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In the first week of May, 2021, researchers from four different institutions: Google, Tsinghua University, Oxford University and Facebook, shared their latest work [16, 7, 12, 17] on arXiv.org almost at the same time, each proposing new learning arch itectures, consisting mainly of linear layers, claiming them to be comparable, or even superior to convolutional-based models. This sparked immediate discussion and debate in both academic and industrial communities as to whether MLPs are sufficient, many thinking that learning architectures are returning to MLPs. Is this true? In this perspective, we give a brief history of learning architectures, including multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers. We then examine what the four newly proposed architectures have in common. Finally, we give our views on challenges and directions for new learning architectures, hoping to inspire future research.
Attention mechanisms, especially self-attention, have played an increasingly important role in deep feature representation for visual tasks. Self-attention updates the feature at each position by computing a weighted sum of features using pair-wise a ffinities across all positions to capture the long-range dependency within a single sample. However, self-attention has quadratic complexity and ignores potential correlation between different samples. This paper proposes a novel attention mechanism which we call external attention, based on two external, small, learnable, shared memories, which can be implemented easily by simply using two cascaded linear layers and two normalization layers; it conveniently replaces self-attention in existing popular architectures. External attention has linear complexity and implicitly considers the correlations between all data samples. We further incorporate the multi-head mechanism into external attention to provide an all-MLP architecture, external attention MLP (EAMLP), for image classification. Extensive experiments on image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, image generation, and point cloud analysis reveal that our method provides results comparable or superior to the self-attention mechanism and some of its variants, with much lower computational and memory costs.
We present ClusterVO, a stereo Visual Odometry which simultaneously clusters and estimates the motion of both ego and surrounding rigid clusters/objects. Unlike previous solutions relying on batch input or imposing priors on scene structure or dynami c object models, ClusterVO is online, general and thus can be used in various scenarios including indoor scene understanding and autonomous driving. At the core of our system lies a multi-level probabilistic association mechanism and a heterogeneous Conditional Random Field (CRF) clustering approach combining semantic, spatial and motion information to jointly infer cluster segmentations online for every frame. The poses of camera and dynamic objects are instantly solved through a sliding-window optimization. Our system is evaluated on Oxford Multimotion and KITTI dataset both quantitatively and qualitatively, reaching comparable results to state-of-the-art solutions on both odometry and dynamic trajectory recovery.

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