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The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is one of the most representative quantum algorithms in the noisy intermediate-size quantum (NISQ) era, and is generally speculated to deliver one of the first quantum advantages for the ground-state simulati ons of some non-trivial Hamiltonians. However, short quantum coherence time and limited availability of quantum hardware resources in the NISQ hardware strongly restrain the capacity and expressiveness of VQEs. In this Letter, we introduce the variational quantum-neural hybrid eigensolver (VQNHE) in which the shallow-circuit quantum ansatz can be further enhanced by classical post-processing with neural networks. We show that VQNHE consistently and significantly outperforms VQE in simulating ground-state energies of quantum spins and molecules given the same amount of quantum resources. More importantly, we demonstrate that for arbitrary post-processing neural functions, VQNHE only incurs an polynomial overhead of processing time and represents the first scalable method to exponentially accelerate VQE with non-unitary post-processing that can be efficiently implemented in the NISQ era.
Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are widely speculated to deliver quantum advantages for practical problems under the quantum-classical hybrid computational paradigm in the near term. Both theoretical and practical developments of VQAs share man y similarities with those of deep learning. For instance, a key component of VQAs is the design of task-dependent parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) as in the case of designing a good neural architecture in deep learning. Partly inspired by the recent success of AutoML and neural architecture search (NAS), quantum architecture search (QAS) is a collection of methods devised to engineer an optimal task-specific PQC. It has been proven that QAS-designed VQAs can outperform expert-crafted VQAs under various scenarios. In this work, we propose to use a neural network based predictor as the evaluation policy for QAS. We demonstrate a neural predictor guided QAS can discover powerful PQCs, yielding state-of-the-art results for various examples from quantum simulation and quantum machine learning. Notably, neural predictor guided QAS provides a better solution than that by the random-search baseline while using an order of magnitude less of circuit evaluations. Moreover, the predictor for QAS as well as the optimal ansatz found by QAS can both be transferred and generalized to address similar problems.
Quantum architecture search (QAS) is the process of automating architecture engineering of quantum circuits. It has been desired to construct a powerful and general QAS platform which can significantly accelerate current efforts to identify quantum a dvantages of error-prone and depth-limited quantum circuits in the NISQ era. Hereby, we propose a general framework of differentiable quantum architecture search (DQAS), which enables automated designs of quantum circuits in an end-to-end differentiable fashion. We present several examples of circuit design problems to demonstrate the power of DQAS. For instance, unitary operations are decomposed into quantum gates, noisy circuits are re-designed to improve accuracy, and circuit layouts for quantum approximation optimization algorithm are automatically discovered and upgraded for combinatorial optimization problems. These results not only manifest the vast potential of DQAS being an essential tool for the NISQ application developments, but also present an interesting research topic from the theoretical perspective as it draws inspirations from the newly emerging interdisciplinary paradigms of differentiable programming, probabilistic programming, and quantum programming.
As an intrinsically-unbiased method, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) is of unique importance in simulating interacting quantum systems. Unfortunately, QMC often suffers from the notorious sign problem. Although generically curing sign problem is shown to b e hard (NP-hard), sign problem of a given quantum model may be mitigated (sometimes even cured) by finding better choices of simulation scheme. A universal framework in identifying optimal QMC schemes has been desired. Here, we propose a general framework using automatic differentiation (AD) to automatically search for the best continuously-parameterized QMC scheme, which we call automatic differentiable sign mitigation (ADSM). We further apply the ADSM framework to the honeycomb lattice Hubbard model with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and demonstrate ADSMs effectiveness in mitigating its sign problem. For the model under study, ADSM leads a significant power-law acceleration in computation time (the computation time is reduced from $M$ to the order of $M^{ u}$ with $ uapprox 2/3$).
