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The cross-correlation of a foreground density field with two different background convergence fields can be used to measure cosmographic distance ratios and constrain dark energy parameters. We investigate the possibility of performing such measureme nts using a combination of optical galaxy surveys and HI intensity mapping surveys, with emphasis on the performance of the planned Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Using HI intensity mapping to probe the foreground density tracer field and/or the background source fields has the advantage of excellent redshift resolution and a longer lever arm achieved by using the lensing signal from high redshift background sources. Our results show that, for our best SKA-optical configuration of surveys, a constant equation of state for dark energy can be constrained to $simeq 8%$ for a sky coverage $f_{rm sky}=0.5$ and assuming a $sigma(Omega_{rm DE})=0.03$ prior for the dark energy density parameter. We also show that using the CMB as the second source plane is not competitive, even when considering a COrE-like satellite.
We study structure formation in non-minimally coupled dark energy models, where there is a coupling in the Lagrangian between a quintessence scalar field and gravity via the Ricci scalar. We consider models with a range of different non-minimal coupl ing strengths and compare these to minimally coupled quintessence models with time-dependent dark energy densities. The equations of state of the latter are tuned to either reproduce the equation of state of the non-minimally coupled models or their background history. Thereby they provide a reference to study the unique imprints of coupling on structure formation. We show that the coupling between gravity and the scalar field, which effectively results in a time-varying gravitational constant G, is not negligible and its effect can be distinguished from a minimally coupled model. We extend previous work on this subject by showing that major differences appear in the determination of the mass function at high masses, where we observe differences of the order of 40% at z=0. Our new results concern effects on the non-linear matter power spectrum and on the lensing signal (differences of ~10% for both quantities), where we find that non-minimally coupled models could be distinguished from minimally coupled ones.
Local non-Gaussianity, parametrized by $f_{rm NL}$, introduces a scale-dependent bias that is strongest at large scales, precisely where General Relativistic (GR) effects also become significant. With future data, it should be possible to constrain $ f_{rm NL} = {cal O}(1)$ with high redshift surveys. GR corrections to the power spectrum and ambiguities in the gauge used to define bias introduce effects similar to $f_{rm NL}= {cal O}(1)$, so it is essential to disentangle these effects. For the first time in studies of primordial non-Gaussianity, we include the consistent GR calculation of galaxy power spectra, highlighting the importance of a proper definition of bias. We present observable power spectra with and without GR corrections, showing that an incorrect definition of bias can mimic non-Gaussianity. However, these effects can be distinguished by their different redshift and scale dependence, so as to extract the true primordial non-Gaussianity.
In this paper we show how the rescattering of CMB photons after cosmic reionization can give a significant linear contribution to the temperature-matter cross-correlation measurements. These anisotropies, which arise via a late time Doppler effect, a re on scales much larger than the typical scale of non-linear effects at reionization; they can contribute to degree scale cross-correlations and could affect the interpretation of similar correlations resulting from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. While expected to be small at low redshifts, these correlations can be large given a probe of the density at high redshift, and so could be a useful probe of the cosmic reionization history.

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