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This paper describes the SPAPL system for the INTERSPEECH 2021 Challenge: Shared Task on Automatic Speech Recognition for Non-Native Childrens Speech in German. ~ 5 hours of transcribed data and ~ 60 hours of untranscribed data are provided to develo p a German ASR system for children. For the training of the transcribed data, we propose a non-speech state discriminative loss (NSDL) to mitigate the influence of long-duration non-speech segments within speech utterances. In order to explore the use of the untranscribed data, various approaches are implemented and combined together to incrementally improve the system performance. First, bidirectional autoregressive predictive coding (Bi-APC) is used to learn initial parameters for acoustic modelling using the provided untranscribed data. Second, incremental semi-supervised learning is further used to iteratively generate pseudo-transcribed data. Third, different data augmentation schemes are used at different training stages to increase the variability and size of the training data. Finally, a recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM) is used for rescoring. Our system achieves a word error rate (WER) of 39.68% on the evaluation data, an approximately 12% relative improvement over the official baseline (45.21%).
117 - Ruchao Fan , Wei Chu , Peng Chang 2021
Non-autoregressive mechanisms can significantly decrease inference time for speech transformers, especially when the single step variant is applied. Previous work on CTC alignment-based single step non-autoregressive transformer (CASS-NAT) has shown a large real time factor (RTF) improvement over autoregressive transformers (AT). In this work, we propose several methods to improve the accuracy of the end-to-end CASS-NAT, followed by performance analyses. First, convolution augmented self-attention blocks are applied to both the encoder and decoder modules. Second, we propose to expand the trigger mask (acoustic boundary) for each token to increase the robustness of CTC alignments. In addition, iterated loss functions are used to enhance the gradient update of low-layer parameters. Without using an external language model, the WERs of the improved CASS-NAT, when using the three methods, are 3.1%/7.2% on Librispeech test clean/other sets and the CER is 5.4% on the Aishell1 test set, achieving a 7%~21% relative WER/CER improvement. For the analyses, we plot attention weight distributions in the decoders to visualize the relationships between token-level acoustic embeddings. When the acoustic embeddings are visualized, we find that they have a similar behavior to word embeddings, which explains why the improved CASS-NAT performs similarly to AT.

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