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Topological quantum computation encodes quantum information nonlocally by nucleating non-Abelian anyons separated by distances $L$, typically spanning the qubit device size. This nonlocality renders topological qubits exponentially immune to dephasin g from all sources of classical noise with operator support local on the scale of $L$. We perform detailed analytical and numerical analyses of a time-domain Ramsey-type protocol for noisy Majorana-based qubits that is designed to validate this coveted topological protection in near-term devices such as the so-called `tetron design. By assessing dependence of dephasing times on tunable parameters, e.g., magnetic field, our proposed protocol can clearly distinguish a bona fide Majorana qubit from one constructed from semilocal Andreev bound states, which can otherwise closely mimic the true topological scenario in local probes. In addition, we analyze leakage of the qubit out of its low-energy manifold due to classical-noise-induced generation of quasiparticle excitations; leakage limits the qubit lifetime when the bulk gap collapses, and hence our protocol further reveals the onset of a topological phase transition. This experiment requires measurement of two nearby Majorana modes for both initialization and readout---achievable, for example, by tunnel coupling to a nearby quantum dot---but no further Majorana manipulations, and thus constitutes an enticing pre-braiding experiment. Along the way, we address conceptual subtleties encountered when discussing dephasing and leakage in the context of Majorana qubits.
Motivated by recent experiments demonstrating intricate quantum Hall physics on the surface of elemental bismuth, we consider proximity coupling an $s$-wave superconductor to a two-dimensional electron gas with strong Rashba spin-orbit interactions i n the presence of a strong perpendicular magnetic field. We focus on the high-field limit so that the superconductivity can be treated as a perturbation to the low-lying Landau levels. In the clean case, wherein the superconducting order parameter takes the form of an Abrikosov vortex lattice, we show that a lattice of hybridized Majorana modes emerges near the plateau transition of the lowest Landau level. However, unless magnetic-symmetry-violating perturbations are present, the system always has an even number of chiral Majorana edge modes and thus is strictly speaking Abelian in nature, in agreement with previous work on related setups. Interestingly, however, a weak topological superconducting phase can very naturally be stabilized near the plateau transition for the square vortex lattice. The relevance of our findings to potential near-term experiments on proximitized materials such as bismuth will be discussed.
We numerically assess model wave functions for the recently proposed particle-hole-symmetric Pfaffian (`PH-Pfaffian) topological order, a phase consistent with the recently reported thermal Hall conductance [Banerjee et al., Nature 559, 205 (2018)] a t the ever enigmatic $ u=5/2$ quantum-Hall plateau. We find that the most natural Moore-Read-inspired trial state for the PH-Pfaffian, when projected into the lowest Landau level, exhibits a remarkable numerical similarity on accessible system sizes with the corresponding (compressible) composite Fermi liquid. Consequently, this PH-Pfaffian trial state performs reasonably well energetically in the half-filled lowest Landau level, but is likely not a good starting point for understanding the $ u=5/2$ ground state. Our results suggest that the PH-Pfaffian model wave function either encodes anomalously weak $p$-wave pairing of composite fermions or fails to represent a gapped, incompressible phase altogether.
We study the possible breakdown of quantum thermalization in a model of itinerant electrons on a one-dimensional chain without disorder, with both spin and charge degrees of freedom. The eigenstates of this model exhibit peculiar properties in the en tanglement entropy, the apparent scaling of which is modified from a volume law to an area law after performing a partial, site-wise measurement on the system. These properties and others suggest that this model realizes a new, non-thermal phase of matter, known as a quantum disentangled liquid (QDL). The putative existence of this phase has striking implications for the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics.
Quantum phases characterized by surfaces of gapless excitations are known to violate the otherwise ubiquitous boundary law of entanglement entropy in the form of a multiplicative log correction: $Ssim L^{d-1} log L$. Using variational Monte Carlo, we calculate the second Renyi entropy for a model wavefunction of the $ u=1/2$ composite Fermi liquid (CFL) state defined on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. By carefully studying the scaling of the total Renyi entropy and, crucially, its contributions from the modulus and sign of the wavefunction on various finite-size geometries, we argue that the prefactor of the leading $L log L$ term is equivalent to that in the analogous free fermion wavefunction. In contrast to the recent results of Shao et al. [PRL 114, 206402 (2015)], we thus conclude that the Widom formula holds even in this non-Fermi liquid CFL state. More generally, our results further elucidate---and place on a more quantitative footing---the relationship between nontrivial wavefunction sign structure and $Ssim L log L$ entanglement scaling in such highly entangled gapless phases.
