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101 - V. Cracco , M. Orio , S. Ciroi 2018
We investigated four luminous supersoft X-ray sources (SSS) in the Magellanic Clouds suspected to have optical counterparts of Be spectral type. If the origin of the X-rays is in a very hot atmosphere heated by hydrogen burning in accreted envelopes of white dwarfs (WDs), like in the majority of SSS, these objects are close binaries, with very massive WD primaries. Using the South African Large Telescope (SALT), we obtained the first optical spectra of the proposed optical counterparts of two candidate Be stars associated with SUZAKU J0105-72 and XMMU J010147.5-715550, respectively a transient and a recurrent SSS, and confirmed the proposed Be classification and Small Magellanic Clouds membership. We also obtained new optical spectra of two other Be stars proposed as optical counterparts of the transient SSS XMMU J052016.0-692505 and MAXI-J0158-744. The optical spectra with double peaked emission line profiles, are typical of Be stars and present characteristics similar to many high mass X-ray binaries with excretion disks, truncated by the tidal interaction with a compact object. The presence of a massive WD that sporadically ignites nuclear burning, accreting only at certain orbital or evolutionary phases, explains the supersoft X-ray flares. We measured equivalent widths and distances between lines peaks, and investigated the variability of the prominent emission lines profiles. The excretion disks seem to be small in size, and are likely to be differentially rotating. We discuss possible future observations and the relevance of these objects as a new class of type Ia supernovae progenitors.
80 - V. Cracco , S. Ciroi , M. Berton 2016
We revisited the spectroscopic characteristics of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) by analysing a homogeneous sample of 296 NLS1s at redshift between 0.028 and 0.345, extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR7) public archive. We con firm that NLS1s are mostly characterized by Balmer lines with Lorentzian profiles, lower black hole masses and higher Eddington ratios than classic broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1s), but they also appear to be active galactic nuclei (AGNs) contiguous with BLS1s and sharing with them common properties. Strong Fe II emission does not seem to be a distinctive property of NLS1s, as low values of Fe II/H$beta$ are equally observed in these AGNs. Our data indicate that Fe II and Ca II kinematics are consistent with the one of H$beta$. On the contrary, O I $lambda$8446 seems to be systematically narrower and it is likely emitted by gas of the broad-line region more distant from the ionizing source and showing different physical properties. Finally, almost all NLS1s of our sample show radial motions of the narrow-line region highly-ionised gas. The mechanism responsible for this effect is not yet clear, but there are hints that very fast outflows require high continuum luminosities (> $10^{44}$ erg/s) or high Eddington ratios (log(L$_{rm bol}$/L$_{rm Edd}$) > -0.1).

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