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Object detection has witnessed significant progress by relying on large, manually annotated datasets. Annotating such datasets is highly time consuming and expensive, which motivates the development of weakly supervised and few-shot object detection methods. However, these methods largely underperform with respect to their strongly supervised counterpart, as weak training signals emph{often} result in partial or oversized detections. Towards solving this problem we introduce, for the first time, an online annotation module (OAM) that learns to generate a many-shot set of emph{reliable} annotations from a larger volume of weakly labelled images. Our OAM can be jointly trained with any fully supervised two-stage object detection method, providing additional training annotations on the fly. This results in a fully end-to-end strategy that only requires a low-shot set of fully annotated images. The integration of the OAM with Fast(er) R-CNN improves their performance by $17%$ mAP, $9%$ AP50 on PASCAL VOC 2007 and MS-COCO benchmarks, and significantly outperforms competing methods using mixed supervision.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can generate realistic fake face images that can easily fool human beings.On the contrary, a common Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) discriminator can achieve more than 99.9% accuracyin discerning fake/real ima ges. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on fake/real faces, and have two important observations: firstly, the texture of fake faces is substantially different from real ones; secondly, global texture statistics are more robust to image editing and transferable to fake faces from different GANs and datasets. Motivated by the above observations, we propose a new architecture coined as Gram-Net, which leverages global image texture representations for robust fake image detection. Experimental results on several datasets demonstrate that our Gram-Net outperforms existing approaches. Especially, our Gram-Netis more robust to image editings, e.g. down-sampling, JPEG compression, blur, and noise. More importantly, our Gram-Net generalizes significantly better in detecting fake faces from GAN models not seen in the training phase and can perform decently in detecting fake natural images.

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