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Certain fluctuations in particle number at fixed total energy lead exactly to a cut-power law distribution in the one-particle energy, via the induced fluctuations in the phase-space volume ratio. The temperature parameter is expressed automatically by an equipartition relation, while the q-parameter is related to the scaled variance and to the expectation value of the particle number. For the binomial distribution q is smaller, for the negative binomial q is larger than one. These results also represent an approximation for general particle number distributions in the reservoir up to second order in the canonical expansion. For general systems the average phase-space volume ratio expanded to second order delivers a q parameter related to the heat capacity and to the variance of the temperature. However, q differing from one leads to non-additivity of the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. We demonstrate that a deformed entropy, K(S), can be constructed and used for demanding additivity. This requirement leads to a second order differential equation for K(S). Finally, the generalized q-entropy formula contains the Tsallis, Renyi and Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon expressions as particular cases. For diverging temperature variance we obtain a novel entropy formula.
We study a version of the Keller-Segel model for bacterial chemotaxis, for which exact travelling wave solutions are explicitly known in the zero attractant diffusion limit. Using geometric singular perturbation theory, we construct travelling wave s olutions in the small diffusion case that converge to these exact solutions in the singular limit.
We prove the existence of novel, shock-fronted travelling wave solutions to a model of wound healing angiogenesis studied in Pettet et al., IMA J. Math. App. Med., 17, 2000. In this work, the authors showed that for certain parameter values, a hetero clinic orbit in the phase plane representing a smooth travelling wave solution exists. However, upon varying one of the parameters, the heteroclinic orbit was destroyed, or rather cut-off, by a wall of singularities in the phase plane. As a result, they concluded that under this parameter regime no travelling wave solutions existed. Using techniques from geometric singular perturbation theory and canard theory, we show that a travelling wave solution actually still exists for this parameter regime: we construct a heteroclinic orbit passing through the wall of singularities via a folded saddle canard point onto a repelling slow manifold. The orbit leaves this manifold via the fast dynamics and lands on the attracting slow manifold, finally connecting to its end state. This new travelling wave is no longer smooth but exhibits a sharp front or shock. Finally, we identify regions in parameter space where we expect that similar solutions exist. Moreover, we discuss the possibility of more exotic solutions.
We provide a unified graphical calculus for all Gaussian pure states, including graph transformation rules for all local and semi-local Gaussian unitary operations, as well as local quadrature measurements. We then use this graphical calculus to anal yze continuous-variable (CV) cluster states, the essential resource for one-way quantum computing with CV systems. Current graphical approaches to CV cluster states are only valid in the unphysical limit of infinite squeezing, and the associated graph transformation rules only apply when the initial and final states are of this form. Our formalism applies to all Gaussian pure states and subsumes these rules in a natural way. In addition, the term CV graph state currently has several inequivalent definitions in use. Using this formalism we provide a single unifying definition that encompasses all of them. We provide many examples of how the formalism may be used in the context of CV cluster states: defining the closest CV cluster state to a given Gaussian pure state and quantifying the error in the approximation due to finite squeezing; analyzing the optimality of certain methods of generating CV cluster states; drawing connections between this new graphical formalism and bosonic Hamiltonians with Gaussian ground states, including those useful for CV one-way quantum computing; and deriving a graphical measure of bipartite entanglement for certain classes of CV cluster states. We mention other possible applications of this formalism and conclude with a brief note on fault tolerance in CV one-way quantum computing.
We demonstrate a sequence of two quantum teleportations of optical coherent states, combining two high-fidelity teleporters for continuous variables. In our experiment, the individual teleportation fidelities are evaluated as F_1 = 0.70 pm 0.02 and F _2 = 0.75 pm 0.02, while the fidelity between the input and the sequentially teleported states is determined as F^{(2)} = 0.57 pm 0.02. This still exceeds the optimal fidelity of one half for classical teleportation of arbitrary coherent states and almost attains the value of the first (unsequential) quantum teleportation experiment with optical coherent states.

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