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Weyl semimetal emerges as a new topologically nontrivial phase of matter, hosting low-energy excitations of massless Weyl fermions. Here, we present a comprehensive study of the type-II Weyl semimetal WP2. Transport studies show a butterfly-like magn etoresistance at low temperature, reflecting the anisotropy of the electron Fermi surfaces. The four-lobed feature gradually evolves into a two-lobed one upon increasing temperature, mainly due to the reduced relative contribution of electron Fermi surfaces compared to hole Fermi surfaces for the magnetoresistance. Moreover, angle-dependent Berry phase is further discovered from the quantum oscillations, which is ascribed to the effective manipulation of the extremal Fermi orbits by the magnetic field to feel the nearby topological singularities in the momentum space. The revealed topological characters and anisotropic Fermi surfaces of WP2 substantially enrich the physical properties of Weyl semimetals and hold great promises in topological electronic and Fermitronic device applications.
Symmetry principles play a critical role in formulating the fundamental laws of nature, with a large number of symmetry-protected topological states identified in recent studies of quantum materials. As compelling examples, massless Dirac fermions ar e jointly protected by the space inversion symmetry $P$ and time reversal symmetry $T$ supplemented by additional crystalline symmetry, while evolving into Weyl fermions when either $P$ or $T$ is broken. Here, based on first-principles calculations, we reveal that massless Dirac fermions are present in a layered FeSn crystal containing antiferromagnetically coupled ferromagnetic Fe kagome layers, where each of the $P$ and $T$ symmetries is individually broken but the combined $PT$ symmetry is preserved. These stable Dirac fermions protected by the combined $PT$ symmetry with additional non-symmorphic $S_{rm{2z}}$ symmetry can be transformed to either massless/massive Weyl or massive Dirac fermions by breaking the $PT$ or $S_{rm{2z}}$ symmetry. Our angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments indeed observed the Dirac states in the bulk and two-dimensional Weyl-like states at the surface. The present study substantially enriches our fundamental understanding of the intricate connections between symmetries and topologies of matter, especially with the spin degree of freedom playing a vital role.
Topological semimetal is a topic of general interest in material science. Recently, a new kind of topological semimetal called type-II Dirac semimetal with tilted Dirac cones is discovered in PtSe2 family. However, the further investigation is hinder ed due to the huge energy difference from Dirac points to Fermi level and the irrelevant conducting pockets at Fermi surface. Here we characterize the optimized type-II Dirac dispersions in a metastable 1T phase of IrTe2. Our strategy of Pt doping protects the metastable 1T phase in low temperature and tunes the Fermi level to the Dirac point. As demonstrated by angle-resolved photoemission spectra and first principle calculations, the Fermi surface of Ir1-xPtxTe2 is formed by only a single band with type-II Dirac cone which is tilted strongly along kz momentum direction. Interesting superconductivity is observed in samples for Dirac point close to Fermi level and even survives when Fermi level aligns with the Dirac point as finite density of states created by the tilted cone dispersion. This advantage offers opportunities for possible topological superconductivity and versatile Majorana devices in type-II Dirac semimetals.

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