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Graph matching aims to establish correspondences between vertices of graphs such that both the node and edge attributes agree. Various learning-based methods were recently proposed for finding correspondences between image key points based on deep gr aph matching formulations. While these approaches mainly focus on learning node and edge attributes, they completely ignore the 3D geometry of the underlying 3D objects depicted in the 2D images. We fill this gap by proposing a trainable framework that takes advantage of graph neural networks for learning a deformable 3D geometry model from inhomogeneous image collections, i.e. a set of images that depict different instances of objects from the same category. Experimentally we demonstrate that our method outperforms recent learning-based approaches for graph matching considering both accuracy and cycle-consistency error, while we in addition obtain the underlying 3D geometry of the objects depicted in the 2D images.
We present the first deep implicit 3D morphable model (i3DMM) of full heads. Unlike earlier morphable face models it not only captures identity-specific geometry, texture, and expressions of the frontal face, but also models the entire head, includin g hair. We collect a new dataset consisting of 64 people with different expressions and hairstyles to train i3DMM. Our approach has the following favorable properties: (i) It is the first full head morphable model that includes hair. (ii) In contrast to mesh-based models it can be trained on merely rigidly aligned scans, without requiring difficult non-rigid registration. (iii) We design a novel architecture to decouple the shape model into an implicit reference shape and a deformation of this reference shape. With that, dense correspondences between shapes can be learned implicitly. (iv) This architecture allows us to semantically disentangle the geometry and color components, as color is learned in the reference space. Geometry is further disentangled as identity, expressions, and hairstyle, while color is disentangled as identity and hairstyle components. We show the merits of i3DMM using ablation studies, comparisons to state-of-the-art models, and applications such as semantic head editing and texture transfer. We will make our model publicly available.
We consider the problem of inverse kinematics (IK), where one wants to find the parameters of a given kinematic skeleton that best explain a set of observed 3D joint locations. The kinematic skeleton has a tree structure, where each node is a joint t hat has an associated geometric transformation that is propagated to all its child nodes. The IK problem has various applications in vision and graphics, for example for tracking or reconstructing articulated objects, such as human hands or bodies. Most commonly, the IK problem is tackled using local optimisation methods. A major downside of these approaches is that, due to the non-convex nature of the problem, such methods are prone to converge to unwanted local optima and therefore require a good initialisation. In this paper we propose a convex optimisation approach for the IK problem based on semidefinite programming, which admits a polynomial-time algorithm that globally solves (a relaxation of) the IK problem. Experimentally, we demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms local optimisation methods using different real-world skeletons.

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