ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

115 - T. Ohashi 2015
DIOS (Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor) is a small satellite aiming for a launch around 2020 with JAXAs Epsilon rocket. Its main aim is a search for warm-hot intergalactic medium with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of redshifted emission lin es from OVII and OVIII ions. The superior energy resolution of TES microcalorimeters combined with a very wide field of view (30--50 arcmin diameter) will enable us to look into gas dynamics of cosmic plasmas in a wide range of spatial scales from Earths magnetosphere to unvirialized regions of clusters of galaxies. Mechanical and thermal design of the spacecraft and development of the TES calorimeter system are described. We also consider revising the payload design to optimize the scientific capability allowed by the boundary conditions of the small mission.
ORIGIN is a proposal for the M3 mission call of ESA aimed at the study of metal creation from the epoch of cosmic dawn. Using high-spectral resolution in the soft X-ray band, ORIGIN will be able to identify the physical conditions of all abundant ele ments between C and Ni to red-shifts of z=10, and beyond. The mission will answer questions such as: When were the first metals created? How does the cosmic metal content evolve? Where do most of the metals reside in the Universe? What is the role of metals in structure formation and evolution? To reach out to the early Universe ORIGIN will use Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) to study their local environments in their host galaxies. This requires the capability to slew the satellite in less than a minute to the GRB location. By studying the chemical composition and properties of clusters of galaxies we can extend the range of exploration to lower redshifts (z ~ 0.2). For this task we need a high-resolution spectral imaging instrument with a large field of view. Using the same instrument, we can also study the so far only partially detected baryons in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM). The less dense part of the WHIM will be studied using absorption lines at low redshift in the spectra for GRBs.
290 - H. Kitano , T. Ohashi , A. Maeda 2008
We present a high-resolution microwave spectrometer to measure the frequency-dependent complex conductivity of a superconducting thin film near the critical temperature. The instrument is based on a broadband measurement of the complex reflection coe fficient, $S_{rm 11}$, of a coaxial transmission line, which is terminated to a thin film sample with the electrodes in a Corbino disk shape. In the vicinity of the critical temperature, the standard calibration technique using three known standards fails to extract the strong frequency dependence of the complex conductivity induced by the superconducting fluctuations. This is because a small unexpected difference between the phase parts of $S_{rm 11}$ for a short and load standards gives rise to a large error in the detailed frequency dependence of the complex conductivity near the superconducting transition. We demonstrate that a new calibration procedure using the normal-state conductivity of a sample as a load standard resolves this difficulty. The high quality performance of this spectrometer, which covers the frequency range between 0.1 GHz and 10 GHz, the temperature range down to 10 K, and the magnetic field range up to 1 T, is illustrated by the experimental results on several thin films of both conventional and high temperature superconductors.
We briefly review capabilities and requirements for future instrumentation in UV- and X-ray astronomy that can contribute to advancing our understanding of the diffuse, highly ionised intergalactic medium.
101 - T. Ohashi , H. Kitano , I. Tsukada 2007
We study the critical charge dynamics of the superconducting to the normal-state transition for LSCO thin films with a wide range of the Sr concentration, by measuring the frequency-dependent excess parts of the complex microwave conductivity, which is induced by the superconducting fluctuations. We present a dynamic scaling analysis of the complex fluctuation conductivity, which includes the information on the universality class and the dimensionality of the critical charge dynamics as a function of the Sr concentration, the film thickness and the magnetic field. In our previous study (H. Kitano et al., Phys. Rev. B 73, 092504 (2006).), the 2D-XY critical dynamics for underdoped LSCO and the 3D-XY critical dynamics for optimally doped LSCO were reported. In this study, we observed a novel two-dimensional unknown critical charge dynamics for overdoped thin films from x=0.17 to 0.20, which is clearly distinguished from the 2D-XY critical dynamics. Through the systematic measurements by changing the film thickness or by applying small magnetic field, it was confirmed that this unusual behavior, which is referred as 2D-U below, was not induced by the finite size effect but was intrinsic to the overdoped LSCO. Thus, it was found that the critical behavior in the phase diagram of LSCO is classified into the following three types; (i) 2D-XY for underdoped region, (ii) 3D-XY for optimally doped region, and (iii) 2D-U for overdoped region. In other words, the dimensionality in the critical charge dynamics is changed twice with hole doping. We discuss possible origins of such anomalous dimensional crossovers with hole doping, including an interpretation based on the possible existence of a hidden quantum critical point near the optimally doped region.
How structures on various scales formed and evolved from the early Universe up to present time is a fundamental question of astrophysical cosmology. EDGE will trace the cosmic history of the baryons from the early generations of massive star by Gamma -Ray Burst (GRB) explosions, through the period of cluster formation, down to very low redshifts, when between a third and one half of the baryons are expected to reside in cosmic filaments undergoing gravitational collapse by dark matter (Warm Hot Intragalactic Medium: WHIM). In addition EDGE, with its unprecedented observational capabilities, will provide key results on several other topics. The science is feasible with a medium class mission using existing technology combined with innovative instrumental and observational capabilities on a single satellite by: a) observing with fast reaction Gamma-Ray Bursts with a high spectral resolution (R ~ 500). This enables the study of their (star-forming) environment from the Dark to the local Universe and the use of GRB as back light of large scale cosmological structures b) Observing and surveying extended sources (clusters, WHIM) with high sensitivity using two wide field of view X-ray telescopes (one with a high angular resolution and the other with a high spectral resolution).

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