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76 - Pablo Arrighi 2012
The paper proposes a simple formalism for dealing with deterministic, non-deterministic and stochastic cellular automata in a unifying and composable manner. Armed with this formalism, we extend the notion of intrinsic simulation between deterministi c cellular automata, to the non-deterministic and stochastic settings. We then provide explicit tools to prove or disprove the existence of such a simulation between two stochastic cellular automata, even though the intrinsic simulation relation is shown to be undecidable in dimension two and higher. The key result behind this is the caracterization of equality of stochastic global maps by the existence of a coupling between the random sources. We then prove that there is a universal non-deterministic cellular automaton, but no universal stochastic cellular automaton. Yet we provide stochastic cellular automata achieving optimal partial universality.
We give a one-dimensional quantum cellular automaton (QCA) capable of simulating all others. By this we mean that the initial configuration and the local transition rule of any one-dimensional QCA can be encoded within the initial configuration of th e universal QCA. Several steps of the universal QCA will then correspond to one step of the simulated QCA. The simulation preserves the topology in the sense that each cell of the simulated QCA is encoded as a group of adjacent cells in the universal QCA. The encoding is linear and hence does not carry any of the cost of the computation. We do this in two flavours: a weak one which requires an infinite but periodic initial configuration and a strong one which needs only a finite initial configuration. KEYWORDS: Quantum cellular automata, Intrinsic universality, Quantum computation.

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