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293 - Sujay Ray , Tanmoy Das 2021
The recent discovery of two-dimensional (2D) Van der Waals (VdW) magnets is a crucial turning point in the quantum magnet research field, since quantum fluctuations and experimental difficulties often elude stable magnetic orders in 2D. This opens ne w doors to delve for novel quantum and topological spin configurations, which may or may not have direct analogs in bulk counterparts. Here we study a twisted bilayer geometry of 2D magnets in which long-range spin-spin interactions naturally commence along the inter-layer Heisenberg ($J_{perp}$) and dipole-dipole ($J_{rm D}$) channels. The $J_{perp}-J_{rm D}$ parameter space unveils a hierarchy of distinct skyrmions phases, ranging from point-, rod-, and ring-shaped topological charge distributions. Furthermore, we predict a novel topological antiferroelectric phase, where oppositely-charged antiskyrmion pairs are formed, and the corresponding topological dipole moments become ordered in a Neel-like state $-$ hence dubbed topological antiferroelectric state. The results indicate that twisted magnetic layer provides a new setting to engineer and tune a plethora of novel and exotic skyrmion phases and their dynamics.
With the advent of mobile and hand-held cameras, document images have found their way into almost every domain. Dewarping of these images for the removal of perspective distortions and folds is essential so that they can be understood by document rec ognition algorithms. For this, we propose an end-to-end CNN architecture that can produce distortion free document images from warped documents it takes as input. We train this model on warped document images simulated synthetically to compensate for lack of enough natural data. Our method is novel in the use of a bifurcated decoder with shared weights to prevent intermingling of grid coordinates, in the use of residual networks in the U-Net skip connections to allow flow of data from different receptive fields in the model, and in the use of a gated network to help the model focus on structure and line level detail of the document image. We evaluate our method on the DocUNet dataset, a benchmark in this domain, and obtain results comparable to state-of-the-art methods.
Employing first-principles density functional theory calculations and Wannierization of the low energy band structure, we analyze the electronic structure of undoped, infinite-layer nickelate compounds, NdNiO$_2$, PrNiO$_2$ and LaNiO$_2$. Our study r eveals important role of non-zero $f$-ness of Nd and Pr atoms, as opposed to $f^{0}$ occupancy of La. The non-zero $f$-ness becomes effective in lowering the energy of the rare-earth 5$d$ hybridized axial orbital, thereby enhancing the electron pockets and influencing the Fermi surface topology. The Fermi surface topology of NdNiO$_2$ and PrNiO$_2$ is strikingly similar, while differences are observed for LaNiO$_2$. This difference shows up in computed doping dependent superconducting properties of the three compounds within a weak coupling theory. We find two gap superconductivity for NdNiO$_2$ and PrNiO$_2$, and possibility of a single gap superconductivity for LaNiO$_2$ with the strength of superconductivity suppressed by almost a factor of two, compared to Nd or Pr compound.
Capturing images of documents is one of the easiest and most used methods of recording them. These images however, being captured with the help of handheld devices, often lead to undesirable distortions that are hard to remove. We propose a supervise d Gated and Bifurcated Stacked U-Net module to predict a dewarping grid and create a distortion free image from the input. While the network is trained on synthetically warped document images, results are calculated on the basis of real world images. The novelty in our methods exists not only in a bifurcation of the U-Net to help eliminate the intermingling of the grid coordinates, but also in the use of a gated network which adds boundary and other minute line level details to the model. The end-to-end pipeline proposed by us achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DocUNet dataset after being trained on just 8 percent of the data used in previous methods.
In the present study, we explore superconductivity in NdNiO$_2$ and LaNiO$_2$ employing a first-principles derived low-energy model Hamiltonian, consisting of two orbitals: Ni $x^{2}$-$y^{2}$, and an {it axial} orbital. The {it axial} orbital is cons tructed out of Nd/La $d$, Ni 3$z^{2}$-$r^{2}$ and Ni $s$ characters. Calculation of the superconducting pairing symmetry and pairing eigenvalue of the spin-fluctuation mediated pairing interaction underlines the crucial role of inter-orbital Hubbard interaction in superconductivity, which turns out to be orbital-selective. The axial orbital brings in materials dependence in the problem, making NdNiO$_2$ different from LaNiO$_2$, thereby controlling the inter-orbital Hubbard interaction assisted superconductivity.
The origin of simultaneous electronic, structural and magnetic transitions in bulk rare-earth nickelates ($RE$NiO$_3$) remains puzzling with multiple conflicting reports on the nature of these entangled phase transitions. Heterostructure engineering of these materials offers unique opportunity to decouple metal-insulator transition (MIT) from the magnetic transition. However, the evolution of underlying electronic properties across these decoupled transitions remains largely unexplored. In order to address this, we have measured Hall effect on a series of epitaxial NdNiO$_3$ films, spanning a variety of electronic and magnetic phases. We find that the MIT results in only partially gapped Fermi surface, whereas full insulating phase forms below the magnetic transition. In addition, we also find a systematic reduction of the Hall coefficient ($R_H$) in the metallic phase of these films with epitaxial strain and also a surprising transition to negative value at large compressive strain. Partially gapped weakly insulating, paramagnetic phase is reminiscence of pseudogap behavior of high $T_c$ cuprates. The precursor metallic phase, which undergoes transition to insulating phase is a non-Fermi liquid with the temperature exponent ($n$) of resistivity of 1, whereas the exponent increases to 4/3 in the non-insulating samples. Such nickelate phase diagram with sign-reversal of $R_H$, pseudo-gap phase and non Fermi liquid behavior are intriguingly similar to high $T_c$ cuprates, giving important guideline to engineer unconventional superconductivity in oxide heterostructure.