Recent experiments have produced mounting evidence of Majorana zero modes in nanowire-superconductor hybrids. Signatures of an expected topological phase transition accompanying the onset of these modes nevertheless remain elusive. We investigate a f undamental question concerning this issue: Do well-formed Majorana modes necessarily entail a sharp phase transition in these setups? Assuming reasonable parameters, we argue that finite-size effects can dramatically smooth this putative transition into a crossover, even in systems large enough to support well-localized Majorana modes. We propose overcoming such finite-size effects by examining the behavior of low-lying excited states through tunneling spectroscopy. In particular, the excited-state energies exhibit characteristic field and density dependence, and scaling with system size, that expose an approaching topological phase transition. We suggest several experiments for extracting the predicted behavior. As a useful byproduct, the protocols also allow one to measure the wires spin-orbit coupling directly in its superconducting environment.
We introduce a scheme for preparation, manipulation, and readout of Majorana zero modes in semiconducting wires with mesoscopic superconducting islands. Our approach synthesizes recent advances in materials growth with tools commonly used in quantum- dot experiments, including gate-control of tunnel barriers and Coulomb effects, charge sensing, and charge pumping. We outline a sequence of milestones interpolating between zero-mode detection and quantum computing that includes (1) detection of fusion rules for non-Abelian anyons using either proximal charge sensors or pumped current; (2) validation of a prototype topological qubit; and (3) demonstration of non-Abelian statistics by braiding in a branched geometry. The first two milestones require only a single wire with two islands, and additionally enable sensitive measurements of the systems excitation gap, quasiparticle poisoning rates, residual Majorana zero-mode splittings, and topological-qubit coherence times. These pre-braiding experiments can be adapted to other manipulation and readout schemes as well.
More than half a century after first being proposed by Sir Nevill Mott, the deceptively simple question of whether the interaction-driven electronic metal-insulator transition may be continuous remains enigmatic. Recent experiments on two-dimensional materials suggest that when the insulator is a quantum spin liquid, lack of magnetic long-range order on the insulating side may cause the transition to be continuous, or only very weakly first order. Motivated by this, we study a half-filled extended Hubbard model on a triangular lattice strip geometry. We argue, through use of large-scale numerical simulations and analytical bosonization, that this model harbors a continuous (Kosterlitz-Thouless-like) quantum phase transition between a metal and a gapless spin liquid characterized by a spinon Fermi surface, i.e., a spinon metal. These results may provide a rare insight into the development of Mott criticality in strongly interacting two-dimensional materials and represent one of the first numerical demonstrations of a Mott insulating quantum spin liquid phase in a genuinely electronic microscopic model.
We propose a novel quantum spin liquid state that can explain many of the intriguing experimental properties of the low-temperature phase of the organic spin liquid candidate materials. This state of paired fermionic spinons preserves all symmetries of the system, and it has a gapless excitation spectrum with quadratic bands that touch at momentum ~ k = 0. This quadratic band touching is protected by the symmetry of the system. Using variational Monte Carlo techniques, we show that this state has highly competitive energy in the triangular lattice Heisenberg model supplemented with a realistically large ring-exchange term.
Developing a theoretical framework for conducting electronic fluids qualitatively distinct from those described by Landaus Fermi-liquid theory is of central importance to many outstanding problems in condensed matter physics. One such problem is that , above the transition temperature and near optimal doping, high-transition-temperature copper-oxide superconductors exhibit `strange metal behaviour that is inconsistent with being a traditional Landau Fermi liquid. Indeed, a microscopic theory of a strange-metal quantum phase could shed new light on the interesting low-temperature behaviour in the pseudogap regime and on the d-wave superconductor itself. Here we present a theory for a specific example of a strange metal---the d-wave metal. Using variational wavefunctions, gauge theoretic arguments, and ultimately large-scale density matrix renormalization group calculations, we show that this remarkable quantum phase is the ground state of a reasonable microscopic Hamiltonian---the usual t-J model with electron kinetic energy $t$ and two-spin exchange $J$ supplemented with a frustrated electron `ring-exchange term, which we here examine extensively on the square lattice two-leg ladder. These findings constitute an explicit theoretical example of a genuine non-Fermi-liquid metal existing as the ground state of a realistic model.

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