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We study an extension of the Falconer distance problem in the multiparameter setting. Given $ellgeq 1$ and $mathbb{R}^{d}=mathbb{R}^{d_1}timescdots timesmathbb{R}^{d_ell}$, $d_igeq 2$. For any compact set $Esubset mathbb{R}^{d}$ with Hausdorff dimens ion larger than $d-frac{min(d_i)}{2}+frac{1}{4}$ if $min(d_i) $ is even, $d-frac{min(d_i)}{2}+frac{1}{4}+frac{1}{4min(d_i)}$ if $min(d_i) $ is odd, we prove that the multiparameter distance set of $E$ has positive $ell$-dimensional Lebesgue measure. A key ingredient in the proof is a new multiparameter radial projection theorem for fractal measures.
Point clouds can be represented in many forms (views), typically, point-based sets, voxel-based cells or range-based images(i.e., panoramic view). The point-based view is geometrically accurate, but it is disordered, which makes it difficult to find local neighbors efficiently. The voxel-based view is regular, but sparse, and computation grows cubically when voxel resolution increases. The range-based view is regular and generally dense, however spherical projection makes physical dimensions distorted. Both voxel- and range-based views suffer from quantization loss, especially for voxels when facing large-scale scenes. In order to utilize different views advantages and alleviate their own shortcomings in fine-grained segmentation task, we propose a novel range-point-voxel fusion network, namely RPVNet. In this network, we devise a deep fusion framework with multiple and mutual information interactions among these three views and propose a gated fusion module (termed as GFM), which can adaptively merge the three features based on concurrent inputs. Moreover, the proposed RPV interaction mechanism is highly efficient, and we summarize it into a more general formulation. By leveraging this efficient interaction and relatively lower voxel resolution, our method is also proved to be more efficient. Finally, we evaluated the proposed model on two large-scale datasets, i.e., SemanticKITTI and nuScenes, and it shows state-of-the-art performance on both of them. Note that, our method currently ranks 1st on SemanticKITTI leaderboard without any extra tricks.
We propose a new method of estimating oscillatory integrals, which we call a stationary set method. We use it to obtain the sharp convergence exponents of Tarrys problems in dimension two for every degree $kge 2$. As a consequence, we obtain sharp Fo urier extension estimates for a family of monomial surfaces.
Henstock and Macbeath asked in 1953 whether the Brunn-Minkowski inequality can be generalized to nonabelian locally compact groups; questions in the same line were also asked by Hrushovski, McCrudden, and Tao. We obtain here such an inequality and pr ove that it is sharp for helix-free locally compact groups, which includes real linear algebraic groups, Nash groups, semisimple Lie groups with finite center, solvable Lie groups, etc. The proof follows an induction on dimension strategy; new ingredients include an understanding of the role played by maximal compact subgroups of Lie groups, a necessary modified form of the inequality which is also applicable to nonunimodular locally compact groups, and a proportionated averaging trick.
Autoencoder and its variants have been widely applicated in anomaly detection.The previous work memory-augmented deep autoencoder proposed memorizing normality to detect anomaly, however it neglects the feature discrepancy between different resolutio n scales, therefore we introduce multi-scale memories to record scale-specific features and multi-scale attention fuser between the encoding and decoding module of the autoencoder for anomaly detection, namely MMAE.MMAE updates slots at corresponding resolution scale as prototype features during unsupervised learning. For anomaly detection, we accomplish anomaly removal by replacing the original encoded image features at each scale with most relevant prototype features,and fuse these features before feeding to the decoding module to reconstruct image. Experimental results on various datasets testify that our MMAE successfully removes anomalies at different scales and performs favorably on several datasets compared to similar reconstruction-based methods.
We prove sharp $ell^q L^p$ decoupling inequalities for arbitrary tuples of quadratic forms. Our argument is based on scale-dependent Brascamp-Lieb inequalities.
Learning controllable and generalizable representation of multivariate data with desired structural properties remains a fundamental problem in machine learning. In this paper, we present a novel framework for learning generative models with various underlying structures in the latent space. We represent the inductive bias in the form of mask variables to model the dependency structure in the graphical model and extend the theory of multivariate information bottleneck to enforce it. Our model provides a principled approach to learn a set of semantically meaningful latent factors that reflect various types of desired structures like capturing correlation or encoding invariance, while also offering the flexibility to automatically estimate the dependency structure from data. We show that our framework unifies many existing generative models and can be applied to a variety of tasks including multi-modal data modeling, algorithmic fairness, and invariant risk minimization.
We show that the sum of the implicit generator log-density $log p_g$ of a GAN with the logit score of the discriminator defines an energy function which yields the true data density when the generator is imperfect but the discriminator is optimal, th us making it possible to improve on the typical generator (with implicit density $p_g$). To make that practical, we show that sampling from this modified density can be achieved by sampling in latent space according to an energy-based model induced by the sum of the latent prior log-density and the discriminator output score. This can be achieved by running a Langevin MCMC in latent space and then applying the generator function, which we call Discriminator Driven Latent Sampling~(DDLS). We show that DDLS is highly efficient compared to previous methods which work in the high-dimensional pixel space and can be applied to improve on previously trained GANs of many types. We evaluate DDLS on both synthetic and real-world datasets qualitatively and quantitatively. On CIFAR-10, DDLS substantially improves the Inception Score of an off-the-shelf pre-trained SN-GAN~citep{sngan} from $8.22$ to $9.09$ which is even comparable to the class-conditional BigGAN~citep{biggan} model. This achieves a new state-of-the-art in unconditional image synthesis setting without introducing extra parameters or additional training.
We adapt Guths polynomial partitioning argument for the Fourier restriction problem to the context of the Kakeya problem. By writing out the induction argument as a recursive algorithm, additional multiscale geometric information is made available. T o take advantage of this, we prove that direction-separated tubes satisfy a multiscale version of the polynomial Wolff axioms. Altogether, this yields improved bounds for the Kakeya maximal conjecture in $mathbb{R}^n$ with $n=5$ or $nge 7$ and improved bounds for the Kakeya set conjecture for an infinite sequence of dimensions.
Modern generative models are usually designed to match target distributions directly in the data space, where the intrinsic dimension of data can be much lower than the ambient dimension. We argue that this discrepancy may contribute to the difficult ies in training generative models. We therefore propose to map both the generated and target distributions to a latent space using the encoder of a standard autoencoder, and train the generator (or decoder) to match the target distribution in the latent space. Specifically, we enforce the consistency in both the data space and the latent space with theoretically justified data and latent reconstruction losses. The resulting generative model, which we call a perceptual generative autoencoder (PGA), is then trained with a maximum likelihood or variational autoencoder (VAE) objective. With maximum likelihood, PGAs generalize the idea of reversible generative models to unrestricted neural network architectures and arbitrary number of latent dimensions. When combined with VAEs, PGAs substantially improve over the baseline VAEs in terms of sample quality. Compared to other autoencoder-based generative models using simple priors, PGAs achieve state-of-the-art FID scores on CIFAR-10 and CelebA.

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