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The present study aims at characterizing the massive star forming region G35.20N, which is found associated with at least one massive outflow and contains multiple dense cores, one of them recently found associated with a Keplerian rotating disk. We used ALMA to observe the G35.20N region in the continuum and line emission at 350 GHz. The observed frequency range covers tracers of dense gas (e.g. H13CO+, C17O), molecular outflows (e.g. SiO), and hot cores (e.g. CH3CN, CH3OH). The ALMA 870 um continuum emission map reveals an elongated dust structure (0.15 pc long and 0.013 pc wide) perpendicular to the large-scale molecular outflow detected in the region, and fragmented into a number of cores with masses 1-10 Msun and sizes 1600 AU. The cores appear regularly spaced with a separation of 0.023 pc. The emission of dense gas tracers such as H13CO+ or C17O is extended and coincident with the dust elongated structure. The three strongest dust cores show emission of complex organic molecules characteristic of hot cores, with temperatures around 200 K, and relative abundances 0.2-2x10^(-8) for CH3CN and 0.6-5x10^(-6) for CH3OH. The two cores with highest mass (cores A and B) show coherent velocity fields, with gradients almost aligned with the dust elongated structure. Those velocity gradients are consistent with Keplerian disks rotating about central masses of 4-18 Msun. Perpendicular to the velocity gradients we have identified a large-scale precessing jet/outflow associated with core B, and hints of an east-west jet/outflow associated with core A. The elongated dust structure in G35.20N is fragmented into a number of dense cores that may form massive stars. Based on the velocity field of the dense gas, the orientation of the magnetic field, and the regularly spaced fragmentation, we interpret this elongated structure as the densest part of a 1D filament fragmenting and forming massive stars.
267 - A. Sanchez-Monge 2013
Theoretical models suggest that massive stars form via disk-mediated accretion, with bipolar outflows playing a fundamental role. A recent study toward massive molecular outflows has revealed a decrease of the SiO line intensity as the object evolves . The present study aims at characterizing the variation of the molecular outflow properties with time, and at studying the SiO excitation conditions in outflows associated with massive YSOs. We used the IRAM30m telescope to map 14 massive star-forming regions in the SiO(2-1), SiO(5-4) and HCO+(1-0) outflow lines, and in several dense gas and hot core tracers. Hi-GAL data was used to improve the spectral energy distributions and the L/M ratio, which is believed to be a good indicator of the evolutionary stage of the YSO. We detect SiO and HCO+ outflow emission in all the sources, and bipolar structures in six of them. The outflow parameters are similar to those found toward other massive YSOs. We find an increase of the HCO+ outflow energetics as the object evolve, and a decrease of the SiO abundance with time, from 10^(-8) to 10^(-9). The SiO(5-4) to (2-1) line ratio is found to be low at the ambient gas velocity, and increases as we move to high velocities, indicating that the excitation conditions of the SiO change with the velocity of the gas (with larger densities and/or temperatures for the high-velocity gas component). The properties of the SiO and HCO+ outflow emission suggest a scenario in which SiO is largely enhanced in the first evolutionary stages, probably due to strong shocks produced by the protostellar jet. As the object evolves, the power of the jet would decrease and so does the SiO abundance. During this process, however, the material surrounding the protostar would have been been swept up by the jet, and the outflow activity, traced by entrained molecular material (HCO+), would increase with time.
We report on ALMA observations of continuum and molecular line emission with 0.4 resolution towards the high-mass star forming region G35.20-0.74 N. Two dense cores are detected in typical hot-core tracers, such as CH3CN, which reveal velocity gradie nts. In one of these cores, the velocity field can be fitted with an almost edge-on Keplerian disk rotating about a central mass of 18 Msun. This finding is consistent with the results of a recent study of the CO first overtone bandhead emission at 2.3mum towards G35.20-0.74 N. The disk radius and mass are >2500 au and 3 Msun. To reconcile the observed bolometric luminosity (3x10^4 Lsun) with the estimated stellar mass of 18 Msun, we propose that the latter is the total mass of a binary system.
83 - M.T. Beltran 2011
Context. This study is part of a large project to study the physics of accretion and molecular outflows towards a selected sample of high-mass star-forming regions that show evidence of infall and rotation from previous studies. Aims. We wish to make a thorough study at high-angular resolution of the structure and kinematics of the HMCs and corresponding molecular outflows in the high-mass star-forming region G24.78+0.08. Methods. We carried out SMA and IRAM PdBI observations at 1.3 and 1.4 mm, respectively, of dust and of typical high-density and molecular outflow tracers with resolutions of <1. Complementary IRAM 30-m 12CO and 13CO observations were carried out to recover the short spacing information of the molecular outflows. Results. The millimeter continuum emission towards cores G24 A1 and A2 has been resolved into 3 and 2 cores, respectively, and named A1, A1b, A1c, A2, and A2b. All these cores are aligned in a southeast-northwest direction coincident with that of the molecular outflows detected in the region, which suggests a preferential direction for star formation in this region. The masses of the cores range from 7 to 22 Msun, and the rotational temperatures from 128 to 180 K. The high-density tracers have revealed the existence of 2 velocity components towards A1, one of them peaks close to the position of the millimeter continuum peak and of the HC HII region, and is associated with the velocity gradient seen in CH3CN towards this core, while the other one peaks southwest of core A1 and is not associated with any millimeter continuum emission peak. The position-velocity plots along outflow A and the 13CO averaged blueshifted and redshifted emission indicate that this outflow is driven by core A2.
