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In this work we discuss extensions of the pioneering analysis by Dzyaloshinskii and Larkin of correlation functions for one-dimensional Fermi systems, focusing on the effects of quasiparticle relaxation enabled by a nonlinear dispersion. Throughout t he work we employ both, the weakly interacting Fermi gas picture and nonlinear Luttinger liquid theory to describe attenuation of excitations and explore the fermion-boson duality between both approaches. Special attention is devoted to the role of spin-exchange processes, effects of interaction screening, and integrability. Thermalization rates for electron- and hole-like quasiparticles, as well as the decay rate of collective plasmon excitations and the momentum space mobility of spin excitations are calculated for various temperature regimes. The phenomenon of spin-charge drag is considered and the corresponding momentum transfer rate is determined. We further discuss how momentum relaxation due to several competing mechanisms, viz. triple electron collisions, electron-phonon scattering, and long-range inhomogeneities affect transport properties, and highlight energy transfer facilitated by plasmons from the perspective of the inhomogeneous Luttinger liquid model. Finally, we derive the full matrix of thermoelectric coefficients at the quantum critical point of the first conductance plateau transition, and address magnetoconductance in ballistic semiconductor nanowires with strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling.
We present a fully analytical description of a many body localization (MBL) transition in a microscopically defined model. Its Hamiltonian is the sum of one- and two-body operators, where both contributions obey a maximum-entropy principle and have n o symmetries except hermiticity (not even particle number conservation). These two criteria paraphrase that our system is a variant of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. We will demonstrate how this simple `zero-dimensional system displays numerous features seen in more complex realizations of MBL. Specifically, it shows a transition between an ergodic and a localized phase, and non-trivial wave function statistics indicating the presence of `non-ergodic extended states. We check our analytical description of these phenomena by parameter free comparison to high performance numerics for systems of up to $N=15$ fermions. In this way, our study becomes a testbed for concepts of high-dimensional quantum localization, previously applied to synthetic systems such as Cayley trees or random regular graphs. We believe that this is the first many body system for which an effective theory is derived and solved from first principles. The hope is that the novel analytical concepts developed in this study may become a stepping stone for the description of MBL in more complex systems.
The anomalous Floquet Anderson insulator (AFAI) is a two dimensional periodically driven system in which static disorder stabilizes two topologically distinct phases in the thermodynamic limit. The presence of a unit-conducting chiral edge mode and t he essential role of disorder induced localization are reminiscent of the integer quantum Hall (IQH) effect. At the same time, chirality in the AFAI is introduced via an orchestrated driving protocol, there is no magnetic field, no energy conservation, and no (Landau level) band structure. In this paper we show that in spite of these differences the AFAI topological phase transition is in the IQH universality class. We do so by mapping the system onto an effective theory describing phase coherent transport in the system at large length scales. Unlike with other disordered systems, the form of this theory is almost fully determined by symmetry and topological consistency criteria, and can even be guessed without calculation. (However, we back this expectation by a first principle derivation.) Its equivalence to the Pruisken theory of the IQH demonstrates the above equivalence. At the same time it makes predictions on the emergent quantization of transport coefficients, and the delocalization of bulk states at quantum criticality which we test against numerical simulations.
We construct an analytic theory of many-body localization (MBL) in random spin chains. The approach is based on a first quantized perspective in which MBL is understood as a localization phenomenon on the high dimensional lattice defined by the discr ete Hilbert space of the clean system. We construct a field theory on that lattice and apply it to discuss the stability of a weak disorder (`Wigner-Dyson) and a strong disorder (`Poisson) phase.
We develop a theory of thermal transport of weakly interacting electrons in quantum wires. Unlike higher-dimensional systems, a one-dimensional electron gas requires three-particle collisions for energy relaxation. The fastest relaxation is provided by the intrabranch scattering of comoving electrons which establishes a partially equilibrated form of the distribution function. The thermal conductance is governed by the slower interbranch processes which enable energy exchange between counterpropagating particles. We derive an analytic expression for the thermal conductance of interacting electrons valid for arbitrary relation between the wire length and electron thermalization length. We find that in sufficiently long wires the interaction-induced correction to the thermal conductance saturates to an interaction-independent value.
Certain band insulators allow for the adiabatic pumping of quantized charge or spin for special time-dependences of the Hamiltonian. These topological pumps are closely related to two dimensional topological insulating phases of matter upon rolling t he insulator up to a cylinder and threading it with a time dependent flux. In this article we extend the classification of topological pumps to the Wigner Dyson and chiral classes, coupled to multi-channel leads. The topological index distinguishing different topological classes is formulated in terms of the scattering matrix of the system. We argue that similar to topologically non-trivial insulators, topological pumps are characterized by the appearance of protected gapless end states during the course of a pumping cycle. We show that this property allows for the pumping of quantized charge or spin in the weak coupling limit. Our results may also be applied to two dimensional topological insulators, where they give a physically transparent interpretation of the topologically non-trivial phases in terms of scattering matrices.
When adiabatically varied in time, certain one-dimensional band insulators allow for the quantized noiseless pumping of spin even in the presence of strong spin orbit scattering. These spin pumps are closely related to the quantum spin Hall system, a nd their properties are protected by a time-reversal restriction on the pumping cycle. In this paper we study pumps formed of one-dimensional insulators with a time-reversal restriction on the pumping cycle and a bulk energy gap which arises due to interactions. We find that the correlated gapped phase can lead to novel pumping properties. In particular, systems with $d$ different ground states can give rise to $d+1$ different classes of spin pumps, including a trivial class which does not pump quantized spin and $d$ non-trivial classes allowing for the pumping of quantized spin $hbar/n $ on average per cycle, where $1leq nleq d$. We discuss an example of a spin pump that transfers on average spin $ hbar/2$ without transferring charge.

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