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75 - J.Greitz , P.S. Howe 2011
We give a very simple derivation of the forms of $N=2,D=10$ supergravity from supersymmetry and $SL(2,bbR)$ (for IIB). Using superspace cohomology we show that, if the Bianchi identities for the physical fields are satisfied, the (consistent) Bianchi identities for all of the higher-rank forms must be identically satisfied, and that there are no possible gauge-trivial Bianchi identities ($dF=0$) except for exact eleven-forms. We also show that the degrees of the forms can be extended beyond the spacetime limit, and that the representations they fall into agree with those predicted from Borcherds algebras. In IIA there are even-rank RR forms, including a non-zero twelve-form, while in IIB there are non-trivial Bianchi identities for thirteen-forms even though these forms are identically zero in supergravity. It is speculated that these higher-rank forms could be non-zero when higher-order string corrections are included.
87 - J. Greitz , P.S. Howe 2011
The maximal supergravity theory in three dimensions, which has local SO(16) and rigid $E_8$ symmetries, is discussed in a superspace setting starting from an off-shell superconformal structure. The on-shell theory is obtained by imposing further cons traints. It is essentially a non-linear sigma model that induces a Poincare supergeometry that is described in detail. The possible $p$-form field strengths, for $p=2,3,4$, are explicitly constructed using supersymmetry and $E_8$. The gauged theory is also discussed.
Integral invariants in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are discussed in spacetime dimensions $4leq Dleq 10$ for $SU(k)$ gauge groups. It is shown that, in addition to the action, there are three special invariants in all dimensions. Two of these, the single- and double-trace $F^4$ invariants, are of Chern-Simons type in $D=9,10$ and BPS type in $Dleq 8$, while the third, the double-trace of two derivatives acting on $F^4$, can be expressed in terms of a gauge-invariant super-$D$-form in all dimensions. We show that the super-ten-forms for $D=10$ $F^4$ invariants have interesting cohomological properties and we also discuss some features of other invariants, including the single-trace $d^2 F^4$, which has a special form in $D=10$. The implications of these results for ultra-violet divergences are discussed in the framework of algebraic renormalisation.
The most difficult counterterms to construct in any supersymmetric theory are those that cannot be written as full superspace integrals of gauge-invariant integrands. In $D=4$ maximal supergravity it has been known for some time that there are just t hree of these at the linearised level. In this article we discuss these counterterms again from the point of view of representations of the superconformal group. In particular, we show that the only independent invariants constructed from shortened superconformal multiplets in $D=4$ are BPS.
The $alpha^2$ deformation of D=10 SYM is the natural generalisation of the $F^4$ term in the abelian Born-Infeld theory. It is shown that this deformation can be extended to $alpha^4$ in a way which is consistent with supersymmetry. The latter requir es the presence of higher-derivative and commutator terms as well as the symmetrised trace of the Born-Infeld $alpha^4$ term.
We perform a careful investigation of which p-form fields can be introduced consistently with the supersymmetry algebra of IIA and/or IIB ten-dimensional supergravity. In particular the ten-forms, also known as top-forms, require a careful analysis s ince in this case, as we will show, closure of the supersymmetry algebra at the linear level does not imply closure at the non-linear level. Consequently, some of the (IIA and IIB) ten-form potentials introduced in earlier work of some of us are discarded. At the same time we show that new ten-form potentials, consistent with the full non-linear supersymmetry algebra can be introduced. We give a superspace explanation of our work. All of our results are precisely in line with the predictions of the E(11) algebra.
The question of whether BPS invariants are protected in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is investigated from the point of view of algebraic renormalisation theory. The protected invariants are those whose cohomology type differs from tha t of the action. It is confirmed that one-half BPS invariants ($F^4$) are indeed protected while the double-trace one-quarter BPS invariant ($d^2F^4$) is not protected at two loops in D=7, but is protected at three loops in D=6 in agreement with recent calculations. Non-BPS invariants, i.e. full superspace integrals, are also shown to be unprotected.
115 - P.S. Howe 2008
The superspace geometry relevant to the heterotic string is reviewed from the point of view of the off-shell supermultiplet structure of $N=1,d=10$ supergravity. The anomaly-modified seven-form Bianchi identity is analysed at order $a^3$ and shown to admit a complete solution. The corresponding $a^3$ deformation of the dimension-zero torsion tensor is derived and shown to obey the appropriate cohomological constraint.
74 - N. Berkovits , P.S. Howe 2008
The superform construction of supersymmetric invariants, which consists of integrating the top component of a closed superform over spacetime, is reviewed. The cohomological methods necessary for the analysis of closed superforms are discussed and so me further theoretical developments presented. The method is applied to higher-order corrections in heterotic string theory up to $a^3$. Some partial results on $N=2,d=10$ and $N=1,d=11$ are also given.
A kappa-symmetric action for coincident D-branes is presented. It is valid in the approximation that the additional fermionic variables, used to incorporate the non-abelian degrees of freedom, are treated classically. The action is written as a Berns tein-Leites integral on the supermanifold obtained from the bosonic worldvolume by adjoining the extra fermions. The integrand is a very simple extension of the usual Green-Schwarz action for a single brane; all symmetries, except for kappa, are manifest, and the proof of kappa-symmetry is very similar to the abelian case.

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