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Future wireless access networks will support simultaneously a large number of devices with heterogeneous service requirements. These include data rates, error rates, and latencies. While there exist achievable rate and capacity results for Gaussian b roadcast channels in the asymptotic regime, the characterization of second-order achievable rate regions for different blocklength constraints are not available. Therefore, we investigate a two-user Gaussian broadcast channel (GBC) with heterogeneous blocklength constraints under a maximal input power constraint and an average error probability constraint. Unlike the traditional GBC where two users have the same blocklength constraints, here the user with higher output SNR has a shorter blocklength constraint. We show that with sufficiently large output SNR, the stronger user can invoke the technique named early decoding (ED) to decode the interference. Then the successive interference cancellation (SIC) can proceed. This leads to an improved achievable rate region compared to the state of the art. To achieve it, we derive an explicit lower bound on the necessary number of received symbols for a successful ED, using an independent and identically distributed Gaussian input. A second-order rate of the weaker user who suffers from an SNR change due to the heterogeneous blocklength constraint, is also derived. We then formulate the rate region of the considered setting with individual and also sum power constraints and compare to that of the hybrid non-orthogonal multiple access (HNOMA) scheme. Numerical results show that ED has a larger rate region than HNOMA partly when the gain of the better channel is sufficiently larger than the weaker one. Under the considered setting, about 7-dB SNR gain can be achieved. This makes ED with SIC a promising technique for future wireless network.
Due to spectrum scarcity and increasing wireless capacity demands, terahertz (THz) communications at 0.1-10THz and the corresponding spectrum characterization have emerged to meet diverse service requirements in future 5G and 6G wireless systems. How ever, conventional compressed sensing techniques to reconstruct the original wideband spectrum with under-sampled measurements become inefficient as local spectral correlation is deliberately omitted. Recent works extend communication methods with deep learning-based algorithms but lack strong ties to THz channel properties. This paper introduces novel THz channel-aware spectrum learning solutions that fully disclose the uniqueness of THz channels when performing such ultra-broadband sensing in vehicular environments. Specifically, a joint design of spectrum compression and reconstruction is proposed through a structured sensing matrix and two-phase reconstruction based on high spreading loss and molecular absorption at THz frequencies. An end-to-end learning framework, namely compression and reconstruction network (CRNet), is further developed with the mean-square-error loss function to improve sensing accuracy while significantly reducing computational complexity. Numerical results show that the CRNet solutions outperform the latest generative adversarial network (GAN) realization with a much higher cosine and structure similarity measures, smaller learning errors, and 56% less required training overheads. This THz Ultra-broadband Learning Vehicular Channel-Aware Networking (TULVCAN) work successfully achieves effective THz spectrum learning and hence allows frequency-agile access.
Jolfaei et al. used feedback to create transmit signals that are simultaneously useful for multiple users in a broadcast channel. Later, Georgiadis and Tassiulas studied erasure broadcast channels with feedback, and presented the capacity region unde r certain assumptions. These results provided the fundamental ideas used in communication protocols for networks with delayed channel state information. However, to the best of our knowledge, the capacity region of erasure broadcast channels with feedback and with a common message for both receivers has never been presented. This latter problem shows up as a sub-problem in many multi-terminal communication networks such as the X-Channel, and the two-unicast problem. In this work, we present the capacity region of the two-user erasure broadcast channels with delayed feedback, private messages, and a common message. We consider arbitrary and possibly correlated erasure distributions. We develop new outer-bounds that capture feedback and quantify the impact of delivering a common message on the capacity region. We also propose a transmission strategy that achieves the outer-bounds. Our transmission strategy differs from prior results in that to achieve the capacity, it creates side-information at the weaker user such that the decodability is ensured even if we multicast the common message with a rate higher than its link capacity.
The Byzantine distributed quickest change detection (BDQCD) is studied, where a fusion center monitors the occurrence of an abrupt event through a bunch of distributed sensors that may be compromised. We first consider the binary hypothesis case wher e there is only one post-change hypothesis and prove a novel converse to the first-order asymptotic detection delay in the large mean time to a false alarm regime. This converse is tight in that it coincides with the currently best achievability shown by Fellouris et al.; hence, the optimal asymptotic performance of binary BDQCD is characterized. An important implication of this result is that, even with compromised sensors, a 1-bit link between each sensor and the fusion center suffices to achieve asymptotic optimality. To accommodate multiple post-change hypotheses, we then formulate the multi-hypothesis BDQCD problem and again investigate the optimal first-order performance under different bandwidth constraints. A converse is first obtained by extending our converse from binary to multi-hypothesis BDQCD. Two families of stopping rules, namely the simultaneous $d$-th alarm and the multi-shot $d$-th alarm, are then proposed. Under sufficient link bandwidth, the simultaneous $d$-th alarm, with $d$ being set to the number of honest sensors, can achieve the asymptotic performance that coincides with the derived converse bound; hence, the asymptotically optimal performance of multi-hypothesis BDQCD is again characterized. Moreover, although being shown to be asymptotically optimal only for some special cases, the multi-shot $d$-th alarm is much more bandwidth-efficient and energy-efficient than the simultaneous $d$-th alarm. Built upon the above success in characterizing the asymptotic optimality of the BDQCD, a corresponding leader-follower Stackelberg game is formulated and its solution is found.
In this paper we consider the secure transmission in fast Rayleigh fading channels with full knowledge of the main channel and only the statistics of the eavesdroppers channel state information at the transmitter. For the multiple-input, single-outpu t, single-antenna eavesdropper systems, we generalize Goel and Negis celebrated artificial-noise (AN) assisted beamforming, which just selects the directions to transmit AN heuristically. Our scheme may inject AN to the direction of the message, which outperforms Goel and Negis scheme where AN is only injected in the directions orthogonal to the main channel. The ergodic secrecy rate of the proposed AN scheme can be represented by a highly simplified power allocation problem. To attain it, we prove that the optimal transmission scheme for the message bearing signal is a beamformer, which is aligned to the direction of the legitimate channel. After characterizing the optimal eigenvectors of the covariance matrices of signal and AN, we also provide the necessary condition for transmitting AN in the main channel to be optimal. Since the resulting secrecy rate is a non-convex power allocation problem, we develop an algorithm to efficiently solve it. Simulation results show that our generalized AN scheme outperforms Goel and Negis, especially when the quality of legitimate channel is much worse than that of eavesdroppers. In particular, the regime with non-zero secrecy rate is enlarged, which can significantly improve the connectivity of the secure network when the proposed AN assisted beamforming is applied.

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