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122 - Nathan Berkovits 2013
A covariant map between the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz (RNS) and pure spinor formalisms for the superstring is found which transforms the RNS and pure spinor BRST operators into each other. The key ingredient is a dynamical twisting of the ten spin-half RN S fermions into five spin-one and five spin-zero fermions using bosonic pure spinors that parameterize an SO(10)/U(5) coset. The map relates massless vertex operators in the two formalisms, and gives a new description of Ramond states which does not require spin fields. An argument is proposed for relating the amplitude prescriptions in the two formalisms.
115 - Nathan Berkovits 2013
Mason and Skinner recently constructed a chiral infinite tension limit of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz superstring which was shown to compute the Cachazo-He-Yuan formulae for tree-level d=10 Yang-Mills amplitudes and the NS-NS sector of tree-level d=10 s upergravity amplitudes. In this letter, their chiral infinite tension limit is generalized to the pure spinor superstring which computes a d=10 superspace version of the Cachazo-He-Yuan formulae for tree-level d=10 super-Yang-Mills and supergravity amplitudes.
In the pure spinor formalism for the superstring, the b-ghost is a composite operator satisfying {Q,b}=T where Q is the pure spinor BRST operator and T is the holomorphic stress tensor. The b-ghost is holomorphic in a flat target-space background, bu t it is not holomorphic in a generic curved target-space background and instead satisfies $barpartial b$ = [Q, Omega] for some Omega. In this paper, Omega is explicitly constructed for the case of an open superstring in a super-Maxwell background.
329 - Nathan Berkovits 2013
After adding an RNS-like fermionic vector psi^m to the pure spinor formalism, the non-minimal b ghost takes a simple form similar to the pure spinor BRST operator. The N=2 superconformal field theory generated by the b ghost and the BRST current can be interpreted as a dynamical twisting of the RNS formalism where the choice of which spin half psi^m variables are twisted into spin 0 and spin 1 variables is determined by the pure spinor variables that parameterize the coset SO(10)/U(5).
213 - Nathan Berkovits 2012
In the conventional BV description of string field theory, the string field Phi is split as Phi = Psi+Psi* where Psi includes all states with ghost number less than or equal to G and describes the spacetime fields, and Psi* includes all states with g host number >G and describes the spacetime antifields. A new approach is proposed here in which separate string fields Psi and Psi* of unrestricted ghost number describe the spacetime fields and antifields. The string antifield Psi* is constrained to satisfy Psi* = {partial L}/{partial(Q Psi)} where L is the BV Lagrangian and Q is the worldsheet BRST operator. Dirac antibrackets are defined using this constraint, and the resulting description is equivalent to the conventional BV description for open and closed bosonic string field theory. For open superstring field theory, this constrained BV description is much simpler than the conventional BV description and allows the BV action to be expressed in the same WZW-like form as the classical action.

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