102 - M.T. Beltran 2010
Context. In recent years, we have detected clear evidence of rotation in more than 5 hot molecular cores (HMCs). Their identification is confirmed by the fact that the rotation axes are parallel to the axes of the associated bipolar outflows. We have now pursued our investigation by extending the sample to 3 known massive cores, G10.62-0.38, G19.61-0.23, and G29.96-0.02. Aims. We wish to make a thorough study of the structure and kinematics of HMCs and corresponding molecular outflows to reveal possible velocity gradients indicative of rotation of the cores. Methods. We carried out PdBI observations at 2.7 and 1.4~mm of gas and dust with angular resolutions of 2-3, and 1-2, respectively. To trace both rotation and expansion, we simultaneously observed CH3CN, a typical HMC tracer, and 13CO, a typical outflow tracer. Results. The CH3CN(12-11) observations have revealed the existence of clear velocity gradients in the three HMCs oriented perpendicular to the direction of the bipolar outflows. For G19 and G29 the molecular outflows have been mapped in 13CO. The gradients have been interpreted as rotating toroids. The rotation temperatures, used to derive the mass of the cores, have been obtained by means of the rotational diagram method, and lie in the range of 87-244 K. The diameters and masses of the toroids lie in the range of 4550-12600 AU, and 28-415 Msun, respectively. Given that the dynamical masses are 2 to 30 times smaller than the masses of the cores (if the inclination of the toroids with respect to the plane of the sky is not much smaller than 45 degrees), we suggest that the toroids could be accreting onto the embedded cluster. For G19 and G29, the collapse is also suggested by the redshifted absorption seen in the 13CO(2-1) line. We infer that infall onto the embedded (proto)stars must proceed with rates of 1E-2 Msun/yr, and on timescales of the order of 4E3-1E4yr...
404 - M. Felli 2007
Context. Water vapor emission at 22 GHz from masers associated with star-forming regions is highly variable. Aims. We present a database of up to 20 years of monitoring of a sample of 43 masers within star-forming regions. The sample covers a large r ange of luminosities of the associated IRAS source and is representative of the entire population of H2O masers of this type. The database forms a good starting point for any further study of H2O maser variability. Methods. The observations were obtained with the Medicina 32-m radiotelescope, at a rate of 4-5 observations per year. Results. To provide a database that can be easily accessed through the web, we give for each source: plots of the calibrated spectra, the velocity-time-flux density plot, the light curve of the integrated flux, the lower and upper envelopes of the maser emission, the mean spectrum, and the rate of the maser occurrence as a function of velocity. Figures for just one source are given in the text for representative purposes. Figures for all the sources are given in electronic form in the on-line appendix. A discussion of the main properties of the H2O variability in our sample will be presented in a forthcoming paper.
Using the OVRO, Nobeyama, and IRAM mm-arrays, we searched for ``disk-outflow systems in three high-mass (proto)star forming regions: G16.59-0.05, G23.01-0.41, and G28.87+0.07. These were selected from a sample of NH3 cores associated with OH and H2O maser emission and with no or very faint continuum emission. Our imaging of molecular line (including rotational transitions of CH3CN and 3mm dust continuum emission revealed that these are compact, massive, and hot molecular cores (HMCs), that is likely sites of high-mass star formation prior to the appearance of UCHII regions. All three sources turn out to be associated with molecular outflows from CO and/or HCO+ J=1--0 line imaging. In addition, velocity gradients of 10 -- 100 km/s per pc in the innermost densest regions of the G23.01 and G28.87 HMCs are identified along directions roughly perpendicular to the axes of the corresponding outflows. All the results suggest that these cores might be rotating about the outflow axis, although the contribution of rotation to gravitational equilibrium of the HMCs appears to be negligible. Our analysis indicates that the 3 HMCs are close to virial equilibrium due to turbulent pressure support. Comparison with other similar objects where rotating toroids have been identified so far shows that in our case rotation appears to be much less prominent; this can be explained by the combined effect of unfavorable projection, large distance, and limited angular resolution with the current interferometers.
325 - M.T. Beltran 2007
Context. G24.78+0.08 A1 is a 20 Msun star surrounded by a hypercompact (HC) HII region, driving a CO bipolar outflow, and located at the center of a massive rotating toroid undergoing infall towards the HC region. Recent water maser observations sugg est that the HC region is expanding and accretion onto the star is halted. Aims. This study aims to confirm the expansion scenario proposed for the HC region on the basis of recent H2O maser observations. Methods. We carried out continuum VLA observations at 1.3cm and 7mm with the A array plus Pie Town configuration to map the HC region towards G24 A1. Results. The emission of the HC region has been resolved and shows a ring shape structure. The profiles of the emission obtained by taking slices at different angles passing through the barycenter of the HC region confirm the shell structure of the emission. The ratio between the inner and the outer radius of the shell, Ri/Ro, derived fitting the normalized brightness temperature profile passing through the peak of the 7mm emission, is 0.9, which indicates that the shell is thin. The deconvolved outer radius estimated from the fit is 590 AU. These results imply that the HC region in G24 A1 cannot be described in terms of a classical, homogeneous HII region but is instead an ionized shell. This gives support to the model of an expanding wind-driven, ionized shell suggested by the kinematics and distribution of the H2O masers associated with the HC region. According to this model, the HC region is expanding on very short times scales, 21-66 yr.

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