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We present StrobeNet, a method for category-level 3D reconstruction of articulating objects from one or more unposed RGB images. Reconstructing general articulating object categories % has important applications, but is challenging since objects can have wide variation in shape, articulation, appearance and topology. We address this by building on the idea of category-level articulation canonicalization -- mapping observations to a canonical articulation which enables correspondence-free multiview aggregation. Our end-to-end trainable neural network estimates feature-enriched canonical 3D point clouds, articulation joints, and part segmentation from one or more unposed images of an object. These intermediate estimates are used to generate a final implicit 3D reconstruction.Our approach reconstructs objects even when they are observed in different articulations in images with large baselines, and animation of reconstructed shapes. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on different object categories show that our method is able to achieve high reconstruction accuracy, especially as more views are added.
Invariance and equivariance to the rotation group have been widely discussed in the 3D deep learning community for pointclouds. Yet most proposed methods either use complex mathematical tools that may limit their accessibility, or are tied to specifi c input data types and network architectures. In this paper, we introduce a general framework built on top of what we call Vector Neuron representations for creating SO(3)-equivariant neural networks for pointcloud processing. Extending neurons from 1D scalars to 3D vectors, our vector neurons enable a simple mapping of SO(3) actions to latent spaces thereby providing a framework for building equivariance in common neural operations -- including linear layers, non-linearities, pooling, and normalizations. Due to their simplicity, vector neurons are versatile and, as we demonstrate, can be incorporated into diverse network architecture backbones, allowing them to process geometry inputs in arbitrary poses. Despite its simplicity, our method performs comparably well in accuracy and generalization with other more complex and specialized state-of-the-art methods on classification and segmentation tasks. We also show for the first time a rotation equivariant reconstruction network.
We propose a data-driven scene flow estimation algorithm exploiting the observation that many 3D scenes can be explained by a collection of agents moving as rigid bodies. At the core of our method lies a deep architecture able to reason at the textbf {object-level} by considering 3D scene flow in conjunction with other 3D tasks. This object level abstraction, enables us to relax the requirement for dense scene flow supervision with simpler binary background segmentation mask and ego-motion annotations. Our mild supervision requirements make our method well suited for recently released massive data collections for autonomous driving, which do not contain dense scene flow annotations. As output, our model provides low-level cues like pointwise flow and higher-level cues such as holistic scene understanding at the level of rigid objects. We further propose a test-time optimization refining the predicted rigid scene flow. We showcase the effectiveness and generalization capacity of our method on four different autonomous driving datasets. We release our source code and pre-trained models under url{github.com/zgojcic/Rigid3DSceneFlow}.
We propose a self-supervised framework to learn scene representations from video that are automatically delineated into background, characters, and their animations. Our method capitalizes on moving characters being equivariant with respect to their transformation across frames and the background being constant with respect to that same transformation. After training, we can manipulate image encodings in real time to create unseen combinations of the delineated components. As far as we know, we are the first method to perform unsupervised extraction and synthesis of interpretable background, character, and animation. We demonstrate results on three datasets: Moving MNIST with backgrounds, 2D video game sprites, and Fashion Modeling.
We introduce a technique for 3D human keypoint estimation that directly models the notion of spatial uncertainty of a keypoint. Our technique employs a principled approach to modelling spatial uncertainty inspired from techniques in robust statistics . Furthermore, our pipeline requires no 3D ground truth labels, relying instead on (possibly noisy) 2D image-level keypoints. Our method achieves near state-of-the-art performance on Human3.6m while being efficient to evaluate and straightforward to
75 - He Wang , Yezhen Cong , Or Litany 2020
3D object detection is an important yet demanding task that heavily relies on difficult to obtain 3D annotations. To reduce the required amount of supervision, we propose 3DIoUMatch, a novel semi-supervised method for 3D object detection applicable t o both indoor and outdoor scenes. We leverage a teacher-student mutual learning framework to propagate information from the labeled to the unlabeled train set in the form of pseudo-labels. However, due to the high task complexity, we observe that the pseudo-labels suffer from significant noise and are thus not directly usable. To that end, we introduce a confidence-based filtering mechanism, inspired by FixMatch. We set confidence thresholds based upon the predicted objectness and class probability to filter low-quality pseudo-labels. While effective, we observe that these two measures do not sufficiently capture localization quality. We therefore propose to use the estimated 3D IoU as a localization metric and set category-aware self-adjusted thresholds to filter poorly localized proposals. We adopt VoteNet as our backbone detector on indoor datasets while we use PV-RCNN on the autonomous driving dataset, KITTI. Our method consistently improves state-of-the-art methods on both ScanNet and SUN-RGBD benchmarks by significant margins under all label ratios (including fully labeled setting). For example, when training using only 10% labeled data on ScanNet, 3DIoUMatch achieves 7.7% absolute improvement on [email protected] and 8.5% absolute improvement on [email protected] upon the prior art. On KITTI, we are the first to demonstrate semi-supervised 3D object detection and our method surpasses a fully supervised baseline from 1.8% to 7.6% under different label ratios and categories.
Shape correspondence is a fundamental problem in computer graphics and vision, with applications in various problems including animation, texture mapping, robotic vision, medical imaging, archaeology and many more. In settings where the shapes are al lowed to undergo non-rigid deformations and only partial views are available, the problem becomes very challenging. To this end, we present a non-rigid multi-part shape matching algorithm. We assume to be given a reference shape and its multiple parts undergoing a non-rigid deformation. Each of these query parts can be additionally contaminated by clutter, may overlap with other parts, and there might be missing parts or redundant ones. Our method simultaneously solves for the segmentation of the reference model, and for a dense correspondence to (subsets of) the parts. Experimental results on synthetic as well as real scans demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in dealing with this challenging matching scenario.
We propose a self-supervised framework to learn scene representations from video that are automatically delineated into objects and background. Our method relies on moving objects being equivariant with respect to their transformation across frames a nd the background being constant. After training, we can manipulate and render the scenes in real time to create unseen combinations of objects, transformations, and backgrounds. We show results on moving MNIST with backgrounds.
We present an approach for aggregating a sparse set of views of an object in order to compute a semi-implicit 3D representation in the form of a volumetric feature grid. Key to our approach is an object-centric canonical 3D coordinate system into whi ch views can be lifted, without explicit camera pose estimation, and then combined -- in a manner that can accommodate a variable number of views and is view order independent. We show that computing a symmetry-aware mapping from pixels to the canonical coordinate system allows us to better propagate information to unseen regions, as well as to robustly overcome pose ambiguities during inference. Our aggregate representation enables us to perform 3D inference tasks like volumetric reconstruction and novel view synthesis, and we use these tasks to demonstrate the benefits of our aggregation approach as compared to implicit or camera-centric alternatives.
We seek to learn a representation on a large annotated data source that generalizes to a target domain using limited new supervision. Many prior approaches to this problem have focused on learning disentangled representations so that as individual fa ctors vary in a new domain, only a portion of the representation need be updated. In this work, we seek the generalization power of disentangled representations, but relax the requirement of explicit latent disentanglement and instead encourage linearity of individual factors of variation by requiring them to be manipulable by learned linear transformations. We dub these transformations latent canonicalizers, as they aim to modify the value of a factor to a pre-determined (but arbitrary) canonical value (e.g., recoloring the image foreground to black). Assuming a source domain with access to meta-labels specifying the factors of variation within an image, we demonstrate experimentally that our method helps reduce the number of observations needed to generalize to a similar target domain when compared to a number of supervised baselines.

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