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In many environments only a tiny subset of all states yield high reward. In these cases, few of the interactions with the environment provide a relevant learning signal. Hence, we may want to preferentially train on those high-reward states and the p robable trajectories leading to them. To this end, we advocate for the use of a backtracking model that predicts the preceding states that terminate at a given high-reward state. We can train a model which, starting from a high value state (or one that is estimated to have high value), predicts and sample for which the (state, action)-tuples may have led to that high value state. These traces of (state, action) pairs, which we refer to as Recall Traces, sampled from this backtracking model starting from a high value state, are informative as they terminate in good states, and hence we can use these traces to improve a policy. We provide a variational interpretation for this idea and a practical algorithm in which the backtracking model samples from an approximate posterior distribution over trajectories which lead to large rewards. Our method improves the sample efficiency of both on- and off-policy RL algorithms across several environments and tasks.
A field that has directly benefited from the recent advances in deep learning is Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Despite the great achievements of the past decades, however, a natural and robust human-machine speech interaction still appears to b e out of reach, especially in challenging environments characterized by significant noise and reverberation. To improve robustness, modern speech recognizers often employ acoustic models based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), that are naturally able to exploit large time contexts and long-term speech modulations. It is thus of great interest to continue the study of proper techniques for improving the effectiveness of RNNs in processing speech signals. In this paper, we revise one of the most popular RNN models, namely Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), and propose a simplified architecture that turned out to be very effective for ASR. The contribution of this work is two-fold: First, we analyze the role played by the reset gate, showing that a significant redundancy with the update gate occurs. As a result, we propose to remove the former from the GRU design, leading to a more efficient and compact single-gate model. Second, we propose to replace hyperbolic tangent with ReLU activations. This variation couples well with batch normalization and could help the model learn long-term dependencies without numerical issues. Results show that the proposed architecture, called Light GRU (Li-GRU), not only reduces the per-epoch training time by more than 30% over a standard GRU, but also consistently improves the recognition accuracy across different tasks, input features, noisy conditions, as well as across different ASR paradigms, ranging from standard DNN-HMM speech recognizers to end-to-end CTC models.
Reliable measures of statistical dependence could be useful tools for learning independent features and performing tasks like source separation using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Unfortunately, many of such measures, like the mutual informat ion, are hard to estimate and optimize directly. We propose to learn independent features with adversarial objectives which optimize such measures implicitly. These objectives compare samples from the joint distribution and the product of the marginals without the need to compute any probability densities. We also propose two methods for obtaining samples from the product of the marginals using either a simple resampling trick or a separate parametric distribution. Our experiments show that this strategy can easily be applied to different types of model architectures and solve both linear and non-linear ICA problems.
Speech recognition is largely taking advantage of deep learning, showing that substantial benefits can be obtained by modern Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). The most popular RNNs are Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs), which typically reach state-of-th e-art performance in many tasks thanks to their ability to learn long-term dependencies and robustness to vanishing gradients. Nevertheless, LSTMs have a rather complex design with three multiplicative gates, that might impair their efficient implementation. An attempt to simplify LSTMs has recently led to Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), which are based on just two multiplicative gates. This paper builds on these efforts by further revising GRUs and proposing a simplified architecture potentially more suitable for speech recognition. The contribution of this work is two-fold. First, we suggest to remove the reset gate in the GRU design, resulting in a more efficient single-gate architecture. Second, we propose to replace tanh with ReLU activations in the state update equations. Results show that, in our implementation, the revised architecture reduces the per-epoch training time with more than 30% and consistently improves recognition performance across different tasks, input features, and noisy conditions when compared to a standard GRU.
Improving distant speech recognition is a crucial step towards flexible human-machine interfaces. Current technology, however, still exhibits a lack of robustness, especially when adverse acoustic conditions are met. Despite the significant progress made in the last years on both speech enhancement and speech recognition, one potential limitation of state-of-the-art technology lies in composing modules that are not well matched because they are not trained jointly. To address this concern, a promising approach consists in concatenating a speech enhancement and a speech recognition deep neural network and to jointly update their parameters as if they were within a single bigger network. Unfortunately, joint training can be difficult because the output distribution of the speech enhancement system may change substantially during the optimization procedure. The speech recognition module would have to deal with an input distribution that is non-stationary and unnormalized. To mitigate this issue, we propose a joint training approach based on a fully batch-normalized architecture. Experiments, conducted using different datasets, tasks and acoustic conditions, revealed that the proposed framework significantly overtakes other competitive solutions, especially in challenging environments.
