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The learning rate (LR) schedule is one of the most important hyper-parameters needing careful tuning in training DNNs. However, it is also one of the least automated parts of machine learning systems and usually costs significant manual effort and co mputing. Though there are pre-defined LR schedules and optimizers with adaptive LR, they introduce new hyperparameters that need to be tuned separately for different tasks/datasets. In this paper, we consider the question: Can we automatically tune the LR over the course of training without human involvement? We propose an efficient method, AutoLRS, which automatically optimizes the LR for each training stage by modeling training dynamics. AutoLRS aims to find an LR applied to every $tau$ steps that minimizes the resulted validation loss. We solve this black-box optimization on the fly by Bayesian optimization (BO). However, collecting training instances for BO requires a system to evaluate each LR queried by BOs acquisition function for $tau$ steps, which is prohibitively expensive in practice. Instead, we apply each candidate LR for only $taulltau$ steps and train an exponential model to predict the validation loss after $tau$ steps. This mutual-training process between BO and the loss-prediction model allows us to limit the training steps invested in the BO search. We demonstrate the advantages and the generality of AutoLRS through extensive experiments of training DNNs for tasks from diverse domains using different optimizers. The LR schedules auto-generated by AutoLRS lead to a speedup of $1.22times$, $1.43times$, and $1.5times$ when training ResNet-50, Transformer, and BERT, respectively, compared to the LR schedules in their original papers, and an average speedup of $1.31times$ over state-of-the-art heavily-tuned LR schedules.
Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to classify images of an unseen class only based on a few attributes describing that class but no access to any training sample. A popular strategy is to learn a mapping between the semantic space of class attributes and the visual space of images based on the seen classes and their data. Thus, an unseen class image can be ideally mapped to its corresponding class attributes. The key challenge is how to align the representations in the two spaces. For most ZSL settings, the attributes for each seen/unseen class are only represented by a vector while the seen-class data provide much more information. Thus, the imbalanced supervision from the semantic and the visual space can make the learned mapping easily overfitting to the seen classes. To resolve this problem, we propose Isometric Propagation Network (IPN), which learns to strengthen the relation between classes within each space and align the class dependency in the two spaces. Specifically, IPN learns to propagate the class representations on an auto-generated graph within each space. In contrast to only aligning the resulted static representation, we regularize the two dynamic propagation procedures to be isometric in terms of the two graphs edge weights per step by minimizing a consistency loss between them. IPN achieves state-of-the-art performance on three popular ZSL benchmarks. To evaluate the generalization capability of IPN, we further build two larger benchmarks with more diverse unseen classes and demonstrate the advantages of IPN on them.
The goal of zero-shot learning (ZSL) is to train a model to classify samples of classes that were not seen during training. To address this challenging task, most ZSL methods relate unseen test classes to seen(training) classes via a pre-defined set of attributes that can describe all classes in the same semantic space, so the knowledge learned on the training classes can be adapted to unseen classes. In this paper, we aim to optimize the attribute space for ZSL by training a propagation mechanism to refine the semantic attributes of each class based on its neighbors and related classes on a graph of classes. We show that the propagated attributes can produce classifiers for zero-shot classes with significantly improved performance in different ZSL settings. The graph of classes is usually free or very cheap to acquire such as WordNet or ImageNet classes. When the graph is not provided, given pre-defined semantic embeddings of the classes, we can learn a mechanism to generate the graph in an end-to-end manner along with the propagation mechanism. However, this graph-aided technique has not been well-explored in the literature. In this paper, we introduce the attribute propagation network (APNet), which is composed of 1) a graph propagation model generating attribute vector for each class and 2) a parameterized nearest neighbor (NN) classifier categorizing an image to the class with the nearest attribute vector to the images embedding. For better generalization over unseen classes, different from previous methods, we adopt a meta-learning strategy to train the propagation mechanism and the similarity metric for the NN classifier on multiple sub-graphs, each associated with a classification task over a subset of training classes. In experiments with two zero-shot learning settings and five benchmark datasets, APNet achieves either compelling performance or new state-of-the-art results.
