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We consider the problem of dictionary matching in a stream. Given a set of strings, known as a dictionary, and a stream of characters arriving one at a time, the task is to report each time some string in our dictionary occurs in the stream. We prese nt a randomised algorithm which takes O(log log(k + m)) time per arriving character and uses O(k log m) words of space, where k is the number of strings in the dictionary and m is the length of the longest string in the dictionary.
There has been a resurgence of interest in lower bounds whose truth rests on the conjectured hardness of well known computational problems. These conditional lower bounds have become important and popular due to the painfully slow progress on proving strong unconditional lower bounds. Nevertheless, the long term goal is to replace these conditional bounds with unconditional ones. In this paper we make progress in this direction by studying the cell probe complexity of two conjectured to be hard problems of particular importance: matrix-vector multiplication and a version of dynamic set disjointness known as Patrascus Multiphase Problem. We give improved unconditional lower bounds for these problems as well as introducing new proof techniques of independent interest. These include a technique capable of proving strong threshold lower bounds of the following form: If we insist on having a very fast query time, then the update time has to be slow enough to compute a lookup table with the answer to every possible query. This is the first time a lower bound of this type has been proven.
We revisit the complexity of online computation in the cell probe model. We consider a class of problems where we are first given a fixed pattern or vector $F$ of $n$ symbols and then one symbol arrives at a time in a stream. After each symbol has ar rived we must output some function of $F$ and the $n$-length suffix of the arriving stream. Cell probe bounds of $Omega(deltalg{n}/w)$ have previously been shown for both convolution and Hamming distance in this setting, where $delta$ is the size of a symbol in bits and $winOmega(lg{n})$ is the cell size in bits. However, when $delta$ is a constant, as it is in many natural situations, these previous results no longer give us non-trivial bounds. We introduce a new lop-sided information transfer proof technique which enables us to prove meaningful lower bounds even for constant size input alphabets. We use our new framework to prove an amortised cell probe lower bound of $Omega(lg^2 n/(wcdot lg lg n))$ time per arriving bit for an online version of a well studied problem known as pattern matching with address errors. This is the first non-trivial cell probe lower bound for any online problem on bit streams that still holds when the cell sizes are large. We also show the same bound for online convolution conditioned on a new combinatorial conjecture related to Toeplitz matrices.
We give tight cell-probe bounds for the time to compute convolution, multiplication and Hamming distance in a stream. The cell probe model is a particularly strong computational model and subsumes, for example, the popular word RAM model. We first consider online convolution where the task is to output the inner product between a fixed $n$-dimensional vector and a vector of the $n$ most recent values from a stream. One symbol of the stream arrives at a time and the each output must be computed before the next symbols arrives. Next we show bounds for online multiplication where the stream consists of pairs of digits, one from each of two $n$ digit numbers that are to be multiplied. One pair arrives at a time and the task is to output a single new digit from the product before the next pair of digits arrives. Finally we look at the online Hamming distance problem where the Hamming distance is outputted instead of the inner product. For each of these three problems, we give a lower bound of $Omega(frac{delta}{w}log n)$ time on average per output, where $delta$ is the number of bits needed to represent an input symbol and $w$ is the cell or word size. We argue that these bound are in fact tight within the cell probe model.
We give cell-probe bounds for the computation of edit distance, Hamming distance, convolution and longest common subsequence in a stream. In this model, a fixed string of $n$ symbols is given and one $delta$-bit symbol arrives at a time in a stream. After each symbol arrives, the distance between the fixed string and a suffix of most recent symbols of the stream is reported. The cell-probe model is perhaps the strongest model of computation for showing data structure lower bounds, subsuming in particular the popular word-RAM model. * We first give an $Omega((delta log n)/(w+loglog n))$ lower bound for the time to give each output for both online Hamming distance and convolution, where $w$ is the word size. This bound relies on a new encoding scheme and for the first time holds even when $w$ is as small as a single bit. * We then consider the online edit distance and longest common subsequence problems in the bit-probe model ($w=1$) with a constant sized input alphabet. We give a lower bound of $Omega(sqrt{log n}/(loglog n)^{3/2})$ which applies for both problems. This second set of results relies both on our new encoding scheme as well as a carefully constructed hard distribution. * Finally, for the online edit distance problem we show that there is an $O((log n)^2/w)$ upper bound in the cell-probe model. This bound gives a contrast to our new lower bound and also establishes an exponential gap between the known cell-probe and RAM model complexities.
