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We have imaged 24 spectral lines in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) around the Galactic Centre, in the range 42 to 50 GHz. The lines include emission from the CS, CH3OH, HC3N, SiO, HNCO, HOCO+, NH2CHO, OCS, HCS+, CCS, C34S, 13CS, 29SiO, H13CCCN, HCC 13CN and HC5}N molecules, and three hydrogen recombination lines. The area covered is Galactic longitude -0.7 to 1.8 deg. and latitude -0.3 to 0.2 deg., including the bright cores around Sgr A, SgrB2, SgrC and G1.6-0.025. This work used the 22-m Mopra radio telescope in Australia, obtaining ~ 1.8 km/s spectral and ~ 65 arcsec spatial resolution. We present peak images from this study and conduct a principal component analysis on the integrated emission from the brightest 10 lines, to study similarities and differences in the line distribution. We examine the integrated line intensities and line ratios in selected apertures around the bright cores, as well as for the complete mapped region of the CMZ. We compare these 7-mm lines to the corresponding lines in the 3-mm band, for five molecules, to study the excitation. There is a variation in 3-mm to 7-mm line ratio across the CMZ, with relatively higher ratio in the centre around Sgr B2 and Sgr A. We find that the lines are sub-thermally excited, and from modelling with RADEX find that non-LTE conditions apply, with densities of order 10^4 cm^{-3}.
99 - N. Lo , M.P. Redman , P.A. Jones 2011
Cold massive cores are one of the earliest manifestations of high mass star formation. Following the detection of SiO emission from G333.125-0.562, a cold massive core, further investigations of the physics, chemistry and dynamics of this object has been carried out. Mopra and NANTEN2 molecular line profile observations, Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) line and continuum emission maps, and Spitzer 24 and 70 mum images were obtained. These new data further constrain the properties of this prime example of the very early stages of high mass star formation. A model for the source was constructed and compared directly with the molecular line data using a 3D molecular line transfer code - MOLLIE. The ATCA data reveal that G333.125-0.562 is composed of two sources. One of the sources is responsible for the previously detected molecular outflow and is detected in the Spitzer 24 and 70 mum band data. Turbulent velocity widths are lower than other more active regions of G333 which reflects the younger evolutionary stage and/or lower mass of this core. The molecular line modelling requires abundances of the CO isotopes that strongly imply heavy depletion due to freeze-out of this species onto dust grains. The principal cloud is cold, moderately turbulent and possesses an outflow which indicates the presence of a central driving source. The secondary source could be an even less evolved object as no apparent associations with continuum emissions at (far-)infrared wavelengths.

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