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Kinship verification aims to find out whether there is a kin relation for a given pair of facial images. Kinship verification databases are born with unbalanced data. For a database with N positive kinship pairs, we naturally obtain N(N-1) negative p airs. How to fully utilize the limited positive pairs and mine discriminative information from sufficient negative samples for kinship verification remains an open issue. To address this problem, we propose a Discriminative Sample Meta-Mining (DSMM) approach in this paper. Unlike existing methods that usually construct a balanced dataset with fixed negative pairs, we propose to utilize all possible pairs and automatically learn discriminative information from data. Specifically, we sample an unbalanced train batch and a balanced meta-train batch for each iteration. Then we learn a meta-miner with the meta-gradient on the balanced meta-train batch. In the end, the samples in the unbalanced train batch are re-weighted by the learned meta-miner to optimize the kinship models. Experimental results on the widely used KinFaceW-I, KinFaceW-II, TSKinFace, and Cornell Kinship datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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