Despite the remarkable progress recently made in distant speech recognition, state-of-the-art technology still suffers from a lack of robustness, especially when adverse acoustic conditions characterized by non-stationary noises and reverberation are met. A prominent limitation of current systems lies in the lack of matching and communication between the various technologies involved in the distant speech recognition process. The speech enhancement and speech recognition modules are, for instance, often trained independently. Moreover, the speech enhancement normally helps the speech recognizer, but the output of the latter is not commonly used, in turn, to improve the speech enhancement. To address both concerns, we propose a novel architecture based on a network of deep neural networks, where all the components are jointly trained and better cooperate with each other thanks to a full communication scheme between them. Experiments, conducted using different datasets, tasks and acoustic conditions, revealed that the proposed framework can overtake other competitive solutions, including recent joint training approaches.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are effective models for reducing spectral variations and modeling spectral correlations in acoustic features for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Hybrid speech recognition systems incorporating CNNs with Hidde n Markov Models/Gaussian Mixture Models (HMMs/GMMs) have achieved the state-of-the-art in various benchmarks. Meanwhile, Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which is proposed for labeling unsegmented sequences, makes it feasible to train an end-to-end speech recognition system instead of hybrid settings. However, RNNs are computationally expensive and sometimes difficult to train. In this paper, inspired by the advantages of both CNNs and the CTC approach, we propose an end-to-end speech framework for sequence labeling, by combining hierarchical CNNs with CTC directly without recurrent connections. By evaluating the approach on the TIMIT phoneme recognition task, we show that the proposed model is not only computationally efficient, but also competitive with the existing baseline systems. Moreover, we argue that CNNs have the capability to model temporal correlations with appropriate context information.
We present an approach to training neural networks to generate sequences using actor-critic methods from reinforcement learning (RL). Current log-likelihood training methods are limited by the discrepancy between their training and testing modes, as models must generate tokens conditioned on their previous guesses rather than the ground-truth tokens. We address this problem by introducing a textit{critic} network that is trained to predict the value of an output token, given the policy of an textit{actor} network. This results in a training procedure that is much closer to the test phase, and allows us to directly optimize for a task-specific score such as BLEU. Crucially, since we leverage these techniques in the supervised learning setting rather than the traditional RL setting, we condition the critic network on the ground-truth output. We show that our method leads to improved performance on both a synthetic task, and for German-English machine translation. Our analysis paves the way for such methods to be applied in natural language generation tasks, such as machine translation, caption generation, and dialogue modelling.
The Manual labeling of data is and will remain a costly endeavor. For this reason, semi-supervised learning remains a topic of practical importance. The recently proposed Ladder Network is one such approach that has proven to be very successful. In a ddition to the supervised objective, the Ladder Network also adds an unsupervised objective corresponding to the reconstruction costs of a stack of denoising autoencoders. Although the empirical results are impressive, the Ladder Network has many components intertwined, whose contributions are not obvious in such a complex architecture. In order to help elucidate and disentangle the different ingredients in the Ladder Network recipe, this paper presents an extensive experimental investigation of variants of the Ladder Network in which we replace or remove individual components to gain more insight into their relative importance. We find that all of the components are necessary for achieving optimal performance, but they do not contribute equally. For semi-supervised tasks, we conclude that the most important contribution is made by the lateral connection, followed by the application of noise, and finally the choice of what we refer to as the `combinator function in the decoder path. We also find that as the number of labeled training examples increases, the lateral connections and reconstruction criterion become less important, with most of the improvement in generalization being due to the injection of noise in each layer. Furthermore, we present a new type of combinator function that outperforms the original design in both fully- and semi-supervised tasks, reducing record test error rates on Permutation-Invariant MNIST to 0.57% for the supervised setting, and to 0.97% and 1.0% for semi-supervised settings with 1000 and 100 labeled examples respectively.

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