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As we strive to understand how galaxies evolve it is crucial that we resolve physical processes and test emerging theories in nearby systems that we can observe in great detail. Our own Galaxy, the Milky Way, and the nearby Magellanic Clouds provide unique windows into the evolution of galaxies, each with its own metallicity and star formation rate. These laboratories allow us to study with more detail than anywhere else in the Universe how galaxies acquire fresh gas to fuel their continuing star formation, how they exchange gas with the surrounding intergalactic medium, and turn warm, diffuse gas into molecular clouds and ultimately stars. The $lambda$21-cm line of atomic hydrogen (HI) is an excellent tracer of these physical processes. With the SKA we will finally have the combination of surface brightness sensitivity, point source sensitivity and angular resolution to transform our understanding of the evolution of gas in the Milky Way, all the way from the halo down to the formation of individual molecular clouds.
(Abridged) Using the Arecibo Observatory we have obtained neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption and emission spectral pairs in the direction of 26 background radio continuum sources in the vicinity of the Perseus molecular cloud. Strong absorption lines w ere detected in all cases allowing us to estimate spin temperature (T_s) and optical depth for 107 individual Gaussian components along these lines of sight. Basic properties of individual HI clouds (spin temperature, optical depth, and the column density of the cold and warm neutral medium, CNM and WNM) in and around Perseus are very similar to those found for random interstellar lines of sight sampled by the Millennium HI survey. This suggests that the neutral gas found in and around molecular clouds is not atypical. However, lines of sight in the vicinity of Perseus have on average a higher total HI column density and the CNM fraction, suggesting an enhanced amount of cold HI relative to an average interstellar field. Our estimated optical depth and spin temperature are in stark contrast with the recent attempt at using Planck data to estimate properties of the optically thick HI. Only ~15% of lines of sight in our study have a column density weighted average spin temperature lower than 50 K, in comparison with >85% of Plancks sky coverage. The observed CNM fraction is inversely proportional to the optical-depth weighted average spin temperature, in excellent agreement with the recent numerical simulations by Kim et al. While the CNM fraction is on average higher around Perseus relative to a random interstellar field, it is generally low, 10-50%. This suggests that extended WNM envelopes around molecular clouds, and/or significant mixing of CNM and WNM throughout molecular clouds, are present and should be considered in the models of molecule and star formation.
We derive the CO-to-H2 conversion factor, X_CO = N(H2)/I_CO, across the Perseus molecular cloud on sub-parsec scales by combining the dust-based N(H2) data with the I_CO data from the COMPLETE Survey. We estimate an average X_CO ~ 3 x 10^19 cm^-2 K^- 1 km^-1 s and find a factor of ~3 variations in X_CO between the five sub-regions in Perseus. Within the individual regions, X_CO varies by a factor of ~100, suggesting that X_CO strongly depends on local conditions in the interstellar medium. We find that X_CO sharply decreases at Av < 3 mag but gradually increases at Av > 3 mag, with the transition occurring at Av where I_CO becomes optically thick. We compare the N(HI), N(H2), I_CO, and X_CO distributions with two models of the formation of molecular gas, a one-dimensional photodissociation region (PDR) model and a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model tracking both the dynamical and chemical evolution of gas. The PDR model based on the steady state and equilibrium chemistry reproduces our data very well but requires a diffuse halo to match the observed N(HI) and I_CO distributions. The MHD model generally matches our data well, suggesting that time-dependent effects on H2 and CO formation are insignificant for an evolved molecular cloud like Perseus. However, we find interesting discrepancies, including a broader range of N(HI), likely underestimated I_CO, and a large scatter of I_CO at small Av. These discrepancies likely result from strong compressions/rarefactions and density fluctuations in the MHD model.
We use the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to conduct a high-sensitivity survey of neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption in the Milky Way. In combination with corresponding HI emission spectra obtained mostly with the Arecibo Observatory, we detect a widespread warm neutral medium (WNM) component with excitation temperature <Ts>= 7200 (+1800,-1200) K (68% confidence). This temperature lies above theoretical predictions based on collisional excitation alone, implying that Ly-{alpha} scattering, the most probable additional source of excitation, is more important in the interstellar medium (ISM) than previously assumed. Our results demonstrate that HI absorption can be used to constrain the Ly-{alpha} radiation field, a critical quantity for studying the energy balance in the ISM and intergalactic medium yet notoriously difficult to model because of its complicated radiative transfer, in and around galaxies nearby and at high redshift.
We investigate turbulent properties of the non-star-forming, translucent molecular cloud, MBM16 by applying the statistical technique of a two-dimensional spatial power spectrum (SPS) on the neutral hydrogen (HI) observations obtained by the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array HI (GALFA-HI) survey. The SPS, calculated over the range of spatial scales from 0.1 to 17 pc, is well represented with a single power-law function, with a slope ranging from -3.3 to -3.7 and being consistent over the velocity range of MBM16 for a fixed velocity channel thickness. However, the slope varies significantly with the velocity slice thickness, suggesting that both velocity and density contribute to HI intensity fluctuations. By using this variation we estimate the slope of 3D density fluctuations in MBM16 to be -3.7pm0.2. This is significantly steeper than what has been found for HI in the Milky Way plane, the Small Magellanic Cloud, or the Magellanic Bridge, suggesting that interstellar turbulence in MBM16 is driven on scales >17 pc and that the lack of stellar feedback could be responsible for the steep power spectrum.
