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We have used the Wide Field Spectrograph on the Australian National University 2.3-m telescope to perform the integral field spectroscopy for a sample of the Galactic planetary nebulae. The spatially resolved velocity distributions of the H$alpha$ em ission line were used to determine the kinematic features and nebular orientations. Our findings show that some bulge planetary nebulae toward the Galactic center have a particular orientation.
We present a spectroscopic component analysis of 18 candidate young, wide, non-magnetic, double-degenerate binaries identified from a search of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (DR7). All but two pairings are likely to be physical systems. We show SDSS J084952.47+471247.7 + SDSS J084952.87+471249.4 to be a wide DA+DB binary, only the second identified to date. Combining our measurements for the components of 16 new binaries with results for three similar, previously known systems within the DR7, we have constructed a mass distribution for the largest sample to date (38) of white dwarfs in young, wide, non-magnetic, double-degenerate pairings. This is broadly similar in form to that of the isolated field population with a substantial peak around M~0.6 Msun. We identify an excess of ultra-massive white dwarfs and attribute this to the primordial separation distribution of their progenitor systems peaking at relatively larger values and the greater expansion of their binary orbits during the final stages of stellar evolution. We exploit this mass distribution to probe the origins of unusual types of degenerates, confirming a mild preference for the progenitor systems of high-field-magnetic white dwarfs, at least within these binaries, to be associated with early-type stars. Additionally, we consider the 19 systems in the context of the stellar initial mass-final mass relation. None appear to be strongly discordant with current understanding of this relationship.
We present a fast and portable re-implementation of Piskunov and Valentis optimal-extraction algorithm (Piskunov & Valenti, 2002} in C/C++ together with full uncertainty propagation, improved cosmic-ray removal, and an optimal background-subtraction algorithm. This re-implementation can be used with IRAF and most existing data-reduction packages and leads to signal-to-noise ratios close to the Poisson limit. The algorithm is very stable, operates on spectra from a wide range of instruments (slit spectra and fibre feeds), and has been extensively tested for VLT/UVES, ESO/CES, ESO/FEROS, NTT/EMMI, NOT/ALFOSC, STELLA/SES, SSO/WiFeS, and finally, P60/SEDM-IFU data.
We have conducted a multi-wavelength study of the planetary nebula Abell 48 and give a revised classification of its nucleus as a hydrogen-deficient star of type [WN4]. The surrounding nebula has a morphology typical of PNe and importantly, is not en riched in nitrogen, and thus not the peeled atmosphere of a massive star. Indeed, no WN4 star is known to be surrounded by such a compact nebula. The ionized mass of the nebula is also a powerful discriminant between the low-mass PN and high-mass WR ejecta interpretations. The ionized mass would be impossibly high if a distance corresponding to a Pop I star was adopted, but at a distance of 2 kpc, the mass is quite typical of moderately evolved PNe. At this distance, the ionizing star then has a luminosity of ~5000 Lsolar, again rather typical for a PN central star. We give a brief discussion of the implications of this discovery for the late-stage evolution of intermediate-mass stars.
291 - M. Stupar , Q. A. Parker 2011
During detailed searches for new Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Anglo Australian Observatory/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope (AAO/UKST) HAlpha survey of the southern Galactic plane, we also uncovered, for the first time, possible associat ed HAlpha emission in the vicinity of about 24 known Galactic SNRs previously known solely from radio or X-ray observations.The possible optical counterparts to these known SNR were detected due to the 1 arcsecond resolution and 5 Rayleigh sensitivity of this HAlpha survey. The newly discovered emission frequently exhibits the typical filamentary form of other optically detected SNRs although sometimes the HAlpha emission clouds or fragmented filaments largely inside an SNR extend over the radio border. It is true that superposition of general diffuse and extended Galactic emission in the region of these remnants is a complicating factor, but for many optical candidates the HAlpha emission provides an excellent morphological and positional match to the observed radio emission so that an association seems clear. We have already published HAlpha images and confirmatory spectral observations for several of the best optical counterparts to known SNRs but for completeness and convenience we include them in our complete catalogue of previously known radio detected SNRs for which we have now uncovered HAlpha optical emission. For better visualisation of the optical emissions from these faint supernova remnants and to enhance some low surface-brightness features we also present quotient images of the HAlpha data divided by the accompanying broad-band short red (SR) data. Out of 274 Galactic SNRs currently catalogued and detected in the radio only ~20 had previous optical counterparts. We may have now increased this by a further third by adding a further 24 candidate optical counterparts.
