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We aim to create a large sample of local post-starburst (PSB) galaxies to study their characteristic properties, particularly morphological features indicative of gravitational distortions and indications for active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The select ion is based on a huge Kohonen self-organising map (SOM) of about one million SDSS spectra. The SOM is made fully available for the astronomical community, in combination with an interactive user interface. We compiled a catalogue of 2665 PSB galaxies with redshifts z < 0.4. In the colour-mass diagram, the PSB sample is found to be clearly concentrated towards the region between the red and the blue cloud, in agreement with the idea that PSB galaxies represent the transitioning phase between actively and passively evolving galaxies. The relative frequency of morphologically distorted PSB galaxies is at least 57%, significantly higher than in a comparison sample. The search for AGNs based on conventional selection criteria in the radio and MIR results in a low AGN fraction of 2 - 3%. We confirm an MIR excess in the mean SED of the PSB galaxy sample that may indicate hidden AGNs, though other sources are also possible. (Abstract modified to match the arXiv format.)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) discovered a few unusual quasars with a characteristic break in the continuum around 3000 A that neither shows the typical structure of broad absorption line (BAL) troughs nor is explained by typical intrinsic dust reddening. We used the method of Kohonen self-organising maps for a systematical search for quasars with such properties in the SDSS spectra archive. We constructed a sample of 23 quasars classified as 3000 A break quasars and two comparison samples of quasars with similar properties, to some extent, but also showing typical BAL features. We computed ensemble-averaged broad-band SEDs based on archival data from SDSS, GALEX, 2MASS, UKIDSS, and WISE. The SEDs were corrected for intrinsic dust absorption by the comparison with the average SED of normal quasars. The de-reddened arithmetic median composite SED of the 3000 A break quasars is found to be indistinguishable from that of the unusual BAL quasars. We conclude that 3000 A break quasars are most likely extre
The atomic theory of elasticity of amorphous solids, based on the nonaffine response formalism, is extended into the nonlinear stress-strain regime by coupling with the underlying irreversible many-body dynamics. The latter is implemented in compact analytical form using a qualitative method for the many-body Smoluchowski equation. The resulting nonlinear stress-strain (constitutive) relation is very simple, with few fitting parameters, yet contains all the microscopic physics. The theory is successfully tested against experimental data on metallic glasses, and it is able to reproduce the ubiquitous feature of stress-strain overshoot upon varying temperature and shear rate. A clear atomic-level interpretation is provided for the stress overshoot, in terms of the competition between the elastic instability caused by nonaffine deformation of the glassy cage and the stress buildup due to viscous dissipation.
We exploit the spectral archive of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 to select unusual quasar spectra. The selection method is based on a combination of the power of self-organising maps and the visual inspection of a huge number of spectra. Self-organising maps were applied to nearly 10^5 spectra classified as quasars by the SDSS pipeline. Particular attention was paid to minimise possible contamination by rare peculiar stellar spectral types. We present a catalogue of 1005 quasars with unusual spectra. This large sample provides a useful resource for both studying properties and relations of/between different types of unusual quasars and selecting particularly interesting objects. The spectra are grouped into six types. All these types turn out to be on average more luminous than comparison samples of normal quasars after a statistical correction is made for intrinsic reddening. Both the unusual broad absorption line (BAL) quasars and the strong iron emitters have significantly lower radio luminosities than normal quasars. We also confirm that strong BALs avoid the most radio-luminous quasars. Finally, we create a sample of quasars similar to the two mysterious objects discovered by Hall et al. (2002) and briefly discuss the quasar properties and possible explanations of their highly peculiar spectra. (Abstract modified to match the arXiv format)

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