143 - Shi-Xin Zhang , Zhou-Quan Wan , 2019
Differentiable programming has emerged as a key programming paradigm empowering rapid developments of deep learning while its applications to important computational methods such as Monte Carlo remain largely unexplored. Here we present the general t heory enabling infinite-order automatic differentiation on expectations computed by Monte Carlo with unnormalized probability distributions, which we call automatic differentiable Monte Carlo (ADMC). By implementing ADMC algorithms on computational graphs, one can also leverage state-of-the-art machine learning frameworks and techniques to traditional Monte Carlo applications in statistics and physics. We illustrate the versatility of ADMC by showing some applications: fast search of phase transitions and accurately finding ground states of interacting many-body models in two dimensions. ADMC paves a promising way to innovate Monte Carlo in various aspects to achieve higher accuracy and efficiency, e.g. easing or solving the sign problem of quantum many-body models through ADMC.
146 - Shi-Xin Zhang 2019
In this note, we provide a unifying framework to investigate the computational complexity of classical spin models and give the full classification on spin models in terms of system dimensions, randomness, external magnetic fields and types of spin c oupling. We further discuss about the implications of NP-complete Hamiltonian models in physics and the fundamental limitations of all numerical methods imposed by such models. We conclude by a brief discussion on the picture when quantum computation and quantum complexity theory are included.
In this note, we report the back propagation formula for complex valued singular value decompositions (SVD). This formula is an important ingredient for a complete automatic differentiation(AD) infrastructure in terms of complex numbers, and it is al so the key to understand and utilize AD in tensor networks.
75 - Shi-Xin Zhang , Hong Yao 2019
Many aspects of many-body localization (MBL), including dynamic classification of MBL phases, remain elusive. Here, by performing real-space renormalization group (RSRG) analysis we propose that there are two distinct types of MBL phases: strong MBL induced by quasiperiodic (QP) potential and weak MBL induced by random potential. Strong and weak MBL phases can be distinguished by their different probability distributions of thermal inclusion and entanglement entropy: exponential decay in strong MBL phases but power-law decay in weak MBL. We further discuss underlying mechanisms as well as experimental implications of having two distinct types of MBL phases. Strong MBL induced by QP potential may provide a more robust and promising platform for quantum information storage and processing.
Exotic physics often emerges around quantum criticality in metallic systems. Here we explore the nature of topological phase transitions between 3D double-Weyl semimetals and insulators (through annihilating double-Weyl nodes with opposite chiralitie s) in the presence of Coulomb interactions. From renormalization-group (RG) analysis, we find a non-Fermi-liquid quantum critical point (QCP) between the double-Weyl semimetals and insulators when artificially neglecting short-range interactions. However, it is shown that this non-Fermi-liquid QCP is actually unstable against nematic ordering when short-range interactions are correctly included in the RG analysis. In other words, the putative QCP between the semimetals and insulators is preempted by emergence of nematic phases when Coulomb interactions are present. We further discuss possible experimental relevance of the nematicity-preempted QCP to double-Weyl candidate materials HgCr2Se4 and SrSi2.
161 - Shi-Xin Zhang , Hong Yao 2018
Precise nature of MBL transitions in both random and quasiperiodic (QP) systems remains elusive so far. In particular, whether MBL transitions in QP and random systems belong to the same universality class or two distinct ones has not been decisively resolved. Here we investigate MBL transitions in one-dimensional ($d!=!1$) QP systems as well as in random systems by state-of-the-art real-space renormalization group (RG) calculation. Our real-space RG shows that MBL transitions in 1D QP systems are characterized by the critical exponent $ u!approx!2.4$, which respects the Harris-Luck bound ($ u!>!1/d$) for QP systems. Note that $ u!approx! 2.4$ for QP systems also satisfies the Harris-CCFS bound ($ u!>!2/d$) for random systems, which implies that MBL transitions in 1D QP systems are stable against weak quenched disorder since randomness is Harris irrelevant at the transition. We shall briefly discuss experimental means to measure $ u$ of QP-induced MBL transitions.

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