We consider time-space tradeoffs for exactly computing frequency moments and order statistics over sliding windows. Given an input of length 2n-1, the task is to output the function of each window of length n, giving n outputs in total. Computations over sliding windows are related to direct sum problems except that inputs to instances almost completely overlap. We show an average case and randomized time-space tradeoff lower bound of TS in Omega(n^2) for multi-way branching programs, and hence standard RAM and word-RAM models, to compute the number of distinct elements, F_0, in sliding windows over alphabet [n]. The same lower bound holds for computing the low-order bit of F_0 and computing any frequency moment F_k for k not equal to 1. We complement this lower bound with a TS in tilde O(n^2) deterministic RAM algorithm for exactly computing F_k in sliding windows. We show time-space separations between the complexity of sliding-window element distinctness and that of sliding-window $F_0bmod 2$ computation. In particular for alphabet [n] there is a very simple errorless sliding-window algorithm for element distinctness that runs in O(n) time on average and uses O(log{n}) space. We show that any algorithm for a single element distinctness instance can be extended to an algorithm for the sliding-window version of element distinctness with at most a polylogarithmic increase in the time-space product. Finally, we show that the sliding-window computation of order statistics such as the maximum and minimum can be computed with only a logarithmic increase in time, but that a TS in Omega(n^2) lower bound holds for sliding-window computation of order statistics such as the median, a nearly linear increase in time when space is small.
We show tight bounds for online Hamming distance computation in the cell-probe model with word size w. The task is to output the Hamming distance between a fixed string of length n and the last n symbols of a stream. We give a lower bound of Omega((d /w)*log n) time on average per output, where d is the number of bits needed to represent an input symbol. We argue that this bound is tight within the model. The lower bound holds under randomisation and amortisation.
We investigate the problem of deterministic pattern matching in multiple streams. In this model, one symbol arrives at a time and is associated with one of s streaming texts. The task at each time step is to report if there is a new match between a f ixed pattern of length m and a newly updated stream. As is usual in the streaming context, the goal is to use as little space as possible while still reporting matches quickly. We give almost matching upper and lower space bounds for three distinct pattern matching problems. For exact matching we show that the problem can be solved in constant time per arriving symbol and O(m+s) words of space. For the k-mismatch and k-difference problems we give O(k) time solutions that require O(m+ks) words of space. In all three cases we also give space lower bounds which show our methods are optimal up to a single logarithmic factor. Finally we set out a number of open problems related to this new model for pattern matching.
We consider a class of pattern matching problems where a normalising transformation is applied at every alignment. Normalised pattern matching plays a key role in fields as diverse as image processing and musical information processing where applicat ion specific transformations are often applied to the input. By considering the class of polynomial transformations of the input, we provide fast algorithms and the first lower bounds for both new and old problems. Given a pattern of length m and a longer text of length n where both are assumed to contain integer values only, we first show O(n log m) time algorithms for pattern matching under linear transformations even when wildcard symbols can occur in the input. We then show how to extend the technique to polynomial transformations of arbitrary degree. Next we consider the problem of finding the minimum Hamming distance under polynomial transformation. We show that, for any epsilon>0, there cannot exist an O(n m^(1-epsilon)) time algorithm for additive and linear transformations conditional on the hardness of the classic 3SUM problem. Finally, we consider a version of the Hamming distance problem under additive transformations with a bound k on the maximum distance that need be reported. We give a deterministic O(nk log k) time solution which we then improve by careful use of randomisation to O(n sqrt(k log k) log n) time for sufficiently small k. Our randomised solution outputs the correct answer at every position with high probability.

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