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Let $H_{mathrm{WR}}$ be the path on $3$ vertices with a loop at each vertex. D. Galvin conjectured, and E. Cohen, W. Perkins and P. Tetali proved that for any $d$-regular simple graph $G$ on $n$ vertices we have $$hom(G,H_{mathrm{WR}})leq hom(K_{d+1} ,H_{mathrm{WR}})^{n/(d+1)}.$$ In this paper we give a short proof of this theorem together with the proof of a conjecture of Cohen, Perkins and Tetali. Our main tool is a simple bijection between the Widom-Rowlinson model and the hard-core model on another graph. We also give a large class of graphs $H$ for which we have $$hom(G,H)leq hom(K_{d+1},H)^{n/(d+1)}.$$ In particular, we show that the above inequality holds if $H$ is a path or a cycle of even length at least $6$ with loops at every vertex.
In this short note we observe that recent results of Abert and Hubai and of Csikvari and Frenkel about Benjamini--Schramm continuity of the holomorphic moments of the roots of the chromatic polynomial extend to the theory of dense graph sequences. We offer a number of problems and conjectures motivated by this observation.

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