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Previously Liao and Shuryak [textbf{Phys. Rev C (2008)}] have investigated electrical flux tubes in monopole plasmas, where magnetic fields are non-solenoidal in quark-QCD plasmas. In this paper slow dynamos in diffusive plasma [{textbf{Phys. Plasmas textbf{15} (2008)}}] filaments (thin tubes) are obtained in the case of monopole plasmas. In the absence of diffusion the magnetic field decays in the Early Universe. The torsion is highly chaotic in dissipative large scale dynamos in the presence of magnetic monopoles. The magnetic field is given by the Heaviside step function in order to represent the non-uniform stretching of the dynamo filament. These results are obtained outside the junction condition. Stringent limits to the monopole flux were found by Lewis et al [textbf{Phys Rev D (2000)}] by using the dispute between the dynamo action and monopole flux. Since magnetic monopoles flow dispute the dynamo action, it seems reasonable that their presence leads to a slow dynamo action in the best hypothesis or a decay of the magnetic field. Hindmarsh et al have computed the magnetic energy decay in the early universe as ${E}_{M}approx{t^{-0.5}}$, while in our slow dynamo case linearization of the growth rate leads to a variation od magnetic energy of ${delta}{E}_{M}approx{t}$, due to the presence of magnetic monopoles. Da Rios equations of vortex filaments are used to place constraints on the geometry of monopole plasma filaments.
366 - E. Dias Cabral 2008
The interplay between disorder and spin polarization in a GaMnAs thin layer results into spin-polarized impurity hole bands. A figure of merit is defined to label the hole state as being extended or localized. The calculation leads to a phase diagram determining the metallic or non-metallic character of the sample. It is shown that samples with the highest figures of merit have a ratio between the extended hole density and the Mn concentration near 0.2, in agreement with the ratio of 0.1-0.25 known to occur among samples produced with the highest Curie temperatures. Both the non-metal-to-metal and the metal-to-non-metal transitions experimentally observed in the ferromagnetic regime are obtained, as the Mn concentration increases. An explanation is given for the occurrence of a maximal Curie temperature in ferromagnetic GaMnAs samples.

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