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In cite{Chandar2008}, Chandar et al studied a problem of sequential frame synchronization for a frame transmitted randomly and uniformly among $A$ slots. For a discrete memory-less channel (DMC), they showed that the frame length $N$ must scale as $e ^{alpha(Q)N}>A$ for the frame detection error to go to zero asymptotically with $A$. $alpha(Q)$ is the synchronization threshold and $Q$ is channel transition probability. We study the sequential frame synchronisation problem for a fading channel and additive noise and seek to characterise the effect of fading. For a discrete ON-OFF fading channel (with ON probability $p$) and additive noise (with channel transition probabilities $Q_n$), we characterise the synchronisation threshold of the composite channel $alpha(Q)$ and show that $alpha(Q)leq p,alpha(Q_n)$. We then characterize the synchronization threshold for Rayleigh fading and AWGN channel as a function of channel parameters. The asynchronous framework permits a trade-off between sync frame length, $N$, and channel, $Q$, to support asynchronism. This allows us to characterize the synchronization threshold with sync frame energy instead of sync frame length.
135 - Venkatesh Ramaiyan 2013
We consider a slotted wireless network in an infrastructure setup with a base station (or an access point) and N users. The wireless channel gain between the base station and the users is assumed to be i.i.d., and the base station seeks to schedule t he user with the highest channel gain in every slot (opportunistic scheduling). We assume that the identity of the user with the highest channel gain is resolved using a series of contention slots and with feedback from the base station. In this setup, we formulate the contention resolution problem for opportunistic scheduling as identifying a random threshold (channel gain) that separates the best channel from the other samples. We show that the average delay to resolve contention is related to the entropy of the random threshold. We illustrate our formulation by studying the opportunistic splitting algorithm (OSA) for i.i.d. wireless channel [9]. We note that the thresholds of OSA correspond to a maximal probability allocation scheme. We conjecture that maximal probability allocation is an entropy minimizing strategy and a delay minimizing strategy for i.i.d. wireless channel. Finally, we discuss the applicability of this framework for few other network scenarios.
We study a problem of scheduling real-time traffic with hard delay constraints in an unreliable wireless channel. Packets arrive at a constant rate to the network and have to be delivered within a fixed number of slots in a fading wireless channel. F or an infrastructure mode of traffic with a centralized scheduler, we are interested in the long time average throughput achievable for the real time traffic. In [1], the authors have stud- ied the feasible throughput vectors by identifying the necessary and sufficient conditions using work load characterization. In our work, we provide a characterization of the feasible throughput vectors using the notion of the rate region. We then discuss an extension to the network model studied in [1] by allowing multiple access during contention and propose an enhancement to the rate region of the wireless network. We characterize the feasible throughput vectors with the multiple access technique and study throughput optimal and utility maximizing strategies for the network scenario. Using simulations, we evaluate the performance of the proposed strategy and discuss its advantages.
We consider a data aggregating wireless network where all nodes have data to send to a single destination node, the sink. We consider a linear placement of nodes with the sink at one end. The nodes communicate directly to the sink (single hop transmi ssion) and we assume that the nodes are scheduled one at a time by a central scheduler (possibly the sink). The wireless nodes are power limited and our network objective (notion of fairness) is to maximize the minimum throughput of the nodes subject to the node power constraints. In this work, we consider network designs that permit adapting node transmission time, node transmission power and node placements, and study cross- layer strategies that seek to maximize the network throughput. Using simulations, we characterize the performance of the dif- ferent strategies and comment on their applicability for various network scenarios.
We consider a dense, ad hoc wireless network, confined to a small region. The wireless network is operated as a single cell, i.e., only one successful transmission is supported at a time. Data packets are sent between sourcedestination pairs by multi hop relaying. We assume that nodes self-organise into a multihop network such that all hops are of length d meters, where d is a design parameter. There is a contention based multiaccess scheme, and it is assumed that every node always has data to send, either originated from it or a transit packet (saturation assumption). In this scenario, we seek to maximize a measure of the transport capacity of the network (measured in bit-meters per second) over power controls (in a fading environment) and over the hop distance d, subject to an average power constraint. We first argue that for a dense collection of nodes confined to a small region, single cell operation is efficient for single user decoding transceivers. Then, operating the dense ad hoc wireless network (described above) as a single cell, we study the hop length and power control that maximizes the transport capacity for a given network power constraint.

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