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161 - Tim Adamo , Uri Kol 2021
We give two double copy prescriptions which construct asymptotically flat solutions in gravity from asymptotically flat gauge fields. The first prescription applies to radiative fields, which are non-linear vacuum solutions determined by characterist ic data at null infinity. For any two such radiative gauge fields (linear or non-linear), the characteristic data of a radiative metric, dilaton and axion is constructed by a simple `squaring procedure, giving a classical double copy at the level of radiation fields. We demonstrate the procedure with several examples where the characteristic data can be explicitly integrated; for linear fields this also sheds light on the twistorial description of Weyl double copy. Our second prescription applies to all asymptotically flat fields at the level of their asymptotic equations of motion: we give a map between any solution of the asymptotic Maxwell equations and any solution of the asymptotic Einstein equations at null infinity. This also extends to the asymptotic charges and their duals, preserves the soft and hard sectors between gauge theory and gravity, and is related to the usual notion of double copy in scattering amplitudes.
We consider two applications of the factorization of infrared dynamics in QED and gravity. The first is a redefinition of the Lorentz transformations that makes them commute with supertranslations. The other is the process of particle creation near a black hole horizon. For the latter we show that the emission of soft particles factors out of the S-matrix in the fixed-background approximation and to leading order in the soft limit. The factorization is implemented by dressing the incoming and outgoing asymptotic states with clouds of soft photons and soft gravitons. We find that while the soft photon cloud has no effect, the soft graviton cloud induces a phase shift in the Bogolyubov coefficients relating the incoming and outgoing modes. However, the flux of outgoing particles, given by the absolute value of the Bogolyubov coefficient, is insensitive to this phase.
We provide a field theory interpretation of the attractor mechanism for asymptotically AdS$_4$ dyonic BPS black holes whose entropy is captured by the supersymmetric index of the twisted ABJM theory at Chern-Simons level one. We holographically compu te the renormalized off-shell quantum effective action in the twisted ABJM theory as a function of the supersymmetric fermion masses and the arbitrary vacuum expectation values of the dimension one scalar bilinear operators and show that extremizing the effective action with respect to the vacuum expectation values of the dimension one scalar bilinears is equivalent to the attractor mechanism in the bulk. In fact, we show that the holographic quantum effective action coincides with the entropy functional and, therefore, its value at the extremum reproduces the black hole entropy.
Recently it has been shown that infrared divergences in the conventional S-matrix elements of gauge and gravitational theories arise from a violation of the conservation laws associated with large gauge symmetries. These infrared divergences can be c ured by using the Faddeev-Kulish (FK) asymptotic states as the basis for S-matrix elements. Motivated by this connection, we study the action of BMS supertranslations on the FK asymptotic states of perturbative quantum gravity. We compute the BMS charge of the FK states and show that it characterizes the superselection sector to which the state belongs. Conservation of the BMS charge then implies that there is no transition between different superselection sectors, hence showing that the FK graviton clouds implement the necessary vacuum transition induced by the scattering process.

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