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While we have made significant progress on understanding hand-object interactions in computer vision, it is still very challenging for robots to perform complex dexterous manipulation. In this paper, we propose a new platform and pipeline, DexMV (Dex terous Manipulation from Videos), for imitation learning to bridge the gap between computer vision and robot learning. We design a platform with: (i) a simulation system for complex dexterous manipulation tasks with a multi-finger robot hand and (ii) a computer vision system to record large-scale demonstrations of a human hand conducting the same tasks. In our new pipeline, we extract 3D hand and object poses from the videos, and convert them to robot demonstrations via motion retargeting. We then apply and compare multiple imitation learning algorithms with the demonstrations. We show that the demonstrations can indeed improve robot learning by a large margin and solve the complex tasks which reinforcement learning alone cannot solve. Project page with video: https://yzqin.github.io/dexmv
Estimating 3D hand and object pose from a single image is an extremely challenging problem: hands and objects are often self-occluded during interactions, and the 3D annotations are scarce as even humans cannot directly label the ground-truths from a single image perfectly. To tackle these challenges, we propose a unified framework for estimating the 3D hand and object poses with semi-supervised learning. We build a joint learning framework where we perform explicit contextual reasoning between hand and object representations by a Transformer. Going beyond limited 3D annotations in a single image, we leverage the spatial-temporal consistency in large-scale hand-object videos as a constraint for generating pseudo labels in semi-supervised learning. Our method not only improves hand pose estimation in challenging real-world dataset, but also substantially improve the object pose which has fewer ground-truths per instance. By training with large-scale diverse videos, our model also generalizes better across multiple out-of-domain datasets. Project page and code: https://stevenlsw.github.io/Semi-Hand-Object

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