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The Z Cam stars IW And and V513 Cas are unusual in having outbursts following their standstills in contrast to the usual Z Cam behavior of quiescence following standstills. In order to gain further understanding of these little-studied systems, we ob tained spectra correlated with photometry from the AAVSO throughout a 3-4 month interval in 2011. In addition, time-resolved spectra were obtained in 2012 that provided orbital periods of 3.7 hrs for IW And and 5.2 hrs for V513 Cas. The photometry of V513 Cas revealed a regular pattern of standstills and outbursts with little time at quiescence, while IW And underwent many excursions from quiescence to outburst to short standstills. The spectra of IW And are similar to normal dwarf novae, with strong Balmer emission at quiescence and absorption at outburst. In contrast, V513 Cas shows a much flatter/redder spectrum near outburst with strong HeII emission and prominent emission cores in the Balmer lines. Part of this continuum difference may be due to reddening effects. While our attempts to model the outburst and standstill states of IW And indicate a mass accretion rate near 3E-9 solar masses per year, we could find no obvious reason why these systems behave differently following standstill compared to normal Z Cam stars.
This paper completes the series of cataclysmic variables (CVs) identified from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I/II. The coordinates, magnitudes and spectra of 33 CVs are presented. Among the 33 are eight systems known previous to SDSS (CT Ser, DO Leo, HK Leo, IR Com, V849 Her, V405 Peg, PG1230+226 and HS0943+1404), as well as nine objects recently found through various photometric surveys. Among the systems identified since the SDSS are two polar candidates, two intermediate polar candidates and one candidate for containing a pulsating white dwarf. Our followup data have confirmed a polar candidate from Paper VII and determined tentative periods for three of the newly identified CVs. A complete summary table of the 285 CVs with spectra from SDSS I/II is presented as well as a link to an online table of all known CVs from both photometry and spectroscopy that will continue to be updated as future data appear.
{it GALEX} near ultraviolet (NUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) light curves of three extremely low accretion rate polars show distinct modulations in their UV light curves. While these three systems have a range of magnetic fields from 13 to 70 MG, and of late type secondaries (including a likely brown dwarf in SDSSJ121209.31+013627.7), the accretion rates are similar, and the UV observations imply some mechanism is operating to create enhanced emission zones on the white dwarf. The UV variations match in phase to the two magnetic poles viewed in the optical in WX LMi and to the single poles evident in the optical in SDSSJ1212109.31+013627.7 and SDSSJ103100.55+202832.2. Simple spot models of the UV light curves show that if hot spots are responsible for the UV variations, the temperatures are on the order of 10,000-14,000K. For the single pole systems, the size of the FUV spot must be smaller than the NUV and in all cases, the geometry is likely more complicated than a simple circular spot.
We report on XMM-Newton and optical results for 6 cataclysmic variables that were selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra because they showed strong HeII emission lines, indicative of being candidates for containing white dwarfs with strong ma gnetic fields. While high X-ray background rates prevented optimum results, we are able to confirm SDSSJ233325.92+152222.1 as an intermediate polar from its strong pulse signature at 21 min and its obscured hard X-ray spectrum. Ground-based circular polarization and photometric observations were also able to confirm SDSSJ142256.31-022108.1 as a polar with a period near 4 hr. Photometry of SDSSJ083751.00+383012.5 and SDSSJ093214.82+495054.7 solidifies the orbital period of the former as 3.18 hrs and confirms the latter as a high inclination system with deep eclipses.
XMM-Newton observations of the accreting, pulsating white dwarf in the quiescent dwarf nova GW Librae were conducted to determine if the non-radial pulsations present in previous UV and optical data affect the X-ray emission. The non-radial pulsation s are evident in the simultaneous Optical Monitor data but are not detected in X-ray with an upper limit on the pulsation amplitude of 0.092 mags. The best fits to the X-ray spectrum are with a low temperature diffuse gas model or a multi-temperature cooling flow model, with a strong OVIII line, similar to other short period dwarf novae, but with a lower temperature range than evident in normal short period dwarf novae. The lack of pulsations and the spectrum likely indicate that the boundary layer does not extend to the surface of the white dwarf.

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