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270 - Pavel D. Naselsky 2011
The first and third year data releases from the WMAP provide evidence of an anomalous Cold Spot (CS) at galactic latitude b=-57deg and longitude l=209deg. We have examined the properties of the CS in some detail in order to assess its cosmological si gnificance. We have performed a cluster analysis of the local extrema in the CMB signal to show that the CS is actually associated with a large group of extrema rather than just one. In the light of this we have re-examined the properties of the WMAP ILC and co-added cleaned WCM maps, which have previously been used for the analysis of the properties of the signal in the vicinity of the CS. These two maps have remarkably similar properties on equal latitude rings for |b|>30deg, as well as in the vicinity of the CS. We have also checked the idea that the CMB signal has a non-Gaussian tail, localized in the low multipole components of the signal. For each ring we apply a linear filter with characteristic scale R, dividing the CMB signal in two parts: the filtered part, with characteristic scale above that of the filter R, and the difference between the initial and filtered signal. Using the filter scale as a variable, we can maximize the skewness and kurtosis of the smoothed signal and minimize these statistics for the difference between initial and filtered signal. We have discovered that the shape of the CS is formed primarily by the components of the CMB signal represented by multipoles between 10<=L<=20, with a corresponding angular scale about 5-10 degs. This signal leads to modulation of the whole CMB sky, clearly seen at |b|>30deg in both the ILC and WCM maps, rather than a single localized feature. After subtraction of this modulation, the remaining part of the CMB signal appears to be consistent with statistical homogeneity and Gaussianity.
We present developing of method of the numerical analysis of polarization in the Gauss--Legendre Sky Pixelization (GLESP) scheme for the CMB maps. This incorporation of the polarization transforms in the pixelization scheme GLESP completes the creati on of our new method for the numerical analysis of CMB maps. The comparison of GLESP and HEALPix calculations is done.
We discuss the problem of the bias of the Internal Linear Combination (ILC) CMB map and show that it is closely related to the coefficient of cross-correlation K(l) of the true CMB and the foreground for each multipole l. We present analysis of the c ross-correlation for the WMAP ILC quadrupole and octupole from the first (ILC(I)) and the third (ILC(III)) year data releases and show that these correlations are about -0.52-0.6. Analysing 10^4 Monte Carlo simulations of the random Gaussian CMB signals, we show that the distribution function for the corresponding coefficient of the cross-correlation has a polynomial shape P(K,l)propto(1-K^2)^(l-1). We show that the most probable value of the cross-correlation coefficient of the ILC and foreground quadrupole has two extrema at K ~= +/-0.58$. Thus, the ILC(III) quadrupole represents the most probable value of the coefficient K. We analyze the problem of debiasing of the ILC CMB and pointed out that reconstruction of the bias seems to be very problematic due to statistical uncertainties. In addition, instability of the debiasing illuminates itself for the quadrupole and octupole components through the flip-effect, when the even (l+m) modes can be reconstructed with significant error. This error manifests itself as opposite, in respect to the true sign of even low multipole modes, and leads to significant changes of the coefficient of cross-correlation with the foreground. We show that the CMB realizations, whose the sign of quadrupole (2,0) component is negative (and the same, as for all the foregrounds), the corresponding probability to get the positive sign after implementation of the ILC method is about 40%.
79 - Lung-Yih Chiang 2007
The quadrupole power of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies seen in the WMAP data is puzzlingly low. In this paper we demonstrate that Minimum Variance Optimization (MVO), a technique used by many authors (including the WMAP sc ience team) to separate the CMB from contaminating foregrounds, has the effect of forcing the extracted CMB map to have zero statistical correlation with the foreground emission. Over an ensemble of universes the true CMB and foreground are indeed expected to be uncorrelated, but any particular sky pattern (such as the one we happen to observe) will generate non-zero measured correlations simply by chance. We call this effect cosmic covariance and it is a possible source of bias in the CMB maps cleaned using the MVO technique. We show that the presence of cosmic covariance is expected to artificially suppress the variance of the Internal Linear Combination (ILC) map obtained via MVO. It also propagates into the multipole expansion of the ILC map, generating a quadrupole deficit with more than 90% confidence. Since we do not know the CMB and the foregrounds a priori, there is therefore an unknown contribution to the uncertainty in the measured quadrupole power, over and above the usual cosmic variance contribution. Using the MVO on a series of Monte Carlo simulations that assume Gaussian CMB fluctuations, we estimate that the real quadrupole power of the CMB lies in the range [305.16,400.40] microKelvin^2 (at the 1-sigma level).
Phases of the spherical harmonic analysis of full-sky cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature data contain useful information complementary to the ubiquitous angular power spectrum. In this letter we present a new method of phase analysis on in complete sky maps. It is based on Fourier phases of equal-latitude pixel rings of the map, which are related to the mean angle of the trigonometric moments from the full-sky phases. They have an advantage for probing regions of interest without tapping polluted Galactic plane area, and can localize non-Gaussian features and departure from statistical isotropy in the CMB.

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