We study many-class few-shot (MCFS) problem in both supervised learning and meta-learning settings. Compared to the well-studied many-class many-shot and few-class few-shot problems, the MCFS problem commonly occurs in practical applications but has been rarely studied in previous literature. It brings new challenges of distinguishing between many classes given only a few training samples per class. In this paper, we leverage the class hierarchy as a prior knowledge to train a coarse-to-fine classifier that can produce accurate predictions for MCFS problem in both settings. The propose model, memory-augmented hierarchical-classification network (MahiNet), performs coarse-to-fine classification where each coarse class can cover multiple fine classes. Since it is challenging to directly distinguish a variety of fine classes given few-shot data per class, MahiNet starts from learning a classifier over coarse-classes with more training data whose labels are much cheaper to obtain. The coarse classifier reduces the searching range over the fine classes and thus alleviates the challenges from many classes. On architecture, MahiNet firstly deploys a convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract features. It then integrates a memory-augmented attention module and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) together to produce the probabilities over coarse and fine classes. While the MLP extends the linear classifier, the attention module extends the KNN classifier, both together targeting the few-shot problem. We design several training strategies of MahiNet for supervised learning and meta-learning. In addition, we propose two novel benchmark datasets mcfsImageNet and mcfsOmniglot specially designed for MCFS problem. In experiments, we show that MahiNet outperforms several state-of-the-art models on MCFS problems in both supervised learning and meta-learning.
Recent works that utilized deep models have achieved superior results in various image restoration applications. Such approach is typically supervised which requires a corpus of training images with distribution similar to the images to be recovered. On the other hand, the shallow methods which are usually unsupervised remain promising performance in many inverse problems, eg, image compressive sensing (CS), as they can effectively leverage non-local self-similarity priors of natural images. However, most of such methods are patch-based leading to the restored images with various ringing artifacts due to naive patch aggregation. Using either approach alone usually limits performance and generalizability in image restoration tasks. In this paper, we propose a joint low-rank and deep (LRD) image model, which contains a pair of triply complementary priors, namely textit{external} and textit{internal}, textit{deep} and textit{shallow}, and textit{local} and textit{non-local} priors. We then propose a novel hybrid plug-and-play (H-PnP) framework based on the LRD model for image CS. To make the optimization tractable, a simple yet effective algorithm is proposed to solve the proposed H-PnP based image CS problem. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed H-PnP algorithm significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques for image CS recovery such as SCSNet and WNNM.
Is recurrent network really necessary for learning a good visual representation for video based person re-identification (VPRe-id)? In this paper, we first show that the common practice of employing recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to aggregate tempo ral spatial features may not be optimal. Specifically, with a diagnostic analysis, we show that the recurrent structure may not be effective to learn temporal dependencies than what we expected and implicitly yields an orderless representation. Based on this observation, we then present a simple yet surprisingly powerful approach for VPRe-id, where we treat VPRe-id as an efficient orderless ensemble of image based person re-identification problem. More specifically, we divide videos into individual images and re-identify person with ensemble of image based rankers. Under the i.i.d. assumption, we provide an error bound that sheds light upon how could we improve VPRe-id. Our work also presents a promising way to bridge the gap between video and image based person re-identification. Comprehensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves state-of-the-art performances on multiple widely used datasets (iLIDS-VID, PRID 2011, and MARS).
Machine learning algorithms are often vulnerable to adversarial examples that have imperceptible alterations from the original counterparts but can fool the state-of-the-art models. It is helpful to evaluate or even improve the robustness of these mo dels by exposing the maliciously crafted adversarial examples. In this paper, we present TextFooler, a simple but strong baseline to generate natural adversarial text. By applying it to two fundamental natural language tasks, text classification and textual entailment, we successfully attacked three target models, including the powerful pre-trained BERT, and the widely used convolutional and recurrent neural networks. We demonstrate the advantages of this framework in three ways: (1) effective---it outperforms state-of-the-art attacks in terms of success rate and perturbation rate, (2) utility-preserving---it preserves semantic content and grammaticality, and remains correctly classified by humans, and (3) efficient---it generates adversarial text with computational complexity linear to the text length. *The code, pre-trained target models, and test examples are available at https://github.com/jind11/TextFooler.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown great performance as general feature representations for object recognition applications. However, for multi-label images that contain multiple objects from different categories, scales and locations, g lobal CNN features are not optimal. In this paper, we incorporate local information to enhance the feature discriminative power. In particular, we first extract object proposals from each image. With each image treated as a bag and object proposals extracted from it treated as instances, we transform the multi-label recognition problem into a multi-class multi-instance learning problem. Then, in addition to extracting the typical CNN feature representation from each proposal, we propose to make use of ground-truth bounding box annotations (strong labels) to add another level of local information by using nearest-neighbor relationships of local regions to form a multi-view pipeline. The proposed multi-view multi-instance framework utilizes both weak and strong labels effectively, and more importantly it has the generalization ability to even boost the performance of unseen categories by partial strong labels from other categories. Our framework is extensively compared with state-of-the-art hand-crafted feature based methods and CNN based methods on two multi-label benchmark datasets. The experimental results validate the discriminative power and the generalization ability of the proposed framework. With strong labels, our framework is able to achieve state-of-the-art results in both datasets.

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