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The nature of the ground state of the spin $S=1/2$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with breathing anisotropy (i.e., with different superexchange couplings $J_{vartriangle}$ and $J_{triangledown}$ within elementary up- and down-pointi ng triangles) is investigated within the framework of Gutzwiller projected fermionic wave functions and Monte Carlo methods. We analyze the stability of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid with respect to the presence of fermionic pairing that leads to a gapped $mathbb{Z}_{2}$ spin liquid. For several values of the ratio $J_{triangledown}/J_{vartriangle}$, the size scaling of the energy gain due to the pairing fields and the variational parameters are reported. Our results show that the energy gain of the gapped spin liquid with respect to the gapless state either vanishes for large enough system size or scales to zero in the thermodynamic limit. Similarly, the optimized pairing amplitudes (responsible for opening the spin gap) are shown to vanish in the thermodynamic limit. Our outcome is corroborated by the application of one and two Lanczos steps to the gapless and gapped wave functions, for which no energy gain of the gapped state is detected when improving the quality of the variational states. Finally, we discuss the competition with the simplex $mathbb{Z}_{2}$ resonating-valence-bond spin liquid, valence-bond crystal, and nematic states in the strongly anisotropic regime, i.e., $J_{triangledown} ll J_{vartriangle}$.
We show that the topological Kitaev spin liquid on the honeycomb lattice is extremely fragile against the second-neighbor Kitaev coupling $K_2$, which has recently been shown to be the dominant perturbation away from the nearest-neighbor model in iri date Na$_2$IrO$_3$, and may also play a role in $alpha$-RuCl$_3$ and Li$_2$IrO$_3$. This coupling naturally explains the zigzag ordering (without introducing unrealistically large longer-range Heisenberg exchange terms) and the special entanglement between real and spin space observed recently in Na$_2$IrO$_3$. Moreover, the minimal $K_1$-$K_2$ model that we present here holds the unique property that the classical and quantum phase diagrams and their respective order-by-disorder mechanisms are qualitatively different due to the fundamentally different symmetries of the classical and quantum counterparts.

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