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We introduce a method to render Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) in real time using PlenOctrees, an octree-based 3D representation which supports view-dependent effects. Our method can render 800x800 images at more than 150 FPS, which is over 3000 time s faster than conventional NeRFs. We do so without sacrificing quality while preserving the ability of NeRFs to perform free-viewpoint rendering of scenes with arbitrary geometry and view-dependent effects. Real-time performance is achieved by pre-tabulating the NeRF into a PlenOctree. In order to preserve view-dependent effects such as specularities, we factorize the appearance via closed-form spherical basis functions. Specifically, we show that it is possible to train NeRFs to predict a spherical harmonic representation of radiance, removing the viewing direction as an input to the neural network. Furthermore, we show that PlenOctrees can be directly optimized to further minimize the reconstruction loss, which leads to equal or better quality compared to competing methods. Moreover, this octree optimization step can be used to reduce the training time, as we no longer need to wait for the NeRF training to converge fully. Our real-time neural rendering approach may potentially enable new applications such as 6-DOF industrial and product visualizations, as well as next generation AR/VR systems. PlenOctrees are amenable to in-browser rendering as well; please visit the project page for the interactive online demo, as well as video and code: https://alexyu.net/plenoctrees
We present AIST++, a new multi-modal dataset of 3D dance motion and music, along with FACT, a Full-Attention Cross-modal Transformer network for generating 3D dance motion conditioned on music. The proposed AIST++ dataset contains 5.2 hours of 3D dan ce motion in 1408 sequences, covering 10 dance genres with multi-view videos with known camera poses -- the largest dataset of this kind to our knowledge. We show that naively applying sequence models such as transformers to this dataset for the task of music conditioned 3D motion generation does not produce satisfactory 3D motion that is well correlated with the input music. We overcome these shortcomings by introducing key changes in its architecture design and supervision: FACT model involves a deep cross-modal transformer block with full-attention that is trained to predict $N$ future motions. We empirically show that these changes are key factors in generating long sequences of realistic dance motion that are well-attuned to the input music. We conduct extensive experiments on AIST++ with user studies, where our method outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
We present the first approach to volumetric performance capture and novel-view rendering at real-time speed from monocular video, eliminating the need for expensive multi-view systems or cumbersome pre-acquisition of a personalized template model. Ou r system reconstructs a fully textured 3D human from each frame by leveraging Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function (PIFu). While PIFu achieves high-resolution reconstruction in a memory-efficient manner, its computationally expensive inference prevents us from deploying such a system for real-time applications. To this end, we propose a novel hierarchical surface localization algorithm and a direct rendering method without explicitly extracting surface meshes. By culling unnecessary regions for evaluation in a coarse-to-fine manner, we successfully accelerate the reconstruction by two orders of magnitude from the baseline without compromising the quality. Furthermore, we introduce an Online Hard Example Mining (OHEM) technique that effectively suppresses failure modes due to the rare occurrence of challenging examples. We adaptively update the sampling probability of the training data based on the current reconstruction accuracy, which effectively alleviates reconstruction artifacts. Our experiments and evaluations demonstrate the robustness of our system to various challenging angles, illuminations, poses, and clothing styles. We also show that our approach compares favorably with the state-of-the-art monocular performance capture. Our proposed approach removes the need for multi-view studio settings and enables a consumer-accessible solution for volumetric capture.
Based on a combined data set of 4000 high resolution facial scans, we introduce a non-linear morphable face model, capable of producing multifarious face geometry of pore-level resolution, coupled with material attributes for use in physically-based rendering. We aim to maximize the variety of face identities, while increasing the robustness of correspondence between unique components, including middle-frequency geometry, albedo maps, specular intensity maps and high-frequency displacement details. Our deep learning based generative model learns to correlate albedo and geometry, which ensures the anatomical correctness of the generated assets. We demonstrate potential use of our generative model for novel identity generation, model fitting, interpolation, animation, high fidelity data visualization, and low-to-high resolution data domain transferring. We hope the release of this generative model will encourage further cooperation between all graphics, vision, and data focused professionals while demonstrating the cumulative value of every individuals complete biometric profile.
Example-guided image synthesis aims to synthesize an image from a semantic label map and an exemplary image indicating style. We use the term style in this problem to refer to implicit characteristics of images, for example: in portraits style includ es gender, racial identity, age, hairstyle; in full body pictures it includes clothing; in street scenes, it refers to weather and time of day and such like. A semantic label map in these cases indicates facial expression, full body pose, or scene segmentation. We propose a solution to the example-guided image synthesis problem using conditional generative adversarial networks with style consistency. Our key contributions are (i) a novel style consistency discriminator to determine whether a pair of images are consistent in style; (ii) an adaptive semantic consistency loss; and (iii) a training data sampling strategy, for synthesizing style-consistent results to the exemplar.

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