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Volumetric deep learning approach towards stereo matching aggregates a cost volume computed from input left and right images using 3D convolutions. Recent works showed that utilization of extracted image features and a spatially varying cost volume a ggregation complements 3D convolutions. However, existing methods with spatially varying operations are complex, cost considerable computation time, and cause memory consumption to increase. In this work, we construct Guided Cost volume Excitation (GCE) and show that simple channel excitation of cost volume guided by image can improve performance considerably. Moreover, we propose a novel method of using top-k selection prior to soft-argmin disparity regression for computing the final disparity estimate. Combining our novel contributions, we present an end-to-end network that we call Correlate-and-Excite (CoEx). Extensive experiments of our model on the SceneFlow, KITTI 2012, and KITTI 2015 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our model and show that our model outperforms other speed-based algorithms while also being competitive to other state-of-the-art algorithms. Codes will be made available at https://github.com/antabangun/coex.
Most of the deep-learning based depth and ego-motion networks have been designed for visible cameras. However, visible cameras heavily rely on the presence of an external light source. Therefore, it is challenging to use them under low-light conditio ns such as night scenes, tunnels, and other harsh conditions. A thermal camera is one solution to compensate for this problem because it detects Long Wave Infrared Radiation(LWIR) regardless of any external light sources. However, despite this advantage, both depth and ego-motion estimation research for the thermal camera are not actively explored until so far. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learning method for the all-day depth and ego-motion estimation. The proposed method exploits multi-spectral consistency loss to gives complementary supervision for the networks by reconstructing visible and thermal images with the depth and pose estimated from thermal images. The networks trained with the proposed method robustly estimate the depth and pose from monocular thermal video under low-light and even zero-light conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to simultaneously estimate both depth and ego-motion from the monocular thermal video in an unsupervised manner.
We present an end-to-end joint training framework that explicitly models 6-DoF motion of multiple dynamic objects, ego-motion and depth in a monocular camera setup without supervision. Our technical contributions are three-fold. First, we highlight t he fundamental difference between inverse and forward projection while modeling the individual motion of each rigid object, and propose a geometrically correct projection pipeline using a neural forward projection module. Second, we design a unified instance-aware photometric and geometric consistency loss that holistically imposes self-supervisory signals for every background and object region. Lastly, we introduce a general-purpose auto-annotation scheme using any off-the-shelf instance segmentation and optical flow models to produce video instance segmentation maps that will be utilized as input to our training pipeline. These proposed elements are validated in a detailed ablation study. Through extensive experiments conducted on the KITTI and Cityscapes dataset, our framework is shown to outperform the state-of-the-art depth and motion estimation methods. Our code, dataset, and models are available at https://github.com/SeokjuLee/Insta-DM .
We present an end-to-end joint training framework that explicitly models 6-DoF motion of multiple dynamic objects, ego-motion and depth in a monocular camera setup without supervision. Our technical contributions are three-fold. First, we propose a d ifferentiable forward rigid projection module that plays a key role in our instance-wise depth and motion learning. Second, we design an instance-wise photometric and geometric consistency loss that effectively decomposes background and moving object regions. Lastly, we introduce a new auto-annotation scheme to produce video instance segmentation maps that will be utilized as input to our training pipeline. These proposed elements are validated in a detailed ablation study. Through extensive experiments conducted on the KITTI dataset, our framework is shown to outperform the state-of-the-art depth and motion estimation methods. Our code and dataset will be available at https://github.com/SeokjuLee/Insta-DM.
We present a method for decomposing the 3D scene flow observed from a moving stereo rig into stationary scene elements and dynamic object motion. Our unsupervised learning framework jointly reasons about the camera motion, optical flow, and 3D motion of moving objects. Three cooperating networks predict stereo matching, camera motion, and residual flow, which represents the flow component due to object motion and not from camera motion. Based on rigid projective geometry, the estimated stereo depth is used to guide the camera motion estimation, and the depth and camera motion are used to guide the residual flow estimation. We also explicitly estimate the 3D scene flow of dynamic objects based on the residual flow and scene depth. Experiments on the KITTI dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms on the optical flow and visual odometry tasks.
Dashboard cameras capture a tremendous amount of driving scene video each day. These videos are purposefully coupled with vehicle sensing data, such as from the speedometer and inertial sensors, providing an additional sensing modality for free. In t his work, we leverage the large-scale unlabeled yet naturally paired data for visual representation learning in the driving scenario. A representation is learned in an end-to-end self-supervised framework for predicting dense optical flow from a single frame with paired sensing data. We postulate that success on this task requires the network to learn semantic and geometric knowledge in the ego-centric view. For example, forecasting a future view to be seen from a moving vehicle requires an understanding of scene depth, scale, and movement of objects. We demonstrate that our learned representation can benefit other tasks that require detailed scene understanding and outperforms competing unsupervised representations on semantic segmentation.
In daily life, graphic symbols, such as traffic signs and brand logos, are ubiquitously utilized around us due to its intuitive expression beyond language boundary. We tackle an open-set graphic symbol recognition problem by one-shot classification w ith prototypical images as a single training example for each novel class. We take an approach to learn a generalizable embedding space for novel tasks. We propose a new approach called variational prototyping-encoder (VPE) that learns the image translation task from real-world input images to their corresponding prototypical images as a meta-task. As a result, VPE learns image similarity as well as prototypical concepts which differs from widely used metric learning based approaches. Our experiments with diverse datasets demonstrate that the proposed VPE performs favorably against competing metric learning based one-shot methods. Also, our qualitative analyses show that our meta-task induces an effective embedding space suitable for unseen data representation.
Recent advances in visual recognition show overarching success by virtue of large amounts of supervised data. However,the acquisition of a large supervised dataset is often challenging. This is also true for intelligent transportation applications, i .e., traffic sign recognition. For example, a model trained with data of one country may not be easily generalized to another country without much data. We propose a novel feature embedding scheme for unseen class classification when the representative class template is given. Traffic signs, unlike other objects, have official images. We perform co-domain embedding using a quadruple relationship from real and synthetic domains. Our quadruplet network fully utilizes the explicit pairwise similarity relationships among samples from different domains. We validate our method on three datasets with two experiments involving one-shot classification and feature generalization. The results show that the proposed method outperforms competing approaches on both seen and unseen classes.

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