ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

91 - Sean Cleary , Roland Maio 2020
It is an open question whether there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for computing the rotation distances between pairs of extended ordered binary trees. The problem of computing the rotation distance between an arbitrary pair of trees, (S, T), ca n be efficiently reduced to the problem of computing the rotation distance between a difficult pair of trees (S, T), where there is no known first step which is guaranteed to be the beginning of a minimal length path. Of interest, therefore, is how to sample such difficult pairs of trees of a fixed size. We show that it is possible to do so efficiently, and present such an algorithm that runs in time $O(n^4)$.
We introduce some natural families of distributions on rooted binary ranked plane trees with a view toward unifying ideas from various fields, including macroevolution, epidemiology, computational group theory, search algorithms and other fields. In the process we introduce the notions of split-exchangeability and plane-invariance of a general Markov splitting model in order to readily obtain probabilities over various equivalence classes of trees that arise in statistics, phylogenetics, epidemiology and group theory.

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