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We propose and evaluate a neural point-based graphics method that can model semi-transparent scene parts. Similarly to its predecessor pipeline, ours uses point clouds to model proxy geometry, and augments each point with a neural descriptor. Additio nally, a learnable transparency value is introduced in our approach for each point. Our neural rendering procedure consists of two steps. Firstly, the point cloud is rasterized using ray grouping into a multi-channel image. This is followed by the neural rendering step that translates the rasterized image into an RGB output using a learnable convolutional network. New scenes can be modeled using gradient-based optimization of neural descriptors and of the rendering network. We show that novel views of semi-transparent point cloud scenes can be generated after training with our approach. Our experiments demonstrate the benefit of introducing semi-transparency into the neural point-based modeling for a range of scenes with semi-transparent parts.
We present a new versatile building block for deep point cloud processing architectures that is equally suited for diverse tasks. This building block combines the ideas of spatial transformers and multi-view convolutional networks with the efficiency of standard convolutional layers in two and three-dimensional dense grids. The new block operates via multiple parallel heads, whereas each head differentiably rasterizes feature representations of individual points into a low-dimensional space, and then uses dense convolution to propagate information across points. The results of the processing of individual heads are then combined together resulting in the update of point features. Using the new block, we build architectures for both discriminative (point cloud segmentation, point cloud classification) and generative (point cloud inpainting and image-based point cloud reconstruction) tasks. The resulting architectures achieve state-of-the-art performance for these tasks, demonstrating the versatility and universality of the new block for point cloud processing.
Stereo relative pose problem lies at the core of stereo visual odometry systems that are used in many applications. In this work, we present two minimal solvers for the stereo relative pose. We specifically consider the case when a minimal set consis ts of three point or line features and each of them has three known projections on two stereo cameras. We validate the importance of this formulation for practical purposes in our experiments with motion estimation. We then present a complete classification of minimal cases with three point or line correspondences each having three projections, and present two new solvers that can handle all such cases. We demonstrate a considerable effect from the integration of the new solvers into a visual SLAM system.
We present two novel solutions for multi-view 3D human pose estimation based on new learnable triangulation methods that combine 3D information from multiple 2D views. The first (baseline) solution is a basic differentiable algebraic triangulation wi th an addition of confidence weights estimated from the input images. The second solution is based on a novel method of volumetric aggregation from intermediate 2D backbone feature maps. The aggregated volume is then refined via 3D convolutions that produce final 3D joint heatmaps and allow modelling a human pose prior. Crucially, both approaches are end-to-end differentiable, which allows us to directly optimize the target metric. We demonstrate transferability of the solutions across datasets and considerably improve the multi-view state of the art on the Human3.6M dataset. Video demonstration, annotations and additional materials will be posted on our project page (https://saic-violet.github.io/learnable-triangulation).

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