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We investigate the ionic column density variability of the ionized outflows associated with NGC$sim$7469, to estimate their location and power. This could allow a better understanding of galactic feedback of AGNs to their host galaxies. Analysis of s even XMM-Newton grating observations from 2015 is reported. We use an individual-ion spectral fitting approach, and compare different epochs to accurately determine variability on time-scales of years, months, and days. We find no significant column density variability in a 10 year period implying that the outflow is far from the ionizing source. The implied lower bound on the ionization equilibrium time, 10 years, constrains the lower limit on the distance to be at least 12 pc, and up to 31 pc, much less but consistent with the 1 kpc wide starburst ring. The ionization distribution of column density is reconstructed from measured column densities, nicely matching results of two 2004 observations, with one large high ionization parameter ($xi$) component at $2<log xi<3.5$, and one at $0.5<log xi<1$ in cgs units. The strong dependence of the expression for kinetic power, $propto1/xi$, hampers tight constraints on the feedback mechanism of outflows with a large range in ionization parameter, which is often observed and indicates a non-conical outflow. The kinetic power of the outflow is estimated here to be within 0.4 and 60 % of the Eddington luminosity, depending on the ion used to estimate $xi$.
165 - U. Peretz , M. Orio , E. Behar 2016
Two observations of V959 Mon, done using the Chandra X-ray gratings during the late outburst phases (2012 September and December), offer extraordinary insight into the physics and chemistry of this Galactic ONe nova. the X-ray flux was 1.7 x 10(-11) erg/cm(2)/s and 8.6 x 10(-12) erg/cm(2)/s, respectively at the two epochs. The first result, coupled with electron density diagnostics and compared with published optical and ultraviolet observations, indicates that most likely in 2012 September the X-rays originate from a very small fraction of the ejecta, concentrated in very dense clumps. We obtained a fairly good fit to the September spectrum with a model of plasma in collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE) with two components; one at a temperature of 0.78 keV, blueshifted by 710-930 km/s, the other at a temperature of 4.5 keV, mostly contributing to the high-energy continuum. However, we cannot rule out a range of plasma temperatures between these two extremes. In December, the central white dwarf (WD) became visible in X-rays. We estimate an effective temperature of about 680,000 K, consistent with a WD mass ~1.1 M(sol). The WD flux is modulated with the orbital period, indicating high inclination, and two quasi-periodic modulations with hour timescales were also observed. No hot plasma component with temperature above 0.5 keV was observed in December, and the blue-shifted component cooled to kT~0.45 keV. Additionally, new emission lines due to a much cooler plasma appeared, which were not observed two months earlier. We estimate abundances and yields of elements in the nova wind that cannot be measured in the optical spectra and confirm the high Ne abundance previously derived for this nova. We also find high abundance of Al, 230 times the solar value, consistently with the prediction that ONe novae contribute to at least 1/3rd of the Galactic yield of Al(26).

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