The Planetary Nebulae Luminosity Function (PNLF) describes the collective luminosity evolution for a given population of Planetary Nebulae (PN). A major paradox in current PNLF studies is in the universality of the absolute magnitude of the brightest PNe with galaxy type and age. The progenitor central-star mass required to produce such bright PNe should have evolved beyond the PNe phase in old, red elliptical galaxies whose stellar populations are ~10~Gyr. Only by dissecting this resolved population in detail can we attempt to address this conundrum. The Bulge of our Galaxy is predominantly old citep{Z03} and can therefore be used as a proxy for an elliptical galaxy, but with the significant advantage that the population is resolvable from ground based telescopes. We have used the MOSAIC-II camera on the Blanco 4-m at CTIO to carefully target ~80 square degrees of the Galactic Bulge and establish accurate [Oiii] fluxes for 80% of Bulge PNe currently known from the Acker and MASH catalogues. Construction of the [Oiii] Bulge PNLF has allowed us to investigate placement of PNe population sub-sets according to morphology and spectroscopic properties the PNLF and most importantly, whether any population subset might constitute the bright end of the LF. Our excellent, deep data also offers exciting prospects for significant new PNe discoveries and [Oiii] morphological studies.
We present a catalogue of 18 new Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) uncovered in the optical regime as filamentary emissions and extended nebulosities on images of the Anglo Australian Observatory/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope (AAO/UKST) HAlpha su rvey of the southern Galactic plane. Our follow-up spectral observations confirmed classical optical SNR emission lines for these 18 structures via detection of very strong [SII] at 6717 and 6731A relative to HAlpha ([SII]/HAlpha> 0.5). Morphologically, 10 of these remnants have coherent, extended arc or shell structures, while the remaining objects are more irregular in form but clearly filamentary in nature, typical of optically detected SNRs. In 11 cases there was a clear if not complete match between the optical and radio structures with H filamentary structures registered inside and along the presumed radio borders. Additionally, ROSAT X-ray sources were detected inside the optical/radio borders of 11 of these new remnants and 3 may have an associated pulsar. The multi-wavelength imaging data and spectroscopy together present strong evidence to confirm identification of 18 new, mostly senile Galactic SNRs. This includes G288.7-6.3, G315.1+2.7 and G332.5-5.6, identified only as possible remnants from preliminary radio observations. We also confirm existence of radio quiet but optically active supernova remnants.
We present compelling evidence for confirmation of a Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) candidate, G332.5-5.6, based initially on identification of new, filamentary, optical emission line nebulosity seen in the arcsecond resolution images from the AAO/ UKST HAlpha survey. The extant radio observations and X-ray data which we have independently re-reduced, together with new optical spectroscopy of the large-scale fragmented nebulosity, confirms the identification. Optical spectra, taken across five different, widely separated nebula regions of the remnant as seen on the HAlpha images, show average ratios of [NII]/HAlpha =2.42, [SII]/HAlpha = 2.10, and [SII] 6717/6731 = 1.23, as well as strong [OI] 6300, 6364A and [OII] 3727A emission. These ratios are firmly within those typical of SNRs. Here, we also present the radio-continuum detection of the SNR at 20/13cm from observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Radio emission is also seen at 4850 MHz, in the PMN survey (Griffith and Wright 1993) and at 843 MHz from the SUMSS survey (Bock, Large and Sadler 1999). We estimate an angular diameter of ~30 arcmin and obtain an average radio spectral index of alpha = -0.6 +- 0.1 which indicates the non-thermal nature of G332.5-5.6. Fresh analysis of existing ROSAT X-ray data in the vicinity also confirms the existence of the SNR. The distance to G332.5-5.6 has been independently estimated by Reynoso and Green (2007) as 3.4 kpc based on measurements of the HI lambda21 cm line seen in absorption against the continuum emission. Our cruder estimates via assumptions on the height of the dust layer (3.1 kpc) and using the Sigma-D relation (4 kpc) are in good agreement.

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