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A demonstration of how the point symmetries of the Chazy Equation become nonlocal symmetries for the reduced equation is discussed. Moreover we construct an equivalent third-order differential equation which is related to the Chazy Equation under a g eneralized transformation, and find the point symmetries of the Chazy Equation are generalized symmetries for the new equation. With the use of singularity analysis and a simple coordinate transformation we construct a solution for the Chazy Equation which is given by a Right Painleve Series. The singularity analysis is applied to the new third-order equation and we find that it admits two solutions, one given by a Left Painleve Series and one given by a Right Painleve Series where the leading-order behaviors and the resonances are explicitly those of the Chazy Equation.
Recently a cubic Galileon cosmological model was derived by the assumption that the field equations are invariant under the action of point transformations. The cubic Galileon model admits a second conservation law which means that the field equation s form an integrable system. The analysis of the critical points for this integrable model is the main subject of this work. To perform the analysis, we work on dimensionless variables different from that of the Hubble normalization. New critical points are derived while the gravitational effects which follow from the cubic term are studied.

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