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208 - Sirui Xie , Xiaojian Ma , Peiyu Yu 2021
Humans learn compositional and causal abstraction, ie, knowledge, in response to the structure of naturalistic tasks. When presented with a problem-solving task involving some objects, toddlers would first interact with these objects to reckon what t hey are and what can be done with them. Leveraging these concepts, they could understand the internal structure of this task, without seeing all of the problem instances. Remarkably, they further build cognitively executable strategies to emph{rapidly} solve novel problems. To empower a learning agent with similar capability, we argue there shall be three levels of generalization in how an agent represents its knowledge: perceptual, conceptual, and algorithmic. In this paper, we devise the very first systematic benchmark that offers joint evaluation covering all three levels. This benchmark is centered around a novel task domain, HALMA, for visual concept development and rapid problem-solving. Uniquely, HALMA has a minimum yet complete concept space, upon which we introduce a novel paradigm to rigorously diagnose and dissect learning agents capability in understanding and generalizing complex and structural concepts. We conduct extensive experiments on reinforcement learning agents with various inductive biases and carefully report their proficiency and weakness.
In searching for a generalizable representation of temporally extended tasks, we spot two necessary constituents: the utility needs to be non-Markovian to transfer temporal relations invariant to a probability shift, the utility also needs to be lift ed to abstract out specific grounding objects. In this work, we study learning such utility from human demonstrations. While inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) has been accepted as a general framework of utility learning, its fundamental formulation is one concrete Markov Decision Process. Thus the learned reward function does not specify the task independently of the environment. Going beyond that, we define a domain of generalization that spans a set of planning problems following a schema. We hence propose a new quest, Generalized Inverse Planning, for utility learning in this domain. We further outline a computational framework, Maximum Entropy Inverse Planning (MEIP), that learns non-Markovian utility and associated concepts in a generative manner. The learned utility and concepts form a task representation that generalizes regardless of probability shift or structural change. Seeing that the proposed generalization problem has not been widely studied yet, we carefully define an evaluation protocol, with which we illustrate the effectiveness of MEIP on two proof-of-concept domains and one challenging task: learning to fold from demonstrations.
Controversy exists on whether differentiable neural architecture search methods discover wiring topology effectively. To understand how wiring topology evolves, we study the underlying mechanism of several existing differentiable NAS frameworks. Our investigation is motivated by three observed searching patterns of differentiable NAS: 1) they search by growing instead of pruning; 2) wider networks are more preferred than deeper ones; 3) no edges are selected in bi-level optimization. To anatomize these phenomena, we propose a unified view on searching algorithms of existing frameworks, transferring the global optimization to local cost minimization. Based on this reformulation, we conduct empirical and theoretical analyses, revealing implicit inductive biases in the costs assignment mechanism and evolution dynamics that cause the observed phenomena. These biases indicate strong discrimination towards certain topologies. To this end, we pose questions that future differentiable methods for neural wiring discovery need to confront, hoping to evoke a discussion and rethinking on how much bias has been enforced implicitly in existing NAS methods.
If NAS methods are solutions, what is the problem? Most existing NAS methods require two-stage parameter optimization. However, performance of the same architecture in the two stages correlates poorly. In this work, we propose a new problem definitio n for NAS, task-specific end-to-end, based on this observation. We argue that given a computer vision task for which a NAS method is expected, this definition can reduce the vaguely-defined NAS evaluation to i) accuracy of this task and ii) the total computation consumed to finally obtain a model with satisfying accuracy. Seeing that most existing methods do not solve this problem directly, we propose DSNAS, an efficient differentiable NAS framework that simultaneously optimizes architecture and parameters with a low-biased Monte Carlo estimate. Child networks derived from DSNAS can be deployed directly without parameter retraining. Comparing with two-stage methods, DSNAS successfully discovers networks with comparable accuracy (74.4%) on ImageNet in 420 GPU hours, reducing the total time by more than 34%. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/SNAS-Series/SNAS-Series.
Autonomous driving systems have a pipeline of perception, decision, planning, and control. The decision module processes information from the perception module and directs the execution of downstream planning and control modules. On the other hand, t he recent success of deep learning suggests that this pipeline could be replaced by end-to-end neural control policies, however, safety cannot be well guaranteed for the data-driven neural networks. In this work, we propose a hybrid framework to learn neural decisions in the classical modular pipeline through end-to-end imitation learning. This hybrid framework can preserve the merits of the classical pipeline such as the strict enforcement of physical and logical constraints while learning complex driving decisions from data. To circumvent the ambiguous annotation of human driving decisions, our method learns high-level driving decisions by imitating low-level control behaviors. We show in the simulation experiments that our modular driving agent can generalize its driving decision and control to various complex scenarios where the rule-based programs fail. It can also generate smoother and safer driving trajectories than end-to-end neural policies.
We propose Stochastic Neural Architecture Search (SNAS), an economical end-to-end solution to Neural Architecture Search (NAS) that trains neural operation parameters and architecture distribution parameters in same round of back-propagation, while m aintaining the completeness and differentiability of the NAS pipeline. In this work, NAS is reformulated as an optimization problem on parameters of a joint distribution for the search space in a cell. To leverage the gradient information in generic differentiable loss for architecture search, a novel search gradient is proposed. We prove that this search gradient optimizes the same objective as reinforcement-learning-based NAS, but assigns credits to structural decisions more efficiently. This credit assignment is further augmented with locally decomposable reward to enforce a resource-efficient constraint. In experiments on CIFAR-10, SNAS takes less epochs to find a cell architecture with state-of-the-art accuracy than non-differentiable evolution-based and reinforcement-learning-based NAS, which is also transferable to ImageNet. It is also shown that child networks of SNAS can maintain the validation accuracy in searching, with which attention-based NAS requires parameter retraining to compete, exhibiting potentials to stride towards efficient NAS on big datasets. We have released our implementation at https://github.com/SNAS-Series/SNAS-Series.
Reinforcement learning agents need exploratory behaviors to escape from local optima. These behaviors may include both immediate dithering perturbation and temporally consistent exploration. To achieve these, a stochastic policy model that is inheren tly consistent through a period of time is in desire, especially for tasks with either sparse rewards or long term information. In this work, we introduce a novel on-policy temporally consistent exploration strategy - Neural Adaptive Dropout Policy Exploration (NADPEx) - for deep reinforcement learning agents. Modeled as a global random variable for conditional distribution, dropout is incorporated to reinforcement learning policies, equipping them with inherent temporal consistency, even when the reward signals are sparse. Two factors, gradients alignment with the objective and KL constraint in policy space, are discussed to guarantee NADPEx policys stable improvement. Our experiments demonstrate that NADPEx solves tasks with sparse reward while naive exploration and parameter noise fail. It yields as well or even faster convergence in the standard mujoco benchmark for continuous control.

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