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Temperature dependence of pion and sigma-meson screening masses is evaluated by the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with the entanglement vertex (EPNJL model). We propose a practical way of calculating meson screening masses in the N JL-type effective models. The method based on the Pauli-Villars regularization solves the well-known difficulty that the evaluation of screening masses is not easy in the NJL-type effective models. The method is applied to analyze temperature dependence of pion screening masses calculated with state-of-the-art lattice simulations with success in reproducing the lattice QCD results. We predict the temperature dependence of pole mass by using EPNJL model.
Temperature dependence of pion and sigma-meson screening masses is evaluated by the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with the entanglement vertex. We propose a practical way of calculating meson screening masses in the NJL-type effective models. The method based on the Pauli-Villars regularization solves the well-known difficulty that the evaluaton of screening masses is not easy in the NJL-type effective models.The PNJL model with the entanglement vertex and the Pauli-Villars regularization well reproduces lattice QCD results on temperature dependence of the chiral condensate and the Polyakov loop. The method is applied to analyze temperature dependence of pion screening mass calculated with state-of-the-art lattice simulations with success in reproducing the lattice QCD results.
We investigate chemical-potential ($mu$) dependence of the static-quark free energies in both the real and imaginary $mu$ regions, using the clover-improved two-flavor Wilson fermion action and the renormalization-group improved Iwasaki gauge action. Static-quark potentials are evaluated from Polyakov-loop correlators in the deconfinement phase and the imaginary $mu=imu_{rm I}$ region and extrapolated to the real $mu$ region with analytic continuation. As the analytic continuation, the potential calculated at imaginary $mu=imu_{rm I}$ is expanded into a Taylor-expansion series of $imu_{rm I}/T$ up to 4th order and the pure imaginary variable $imu_{rm I}/T$ is replaced by the real one $mu_{rm R}/T$. At real $mu$, the 4th-order term weakens $mu$ dependence of the potential sizably. Also, the color-Debye screening mass is extracted from the color-singlet potential at imaginary $mu$, and the mass is extrapolated to real $mu$ by analytic continuation. The screening mass thus obtained has stronger $mu$ dependence than the prediction of the leading-order thermal perturbation theory at both real and imaginary $mu$.
We determine the quark-hadron transition line in the whole region of temperature (T) and baryon-number chemical potential (mu_B) from lattice QCD results and neutron-star mass measurements, making the quark-hadron hybrid model that is consistent with the two solid constraints. The quark part of the hybrid model is the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with entanglement vertex that reproduces lattice QCD results at mu_B/T=0, while the hadron part is the hadron resonance gas model with volume-exclusion effect that reproduces neutron-star mass measurements and the neutron-matter equation of state calculated from two- and three-nucleon forces based on the chiral effective field theory. The lower bound of the critical mu_B of the quark-hadron transition at zero T is mu_B = 1.6 GeV. The interplay between the heavy-ion collision physics around mu_B/T =6 and the neutron-star physics where mu_B/T is infinity is discussed.
We investigate a way of circumventing the sign problem in lattice QCD simulations with a theta-vacuum term, using the PNJL model. We consider the reweighting method for the QCD Lagrangian after the U_A(1) transformation. In the Lagrangian, the P-odd mass term as a cause of the sign problem is minimized. In order to find out a good reference system in the reweighting method, we estimate the average reweighting factor by using the two-flavor PNJL model and eventually find a good reference system.
We propose a practical way of circumventing the sign problem in lattice QCD simulations with a theta-vacuum term. This method is the reweighting method for the QCD Lagrangian after the chiral transformation. In the Lagrangian, the P-odd mass term as a cause of the sign problem is minimized. Additionally, we investigate theta-vacuum effects on the QCD phase diagram for the realistic 2+1 flavor system, using the three-flavor Polyakov-extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model and the entanglement PNJL model as an extension of the PNJL model. The theta-vacuum effects make the chiral transition sharper. We finally investigate theta dependence of the transition temperature and compare with the result of the pure gauge lattice simulation with imaginary theta parameter.
We propose a practical way of circumventing the sign problem in lattice QCD simulations with a theta-vacuum term. This method is the reweighting method for the QCD Lagrangian after the U_A(1) transformation. In the Lagrangian, the P-odd mass term as a cause of the sign problem is minimized. In order to find out a good reference system in the reweighting method, we estimate the average reweighting factor by using the two-flavor NJL model and eventually find a good reference system.
We investigate theta-vacuum effects on the QCD phase diagram for the realistic 2+1 flavor system, using the three-flavor Polyakov-extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model and the entanglement PNJL model as an extension of the PNJL model. The theta-va cuum effects make the chiral transition sharper. For large theta-vacuum angle the chiral transition becomes first order even if the quark number chemical potential is zero, when the entanglement coupling between the chiral condensate and the Polyakov loop is taken into account. We finally propose a way of circumventing the sign problem on lattice QCD with finite theta.
We draw the three-flavor phase diagram as a function of light- and strange-quark masses for both zero and imaginary quark-number chemical potential, using the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with an effective four-quark vertex dependi ng on the Polyakov loop. The model prediction is qualitatively consistent with 2+1 flavor lattice QCD prediction at zero chemical potential and with degenerate three-flavor lattice QCD prediction at imaginary chemical potential.
We extend the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model by introducing an effective four-quark vertex depending on Polyakov loop. The effective vertex generates entanglement interactions between Polyakov loop and chiral condensate. The n ew model is consistent with lattice QCD data at imaginary quark-number chemical potential and real and imaginary isospin chemical potentials, particularly on strong correlation between the chiral and deconfinement transitions and also on the quark-mass dependence of the order of the Roberge-Weiss endpoint predicted by lattice QCD very lately. We investigate an influence of the entanglement interactions on a location of the tricritical point at real isospin chemical potential and a location of the critical endpoint at real quark-number chemical potential.

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