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While in two-player zero-sum games the Nash equilibrium is a well-established prescriptive notion of optimal play, its applicability as a prescriptive tool beyond that setting is limited. Consequently, the study of decentralized learning dynamics tha t guarantee convergence to correlated solution concepts in multiplayer, general-sum extensive-form (i.e., tree-form) games has become an important topic of active research. The per-iteration complexity of the currently known learning dynamics depends on the specific correlated solution concept considered. For example, in the case of extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE), all known dynamics require, as an intermediate step at each iteration, to compute the stationary distribution of multiple Markov chains, an expensive operation in practice. Oppositely, in the case of normal-form coarse correlated equilibrium (NFCCE), simple no-external-regret learning dynamics that amount to a linear-time traversal of the tree-form decision space of each agent suffice to guarantee convergence. This paper focuses on extensive-form coarse correlated equilibrium (EFCCE), an intermediate solution concept that is a subset of NFCCE and a superset of EFCE. Being a superset of EFCE, any learning dynamics for EFCE automatically guarantees convergence to EFCCE. However, since EFCCE is a simpler solution concept, this begs the question: do learning dynamics for EFCCE that avoid the expensive computation of stationary distributions exist? This paper answers the previous question in the positive. Our learning dynamics only require the orchestration of no-external-regret minimizers, thus showing that EFCCE is more akin to NFCCE than to EFCE from a learning perspective. Our dynamics guarantees that the empirical frequency of play after $T$ iteration is a $O(1/sqrt{T})$-approximate EFCCE with high probability, and an EFCCE almost surely in the limit.
Despite the many recent practical and theoretical breakthroughs in computational game theory, equilibrium finding in extensive-form team games remains a significant challenge. While NP-hard in the worst case, there are provably efficient algorithms f or certain families of team game. In particular, if the game has common external information, also known as A-loss recall -- informally, actions played by non-team members (i.e., the opposing team or nature) are either unknown to the entire team, or common knowledge within the team -- then polynomial-time algorithms exist (Kaneko and Kline, 1995). In this paper, we devise a completely new algorithm for solving team games. It uses a tree decomposition of the constraint system representing each teams strategy to reduce the number and degree of constraints required for correctness (tightness of the mathematical program). Our algorithm reduces the problem of solving team games to a linear program with at most $NW^{w+O(1)}$ nonzero entries in the constraint matrix, where $N$ is the size of the game tree, $w$ is a parameter that depends on the amount of uncommon external information, and $W$ is the treewidth of the tree decomposition. In public-action games, our program size is bounded by the tighter $tilde O(3^t 2^{t(n-1)}NW)$ for teams of $n$ players with $t$ types each. Since our algorithm describes the polytope of correlated strategies directly, we get equilibrium finding in correlated strategies for free -- instead of, say, having to run a double oracle algorithm. We show via experiments on a standard suite of games that our algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance on all benchmark game classes except one. We also present, to our knowledge, the first experiments for this setting where more than one team has more than one member.
In imperfect-information games, subgame solving is significantly more challenging than in perfect-information games, but in the last few years, such techniques have been developed. They were the key ingredient to the milestone of superhuman play in n o-limit Texas holdem poker. Current subgame-solving techniques analyze the entire common-knowledge closure of the players current information set, that is, the smallest set of nodes within which it is common knowledge that the current node lies. However, this set is too large to handle in many games. We introduce an approach that overcomes this obstacle, by instead working with only low-order knowledge. Our approach allows an agent, upon arriving at an infoset, to basically prune any node that is no longer reachable, thereby massively reducing the game tree size relative to the common-knowledge subgame. We prove that, as is, our approach can increase exploitability compared to the blueprint strategy. However, we develop three avenues by which safety can be guaranteed. First, safety is guaranteed if the results of subgame solves are incorporated back into the blueprint. Second, we provide a method where safety is achieved by limiting the infosets at which subgame solving is performed. Third, we prove that our approach, when applied at every infoset reached during play, achieves a weaker notion of equilibrium, which we coin affine equilibrium, and which may be of independent interest. We show that affine equilibria cannot be exploited by any Nash strategy of the opponent, so an opponent who wishes to exploit must open herself to counter-exploitation. Even without the safety-guaranteeing additions, experiments on medium-sized games show that our approach always reduced exploitability even when applied at every infoset, and a depth-limited version of it led to--to our knowledge--the first strong AI for the massive challenge problem dark chess.