We present 21-cm absorption measurements towards 12 radio continuum sources with previously identified thermally-unstable warm neutral medium (WNM). These observations were obtained with the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) and were complemented with the HI emission spectra obtained with the Arecibo Observatory. Out of 12 sources, HI absorption was detected along 5 lines of sight (seven new absorption features in total), resulting in a detection rate of ~42%. While our observations are sensitive to the WNM with a spin temperature T_s<3000 K, we detected only two wide absorption lines with T_s=400-900 K. These temperatures lie above the range allowed for the cold neutral medium (CNM) by the thermal equilbrium models and signify the thermally unstable WNM. Several absorption features have an optical depth of only a few x10^{-3}. While this is close or lower than what is theoretically expected for the CNM, we show that these weak lines are important for constraining the fraction of the thermally unstable WNM. Our observations demonstrate that, for the first time, high bandpass stability can be achieved with the VLA, allowing detection of absorption lines with a peak optical depth of ~10^{-3}.
While studies of galaxy evolution generally focus on extensive HI surveys at large redshifts, we argue in this paper that the understanding of detailed physical processes that drive HI evolution in galaxies is equally important. Specifically, we focu s on three open questions regarding the very first step in the star-formation cycle in galaxies: How much do galaxy halos flavor and tax the accretion flows that are postulated to bring fresh star-formation fuel to galaxy disks? What are the basic properties of the warm neutral gas, the progenitor of cold star-forming clouds? And, what are the origin and level of interstellar inhomogeneities as seeding agents for molecule and star formation? The very local Universe (The Milky Way and nearby galaxies) offers an unparalleled high-resolution view for answering these questions and the upcoming radio telescopes (e.g. EVLA, ASKAP, MeerKAT, ATA-256) promise great advances.
We present 21-cm observations of four Galactic globular clusters, as part of the on-going GALFA-HI Survey at Arecibo. We discovered a peculiar HI cloud in the vicinity of the distant (109 kpc) cluster Pal 4, and discuss its properties and likelihood of association with the cluster. We conclude that an association of the HI cloud and Pal 4 is possible, but that a chance coincidence between Pal 4 and a nearby compact high-velocity cloud cannot be ruled out altogether. New, more stringent upper limits were derived for the other three clusters: M 3, NGC 5466, and Pal 13. We briefly discuss the fate of globular cluster gas and the interaction of compact clouds with the Galactic Halo gas.
The neutral interstellar medium (ISM) inside the Local Bubble (LB) has been known to have properties typical of the warm neutral medium (WNM). However, several recent neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption experiments show evidence for the existence of at least several cold diffuse clouds inside or at the boundary of the LB, with properties highly unusual relative to the traditional cold neutral medium. These cold clouds have a low HI column density, and AU-scale sizes. As the kinematics of cold and warm gas inside the LB are similar, this suggests a possibility of all these different flavors of the local ISM belonging to the same interstellar flow. The co-existence of warm and cold phases inside the LB is exciting as it can be used to probe the thermal pressure inside the LB. In addition to cold clouds, several discrete screens of ionized scattering material are clearly located inside the LB. The cold exotic clouds inside the LB are most likely long-lived, and we expect many more clouds with similar properties to be discovered in the future with more sensitive radio observations. While physical mechanisms responsible for the production of such clouds are still poorly understood, dynamical triggering of phase conversion and/or interstellar turbulence are likely to play an important role.
We present results from neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of the tip of the Magellanic Stream (MS), obtained with the Arecibo telescope as a part of the on-going survey by the Consortium for Galactic studies with the Arecibo L-band Feed Array. We fi nd four large-scale, coherent HI streams, extending continously over a length of 20 degrees, each stream possessing different morphology and velocity gradients. The newly discovered streams provide strong support for the tidal model of the MS formation by Connors et al. (2006), which suggested a spatial and kinematic bifurcation of the MS. The observed morphology and kinematics suggest that three of these streams could be interpreted as a 3-way splitting of the main MS filament, while the fourth stream appears much younger and may have originated from the Magellanic Bridge. We find an extensive population of HI clouds at the tip of the MS. Two thirds of clouds have an angular size in the range 3.5--10. We interpret this as being due to thermal instability, which would affect a warm tail of gas trailing through the Galactic halo over a characteristic timescale of a few Myrs to a few hundred Myrs. We show that thermal fragments can survive in the hot halo for a long time, especially if surrounded by a <10^6 K halo gas. If the observed clumpy structure is mainly due to thermal instability, then the tip of the MS is at a distance of ~70 kpc. A significant fraction of HI clouds at the tip of the MS show multi-phase velocity profiles, indicating the co-existence of cooler and warmer gas.

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