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Motivated by experimental observation of the non-magnetic phase in the compounds with frustration and disorder, we study the ground state of the spin-$1/2$ square-lattice Heisenberg model with randomly distributed nearest-neighbor $J_1$ and next-near est-neighbor $J_2$ couplings. By using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculation on cylinder system with circumference up to $10$ lattice sites, we identify a disordered phase between the Neel and stripe magnetic phase with growing $J_2 / J_1$ in the presence of strong randomness. The vanished spin-freezing parameter indicates the absent spin glass order. The large-scale DMRG results unveil the size-scaling behaviors of the spin-freezing parameter, the power-law decay of average spin correlation, and the exponential decay of typical spin correlation, which all agree with the corresponding behavior in the one-dimensional random singlet (RS) state and characterize the RS nature of this non-magnetic state. The DMRG simulation also opens new insight and opportunities for characterizing a class of non-magnetic states in two-dimensional frustrated magnets with disorder. We also compare with existing experiments and suggest more measurements for understanding the spin-liquid-like behavior in the double perovskite Sr$_2$CuTe$_{1-x}$W$_{x}$O$_6$.

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