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We present ARCH++, an image-based method to reconstruct 3D avatars with arbitrary clothing styles. Our reconstructed avatars are animation-ready and highly realistic, in both the visible regions from input views and the unseen regions. While prior wo rk shows great promise of reconstructing animatable clothed humans with various topologies, we observe that there exist fundamental limitations resulting in sub-optimal reconstruction quality. In this paper, we revisit the major steps of image-based avatar reconstruction and address the limitations with ARCH++. First, we introduce an end-to-end point based geometry encoder to better describe the semantics of the underlying 3D human body, in replacement of previous hand-crafted features. Second, in order to address the occupancy ambiguity caused by topological changes of clothed humans in the canonical pose, we propose a co-supervising framework with cross-space consistency to jointly estimate the occupancy in both the posed and canonical spaces. Last, we use image-to-image translation networks to further refine detailed geometry and texture on the reconstructed surface, which improves the fidelity and consistency across arbitrary viewpoints. In the experiments, we demonstrate improvements over the state of the art on both public benchmarks and user studies in reconstruction quality and realism.
Learning to model and reconstruct humans in clothing is challenging due to articulation, non-rigid deformation, and varying clothing types and topologies. To enable learning, the choice of representation is the key. Recent work uses neural networks t o parameterize local surface elements. This approach captures locally coherent geometry and non-planar details, can deal with varying topology, and does not require registered training data. However, naively using such methods to model 3D clothed humans fails to capture fine-grained local deformations and generalizes poorly. To address this, we present three key innovations: First, we deform surface elements based on a human body model such that large-scale deformations caused by articulation are explicitly separated from topological changes and local clothing deformations. Second, we address the limitations of existing neural surface elements by regressing local geometry from local features, significantly improving the expressiveness. Third, we learn a pose embedding on a 2D parameterization space that encodes posed body geometry, improving generalization to unseen poses by reducing non-local spurious correlations. We demonstrate the efficacy of our surface representation by learning models of complex clothing from point clouds. The clothing can change topology and deviate from the topology of the body. Once learned, we can animate previously unseen motions, producing high-quality point clouds, from which we generate realistic images with neural rendering. We assess the importance of each technical contribution and show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy and inference time. The code is available for research purposes at https://qianlim.github.io/SCALE .
We present SCANimate, an end-to-end trainable framework that takes raw 3D scans of a clothed human and turns them into an animatable avatar. These avatars are driven by pose parameters and have realistic clothing that moves and deforms naturally. SCA Nimate does not rely on a customized mesh template or surface mesh registration. We observe that fitting a parametric 3D body model, like SMPL, to a clothed human scan is tractable while surface registration of the body topology to the scan is often not, because clothing can deviate significantly from the body shape. We also observe that articulated transformations are invertible, resulting in geometric cycle consistency in the posed and unposed shapes. These observations lead us to a weakly supervised learning method that aligns scans into a canonical pose by disentangling articulated deformations without template-based surface registration. Furthermore, to complete missing regions in the aligned scans while modeling pose-dependent deformations, we introduce a locally pose-aware implicit function that learns to complete and model geometry with learned pose correctives. In contrast to commonly used global pose embeddings, our local pose conditioning significantly reduces long-range spurious correlations and improves generalization to unseen poses, especially when training data is limited. Our method can be applied to pose-aware appearance modeling to generate a fully textured avatar. We demonstrate our approach on various clothing types with different amounts of training data, outperforming existing solutions and other variants in terms of fidelity and generality in every setting. The code is available at https://scanimate.is.tue.mpg.de.
We present the first approach to volumetric performance capture and novel-view rendering at real-time speed from monocular video, eliminating the need for expensive multi-view systems or cumbersome pre-acquisition of a personalized template model. Ou r system reconstructs a fully textured 3D human from each frame by leveraging Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function (PIFu). While PIFu achieves high-resolution reconstruction in a memory-efficient manner, its computationally expensive inference prevents us from deploying such a system for real-time applications. To this end, we propose a novel hierarchical surface localization algorithm and a direct rendering method without explicitly extracting surface meshes. By culling unnecessary regions for evaluation in a coarse-to-fine manner, we successfully accelerate the reconstruction by two orders of magnitude from the baseline without compromising the quality. Furthermore, we introduce an Online Hard Example Mining (OHEM) technique that effectively suppresses failure modes due to the rare occurrence of challenging examples. We adaptively update the sampling probability of the training data based on the current reconstruction accuracy, which effectively alleviates reconstruction artifacts. Our experiments and evaluations demonstrate the robustness of our system to various challenging angles, illuminations, poses, and clothing styles. We also show that our approach compares favorably with the state-of-the-art monocular performance capture. Our proposed approach removes the need for multi-view studio settings and enables a consumer-accessible solution for volumetric capture.
Recent advances in image-based 3D human shape estimation have been driven by the significant improvement in representation power afforded by deep neural networks. Although current approaches have demonstrated the potential in real world settings, the y still fail to produce reconstructions with the level of detail often present in the input images. We argue that this limitation stems primarily form two conflicting requirements; accurate predictions require large context, but precise predictions require high resolution. Due to memory limitations in current hardware, previous approaches tend to take low resolution images as input to cover large spatial context, and produce less precise (or low resolution) 3D estimates as a result. We address this limitation by formulating a multi-level architecture that is end-to-end trainable. A coarse level observes the whole image at lower resolution and focuses on holistic reasoning. This provides context to an fine level which estimates highly detailed geometry by observing higher-resolution images. We demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques on single image human shape reconstruction by fully leveraging 1k-resolution input images.
We present a data-driven inference method that can synthesize a photorealistic texture map of a complete 3D face model given a partial 2D view of a person in the wild. After an initial estimation of shape and low-frequency albedo, we compute a high-f requency partial texture map, without the shading component, of the visible face area. To extract the fine appearance details from this incomplete input, we introduce a multi-scale detail analysis technique based on mid-layer feature correlations extracted from a deep convolutional neural network. We demonstrate that fitting a convex combination of feature correlations from a high-resolution face database can yield a semantically plausible facial detail description of the entire face. A complete and photorealistic texture map can then be synthesized by iteratively optimizing for the reconstructed feature correlations. Using these high-resolution textures and a commercial rendering framework, we can produce high-fidelity 3D renderings that are visually comparable to those obtained with state-of-the-art multi-view face capture systems. We demonstrate successful face reconstructions from a wide range of low resolution input images, including those of historical figures. In addition to extensive evaluations, we validate the realism of our results using a crowdsourced user study.

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