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The combination of non-trivial band topology and symmetry breaking phases gives rise to novel quantum states and phenomena such as topological superconductivity, quantum anomalous Hall effect and axion electrodynamics. Evidence of intertwined charge density wave (CDW) and superconducting order parameters has recently been observed in a novel kagome material AV3Sb5 (A=K,Rb,Cs) that features a Z2 topological invariant in the electronic structure. However, the origin of the CDW and its intricate interplay with topological state has yet to be determined. Here, using hard x-ray scattering, we demonstrate a three-dimensional (3D) CDW with 2*2*2 superstructure in (Rb,Cs)V3Sb5. Unexpectedly, we find that the CDW fails to induce acoustic phonon anomalies at the CDW wavevector but yields a novel Raman mode which quickly damps into a broad continuum below the CDW transition temperature. Our observations exclude strong electron-phonon coupling driven CDW in AV3Sb5 and point to an unconventional and electronic-driven mechanism that couples the CDW and the topological band structure.
162 - H. Li , T. T. Zhang , A. Said 2020
The Kitaev quantum spin liquid epitomizes an entangled topological state, for which two flavors of fractionalized low-energy excitations are predicted: the itinerant Majorana fermion and the Z2 gauge flux. Detection of these excitations remains chall enging, because of their fractional quantum numbers and non-locality. It was proposed recently that fingerprints of fractional excitations are encoded in the phonon spectra of Kitaev quantum spin liquids through a novel fractional-excitation-phonon coupling. Here, we uncover this effect in $alpha$-RuCl3 using inelastic X-ray scattering with meV resolution. At high temperature, we discover interlaced optical phonons intercepting a transverse acoustic phonon between 3 and 7 meV. Upon decreasing temperature, the optical phonons display a large intensity enhancement near the Kitaev energy, JK~8 meV, that coincides with a giant acoustic phonon softening near the Z2 gauge flux energy scale. This fractional excitation induced phonon anomalies uncover the key ingredient of the quantum thermal Hall effect in $alpha$-RuCl3 and demonstrates a proof-of-principle method to detect fractional excitations in topological quantum materials.
116 - P. Barate , S. Liang , T. T. Zhang 2020
An efficient electrical spin injection into an InGaAs/GaAs quantum well light emitting diode is demonstrated thanks to a CoFeB/MgO spin injector. The textured MgO tunnel barrier is fabricated by two different techniques: sputtering and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The maximal spin injection efficiency is comparable for both methods. Additionally, the effect of annealing is also investigated for the two types of samples. Both samples show the same trend: an increase of the electroluminescence circular polarization (Pc) with the increase of annealing temperature, followed by a saturation of Pc beyond 350{deg}C annealing. Since the increase of Pc starts well below the crystallization temperature of the full CoFeB bulk layer, this trend could be mainly due to an improvement of chemical structure at the top CoFeB/MgO interface. This study reveals that the control of CoFeB/MgO interface is essential important for an optimal spin injection into semiconductor.
344 - T. T. Zhang , H. Miao , Q. Wang 2019
While condensed matter systems host both Fermionic and Bosonic quasi-particles, reliably predicting and empirically verifying topological states is only mature for Fermionic electronic structures, leaving topological Bosonic excitations sporadically explored. This is unfortunate, as Bosonic systems such a phonons offer the opportunity to assess spinless band structures where nodal lines can be realized without invoking special additional symetries to protect against spin-orbit coupling. Here we combine first-principles calculations and meV-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering to demonstrate the first realization of parity-time reversal ($mathcal{PT}$) symmetry protected helical nodal lines in the phonon spectrum of MoB$_{2}$. This structure is unique to phononic systems as the spin-orbit coupling present in electronic systems tends to lift the degeneracy away from high-symmetry locations. Our study establishes a protocol to accurately identify topological Bosonic excitations, opening a new route to explore exotic topological states in crystalline materials.
73 - H. Miao , T. T. Zhang , L. Wang 2018
Condensed matter systems have now become a fertile ground to discover emerging topological quasi-particles with symmetry protected modes. While many studies have focused on Fermionic excitations, the same conceptual framework can also be applied to b osons yielding new types of topological states. Motivated by the recent theoretical prediction of double-Weyl phonons in transition metal monosilicides [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 016401 (2018)], we directly measured the phonon dispersion in parity-breaking FeSi using inelastic x-ray scattering. By comparing the experimental data with theoretical calculations, we make the first observation of double-Weyl points in FeSi, which will be an ideal material to explore emerging Bosonic excitations and its topologically non-trivial properties.
124 - D. Chen , T. T. Zhang , C. J. Yi 2017
We report a polarized Raman scattering study of non-symmorphic topological insulator KHgSb with hourglass-like electronic dispersion. Supported by theoretical calculations, we show that the lattice of the previously assigned space group $P6_3/mmc$ (N o. 194) is unstable in KHgSb. While we observe one of two calculated Raman active E$_{2g}$ phonons of space group $P6_3/mmc$ at room temperature, an additional A$_{1g}$ peak appears at 99.5 ~cm$^{-1}$ upon cooling below $T^*$ = 150 K, which suggests a lattice distortion. Several weak peaks associated with two-phonon excitations emerge with this lattice instability. We also show that the sample is very sensitive to high temperature and high laser power, conditions under which it quickly decomposes, leading to the formation of Sb. Our first-principles calculations indicate that space group $P6_3mc$ (No. 186), corresponding to a vertical displacement of the Sb atoms with respect to the Hg atoms that breaks the inversion symmetry, is lower in energy than the presumed $P6_3/mmc$ structure and preserves the glide plane symmetry necessary to the formation of hourglass fermions.

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