Cutting-plane methods have enabled remarkable successes in integer programming over the last few decades. State-of-the-art solvers integrate a myriad of cutting-plane techniques to speed up the underlying tree-search algorithm used to find optimal so lutions. In this paper we prove the first guarantees for learning high-performing cut-selection policies tailored to the instance distribution at hand using samples. We first bound the sample complexity of learning cutting planes from the canonical family of Chvatal-Gomory cuts. Our bounds handle any number of waves of any number of cuts and are fine tuned to the magnitudes of the constraint coefficients. Next, we prove sample complexity bounds for more sophisticated cut selection policies that use a combination of scoring rules to choose from a family of cuts. Finally, beyond the realm of cutting planes for integer programming, we develop a general abstraction of tree search that captures key components such as node selection and variable selection. For this abstraction, we bound the sample complexity of learning a good policy for building the search tree.
We study the application of iterative first-order methods to the problem of computing equilibria of large-scale two-player extensive-form games. First-order methods must typically be instantiated with a regularizer that serves as a distance-generatin g function for the decision sets of the players. For the case of two-player zero-sum games, the state-of-the-art theoretical convergence rate for Nash equilibrium is achieved by using the dilated entropy function. In this paper, we introduce a new entropy-based distance-generating function for two-player zero-sum games, and show that this function achieves significantly better strong convexity properties than the dilated entropy, while maintaining the same easily-implemented closed-form proximal mapping. Extensive numerical simulations show that these superior theoretical properties translate into better numerical performance as well. We then generalize our new entropy distance function, as well as general dilated distance functions, to the scaled extension operator. The scaled extension operator is a way to recursively construct convex sets, which generalizes the decision polytope of extensive-form games, as well as the convex polytopes corresponding to correlated and team equilibria. By instantiating first-order methods with our regularizers, we develop the first accelerated first-order methods for computing correlated equilibra and ex-ante coordinated team equilibria. Our methods have a guaranteed $1/T$ rate of convergence, along with linear-time proximal updates.
Tree-form sequential decision making (TFSDM) extends classical one-shot decision making by modeling tree-form interactions between an agent and a potentially adversarial environment. It captures the online decision-making problems that each player fa ces in an extensive-form game, as well as Markov decision processes and partially-observable Markov decision processes where the agent conditions on observed history. Over the past decade, there has been considerable effort into designing online optimization methods for TFSDM. Virtually all of that work has been in the full-feedback setting, where the agent has access to counterfactuals, that is, information on what would have happened had the agent chosen a different action at any decision node. Little is known about the bandit setting, where that assumption is reversed (no counterfactual information is available), despite this latter setting being well understood for almost 20 years in one-shot decision making. In this paper, we give the first algorithm for the bandit linear optimization problem for TFSDM that offers both (i) linear-time iterations (in the size of the decision tree) and (ii) $O(sqrt{T})$ cumulative regret in expectation compared to any fixed strategy, at all times $T$. This is made possible by new results that we derive, which may have independent uses as well: 1) geometry of the dilated entropy regularizer, 2) autocorrelation matrix of the natural sampling scheme for sequence-form strategies, 3) construction of an unbiased estimator for linear losses for sequence-form strategies, and 4) a refined regret analysis for mirror descent when using the dilated entropy regularizer.
Regret minimization has proved to be a versatile tool for tree-form sequential decision making and extensive-form games. In large two-player zero-sum imperfect-information games, modern extensions of counterfactual regret minimization (CFR) are curre ntly the practical state of the art for computing a Nash equilibrium. Most regret-minimization algorithms for tree-form sequential decision making, including CFR, require (i) an exact model of the players decision nodes, observation nodes, and how they are linked, and (ii) full knowledge, at all times t, about the payoffs -- even in parts of the decision space that are not encountered at time t. Recently, there has been growing interest towards relaxing some of those restrictions and making regret minimization applicable to settings for which reinforcement learning methods have traditionally been used -- for example, those in which only black-box access to the environment is available. We give the first, to our knowledge, regret-minimization algorithm that guarantees sublinear regret with high probability even when requirement (i) -- and thus also (ii) -- is dropped. We formalize an online learning setting in which the strategy space is not known to the agent and gets revealed incrementally whenever the agent encounters new decision points. We give an efficient algorithm that achieves $O(T^{3/4})$ regret with high probability for that setting, even when the agent faces an adversarial environment. Our experiments show it significantly outperforms the prior algorithms for the problem, which do not have such guarantees. It can be used in any application for which regret minimization is useful: approximating Nash equilibrium or quantal response equilibrium, approximating coarse correlated equilibrium in multi-player games, learning a best response, learning safe opponent exploitation, and online play against an unknown opponent/environment.