Unconventional superconductivity often arises from Cooper pairing between neighboring atomic sites, stipulating a characteristic pairing symmetry in the reciprocal space. The twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) presents a new setting where superconductivi ty emerges on the flat bands whose Wannier wavefunctions spread over many graphene unit cells, forming the so-called Moire pattern. To unravel how Wannier states form Cooper pairs, we study the interplay between electronic, structural, and pairing instabilities in TBG. For comparisons, we also study graphene on boron-nitride (GBN) possessing a different Moire pattern, and single-layer graphene (SLG) without a Moire pattern. For all cases, we compute the pairing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions by solving a linearized superconducting gap equation, where the spin-fluctuation mediated pairing potential is evaluated from materials specific tight-binding band structures. We find an extended $s$-wave as the leading pairing symmetry in TBG, in which the nearest-neighbor Wannier sites form Cooper pairs with same phase. In contrast, GBN assumes a $p+ip$-wave pairing between nearest-neighbor Wannier states with odd-parity phase, while SLG has the $d+id$-wave symmetry for inter-sublattice pairing with even-parity phase. Moreover, while $p+ip$, and $d+id$ pairings are chiral, and nodeless, but the extended $s$-wave channel possesses accidental {it nodes}. The nodal pairing symmetry makes it easily distinguishable via power-law dependencies in thermodynamical entities, in addition to their direct visualization via spectroscopies.
89 - P. Neha , P.K.Biswas , Tanmoy Das 2018
The single helical Fermi surface on the surface state of three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 is constrained by the time-reversal invariant bulk topology to possess a spin-singlet superconducting pairing symmetry. In fact, the Cu-doped, and pressure-tuned superconducting Bi2Se3 show no evidence of the time reversal symmetry breaking. We report on the detection of the time reversal symmetry (TRS) breaking in the topological superconductor Sr0.1Bi2Se3 , probed by zero-field (ZF) {mu}SR measurements. The TRS breaking provides strong evidence for the existence of spin-triplet pairing state. The temperature dependent super-fluid density deduced from transverse-field (TF) {mu}SR measurement yields nodeless superconductivity with low superconducting carrier density and penetration depth {lambda} = 1622(134) nm. From the microscopic theory of unconventional pairing, we find that such a fully gapped spin triplet pairing channel is promoted by the complex interplay between the structural hexagonal warping and higher order Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling terms. Based on Ginzburg-Landau analysis, we delineate the mixing of singlet to triplet pairing symmetry as the chemical potential is tuned far above from the Dirac cone. Our observation of such spontaneous TRS breaking chiral superconductivity on a helical surface state, protected by the TRS invariant bulk topology, can open new avenues for interesting research and applications.
84 - Sujay Ray , Tanmoy Das 2017
Various angle-dependent measurements in hole-doped cuprates suggested that Non-Fermi liquid (NFL) and Fermi-liquid (FL) self-energies coexist in the Brillouin zone. Moreover, it is also found that NFL self-energies survive up to the overdoped region where the resistivity features a global FL-behavior. To address this problem, here we compute the momentum dependent self-energy from a single band Hubbard model. The self-energy is calculated self-consistently by using a momentum-dependent density-fluctuation (MRDF) method. One of our main result is that the computed self-energy exhibits a NFL-like frequency dependence only in the antinodal region, and FL-like behavior elsewhere, and retains its analytic form at all momenta and dopings. The dominant source of NFL self-energy in the antinodal region stems from the self-energy-dressed fluctuations between the itinerant and localized densities as self-consistency is invoked. We also calculate the DC conductivity by including the full momentum dependent self-energy. We find that the resistivity-temperature exponent n becomes 1 near the optimal doping, while the NFL self-energy occupies largest momentum-space volume. Surprisingly, even in the NFL state near the optimal doping, the nodal region contains FL-like self-energies; while in the under- and over-dopings (n ~ 2), the antinodal region remains NFL-like. These results highlight the non-local correlation physics in cuprates and in other similar intermediately correlated materials, where a direct link between the microscopic single-particle spectral properties and the macroscopic transport behavior can not be well established.
We have used Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) and dynamical susceptibility calculations to study the magnetic excitations in NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As (x = 0, 0.03, and 0.08). Despite a relatively low ordered magnetic moment, collective magnetic modes are observed in parent compounds (x = 0) and persist in optimally (x = 0.03) and overdoped (x = 0.08) samples. Their magnetic bandwidths are unaffected by doping within the range investigated. High energy magnetic excitations in iron pnictides are robust against doping, and present irrespectively of the ordered magnetic moment. Nevertheless, Co doping slightly reduces the overall magnetic spectral weight, differently from previous studies on hole-doped BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$, where it was observed constant. Finally, we demonstrate that the doping evolution of magnetic modes is different for the dopants being inside or outside the Fe-As layer.

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