black hole of mass 1.04 +/- 0.1 x 10^9 Msun. The H2 emission line shows an increase in velocity dispersion along the minor axis in both directions, and an increased flux with negative velocities in the southeast direction; this provides direct evidence for a collimated molecular outflow along the axis of rotation of the disk. The third spatially distinct component appears to the southeast, 640 and 750 pc from the north and southwest nuclei, respectively. This component is faint in continuum emission but shows several strong emission line features, including [Si vi] 1.964 {mu}m which traces an extended coronal-line region. The geometry of the [Si vi] emission combined with shock models and energy arguments suggest that [Si vi] in the southeast component must be at least partly ionized by the SW AGN or a putative AGN in the northern disk, either through photoionization or through shock-heating from strong AGN- and circumnuclear starburst-driven outflows. This lends support to a scenario in which Mrk 273 may be a dual AGN system.
Luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies ((U)LIRGs) are the most extreme star forming galaxies in the universe. The local (U)LIRGs provide a unique opportunity to study their multi-wavelength properties in detail for comparison to their more nume rous counterparts at high redshifts. We present common large aperture photometry at radio through X-ray wavelengths, and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for a sample of 53 nearby LIRGs and 11 ULIRGs spanning log (LIR/Lsun) = 11.14-12.57 from the flux-limited Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). The SEDs for all objects are similar in that they show a broad, thermal stellar peak and a dominant FIR thermal dust peak, where nuLnu(60um) / nuLnu(V) increases from ~2-30 with increasing LIR. When normalized at IRAS-60um, the largest range in the luminosity ratio, R(lambda)=log[nuLnu(lambda)/nuLnu(60um)] observed over the full sample is seen in the Hard X-rays (HX=2-10 keV). A small range is found in the Radio (1.4GHz), where the mean ratio is largest. Total infrared luminosities, LIR(8-1000um), dust temperatures, and dust masses were computed from fitting thermal dust emission modified blackbodies to the mid-infrared (MIR) through submillimeter SEDs. The new results reflect an overall ~0.02 dex lower luminosity than the original IRAS values. Total stellar masses were computed by fitting stellar population synthesis models to the observed near-infrared (NIR) through ultraviolet (UV) SEDs. Mean stellar masses are found to be log(M/Msun) = 10.79+/-0.40. Star formation rates have been determined from the infrared (SFR_IR~45Msun/yr) and from the monochromatic UV luminosities (SFR_UV~1.3Msun/yr), respectively. Multiwavelength AGN indicators have be used to select putative AGN: about 60% of the ULIRGs would have been classified as an AGN by at least one of the selection criteria.
68 - Vivian U 2009
The quantitative spectral analysis of medium resolution optical spectra of A and B supergiants obtained with DEIMOS and ESI at the Keck Telescopes is used to determine a distance modulus of 24.93 +/- 0.11 mag for the Triangulum Galaxy M33. The analys is yields stellar effective temperatures, gravities, interstellar reddening, and extinction, the combination of which provides a distance estimate via the Flux-weighted Gravity--Luminosity Relationship (FGLR). This result is based on an FGLR calibration that is continually being polished. An average reddening of <E(B-V)> ~ 0.08 mag is found, with a large variation ranging from 0.01 to 0.16 mag however, demonstrating the importance of accurate individual reddening measurements for stellar distance indicators in galaxies with evident signatures of interstellar absorption. The large distance modulus found is in good agreement with recent work on eclipsing binaries, planetary nebulae, long period variables, RR Lyrae stars, and also with HST observations of Cepheids, if reasonable reddening assumptions are made for the Cepheids. Since distances based on the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) method found in the literature give conflicting results, we have used HST ACS V- and I-band images of outer regions of M 33 to determine a TRGB distance of 24.84 +/- 0.10 mag, in basic agreement with the FGLR result. We have also determined stellar metallicities and discussed the metallicity gradient in the disk of M33. We find metallicity of $Z_odot$ at the center and 0.3 $Z_odot$ in the outskirts at a distance of one isophotal radius. The average logarithmic metallicity gradient is -0.07 +/- 0.01 dex kpc^-1. However, there is a large scatter around this average value, very similar to what has been found for the HII regions in M33.
We present in this paper an analysis of the faint and red near-infrared selected galaxy population found in near-infrared imaging from the Palomar Observatory Wide-Field Infrared Survey. This survey covers 1.53 deg^2 to 5-sigma detection limits of K_ vega = 20.5-21 and J_vega = 22.5, and overlaps with the DEEP2 spectroscopic redshift survey. We discuss the details of this NIR survey, including our J and K band counts. We show that the K-band galaxy population has a redshift distribution that varies with K-magnitude, with most K < 17 galaxies at z < 1.5 and a significant fraction (38.3+/-0.3%) of K > 19 systems at z > 1.5. We further investigate the stellar masses and morphological properties of K-selected galaxies, particularly extremely red objects, as defined by (R-K) > 5.3 and (I-K) > 4. One of our conclusions is that the ERO selection is a good method for picking out galaxies at z > 1.2, and within our magnitude limits, the most massive galaxies at these redshifts. The ERO limit finds 75% of all M_* > 10^{11} M_0 galaxies at z ~ 1.5 down to K_vega = 19.7. We further find that the morphological break-down of K < 19.7 EROs is dominated by early-types (57+/-3%) and peculiars (34+/-3%). However, about a fourth of the early-types are distorted ellipticals, and within CAS parameter space these bridge the early-type and peculiar population, suggesting a morphological evolutionary sequence. We also investigate the use of a (I-K) > 4 selection to locate EROs, finding that it selects galaxies at slightly higher average redshifts (<z> = 1.43+/-0.32) than the (R-K) > 5.3 limit with <z> = 1.28+/-0.23. Finally, by using the redshift distribution of K < 20 selected galaxies, and the properties of our EROs, we are able to rule out all monolithic collapse models for the formation of massive galaxies.

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