Portfolio-based algorithm selection has seen tremendous practical success over the past two decades. This algorithm configuration procedure works by first selecting a portfolio of diverse algorithm parameter settings, and then, on a given problem ins tance, using an algorithm selector to choose a parameter setting from the portfolio with strong predicted performance. Oftentimes, both the portfolio and the algorithm selector are chosen using a training set of typical problem instances from the application domain at hand. In this paper, we provide the first provable guarantees for portfolio-based algorithm selection. We analyze how large the training set should be to ensure that the resulting algorithm selectors average performance over the training set is close to its future (expected) performance. This involves analyzing three key reasons why these two quantities may diverge: 1) the learning-theoretic complexity of the algorithm selector, 2) the size of the portfolio, and 3) the learning-theoretic complexity of the algorithms performance as a function of its parameters. We introduce an end-to-end learning-theoretic analysis of the portfolio construction and algorithm selection together. We prove that if the portfolio is large, overfitting is inevitable, even with an extremely simple algorithm selector. With experiments, we illustrate a tradeoff exposed by our theoretical analysis: as we increase the portfolio size, we can hope to include a well-suited parameter setting for every possible problem instance, but it becomes impossible to avoid overfitting.
In barter exchanges, participants swap goods with one another without exchanging money; exchanges are often facilitated by a central clearinghouse, with the goal of maximizing the aggregate quality (or number) of swaps. Barter exchanges are subject t o many forms of uncertainty--in participant preferences, the feasibility and quality of various swaps, and so on. Our work is motivated by kidney exchange, a real-world barter market in which patients in need of a kidney transplant swap their willing living donors, in order to find a better match. Modern exchanges include 2- and 3-way swaps, making the kidney exchange clearing problem NP-hard. Planned transplants often fail for a variety of reasons--if the donor organ is refused by the recipients medical team, or if the donor and recipient are found to be medically incompatible. Due to 2- and 3-way swaps, failed transplants can cascade through an exchange; one US-based exchange estimated that about 85% of planned transplants failed in 2019. Many optimization-based approaches have been designed to avoid these failures; however most exchanges cannot implement these methods due to legal and policy constraints. Instead we consider a setting where exchanges can query the preferences of certain donors and recipients--asking whether they would accept a particular transplant. We characterize this as a two-stage decision problem, in which the exchange program (a) queries a small number of transplants before committing to a matching, and (b) constructs a matching according to fixed policy. We show that selecting these edges is a challenging combinatorial problem, which is non-monotonic and non-submodular, in addition to being NP-hard. We propose both a greedy heuristic and a Monte Carlo tree search, which outperforms previous approaches, using experiments on both synthetic data and real kidney exchange data from the United Network for Organ Sharing.
Automating algorithm configuration is growing increasingly necessary as algorithms come with more and more tunable parameters. It is common to tune parameters using machine learning, optimizing performance metrics such as runtime and solution quality . The training set consists of problem instances from the specific domain at hand. We investigate a fundamental question about these techniques: how large should the training set be to ensure that a parameters average empirical performance over the training set is close to its expected, future performance? We answer this question for algorithm configuration problems that exhibit a widely-applicable structure: the algorithms performance as a function of its parameters can be approximated by a simple function. We show that if this approximation holds under the L-infinity norm, we can provide strong sample complexity bounds. On the flip side, if the approximation holds only under the L-p norm for p smaller than infinity, it is not possible to provide meaningful sample complexity bounds in the worst case. We empirically evaluate our bounds in the context of integer programming, one of the most powerful tools in computer science. Via experiments, we obtain sample complexity bounds that are up to 700 times smaller than the previously best-known bounds.

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